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  1. Worked around this. Used Euphy's old eA quest shop. I'll try this using old clients when i have the time. Thanks.
  2. No errors on time freeze. Still a problem, guess harmony can block WPE and RPE for the exploit. But this bug sure is a handful. And i can't migrate to rAthena. My sponsor won't allow it. *sigh*
  3. I read the bug tracker on eA. Said the exploit through WPE was fixed some revisions back. And this is on eAMod. The number did come out. And after i tried buying an item, the whole thing froze. Can't move/chat and other stuff.
  4. Has anyone experienced this weird bug yet? It's on eA.
  5. Sorry 'bout those errors. I'm kinda new to this whole loop thing and i've been awake for almost two days now. Btw, i never even thought of using 2 loops. Thanks mate.
  6. Man, this loop thing is creeping me out. :3 Btw, is this right? EDIT: Oops. Sorry, post's not in the right place for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@names$); .@i + 1) { .@checkcount = .@checkcount + 1; .@currentcheck$ = getcharip(.@names$[.@i]); if(.@currentcheck$ == getcharip(.@names$[.@checkcount])) .@dual = .@dual + 1 }
  7. I think he's looking for something like random warp on fly wing with all party members. set .@pid,getcharid(1); set .@map$,strcharinfo(3); addrid(2,0,.@pid); warp .@map$,0,0;
  8. Haven't tried this yet. Rushed too. Lol. http://pastebin.com/B0dwQd17
  9. function script warpto_func { set .@pid,getcharid(1); if(!isloggedin(getcharid(3,getarg(0,"")))) { dispbottom "Player is either offline or doesn't exist."; getitem 501,1; //If you want to get the item back on input fail. } else { addrid(2,0,.@pid); atcommand "@goto "+getarg(0,""); } end; } Try this.
  10. So it'd be like? addrid(0); if(!#toughppl) end; announce "Hey you're a tough guy!",bc_npc|bc_self; end;
  11. Can you show us the script of the ladder, with that #toughppl variable?
  12. Sorry 'bout that missing parenthesis. You could use callfunc command as Skorm said. It's more convenient and easy to manage. Here. 7099,Old_Magic_Circle,Worn-out Magic Scroll,3,773,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ input @warpto$; if(!isloggedin(getcharid(3,@warpto$))) { dispbottom "Player is either offline or doesn't exist."; getitem 7099,1; } atcommand "@goto "+@warpto$; end; },{},{}
  13. oh sorry i forgot to ask..how can i use this points that im receiving? You can use it to purchase items. You can use this and set the currency value to #CASHPOINTS. Oh ok btw sorry im noob on that OnMinute,, what should i do if i want to make it 1hour? sir i got error.. Oh its ok now but the problem is getitem .cards[ .random ], 1; <<<this one..how can i change it to i am the one who will give cards to have a points? prontera,150,150,0 script Sample 100,{ OnMinute00: setarray .cards[0], 4001,4002,4003,4004,4005,4006,4007; // <id> setarray .amount[0], 10,5,2,6,7,8,9; // <points> attachrid(getcharid(3,strcharinfo(0)); set .random, rand( getarraysize( .cards ) ); getitem .cards[ .random ], 1; set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + @amount[ .random ]; end; } here is the error Sorry 'bout that. prontera,150,150,0 script Sample 100,{ OnMinute00: setarray .cards[0], 4001,4002,4003,4004,4005,4006,4007; // <id> setarray .amount[0], 10,5,2,6,7,8,9; // <points> set @receiver$,strcharinfo(0); attachrid(getcharid(3,@receiver$)); set .random, rand( getarraysize( .cards ) ); getitem .cards[ .random ], 1; #CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + @amount[ .random ]; end; } Or this. Even i'm confused now @.@ prontera,150,150,0 script Sample 100,{ OnMinute00: setarray .cards[0], 4001,4002,4003,4004,4005,4006,4007; // <id> setarray .amount[0], 10,5,2,6,7,8,9; // <points> addrid(0); set .random, rand( getarraysize( .cards ) ); getitem .cards[ .random ], 1; #CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + @amount[ .random ]; end; }
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