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Why do i get disconencted when I use my added @go map..

 * @go [city_number or city_name] - Updated by Harbin
	int i;
	int town;
	char map_name[MAP_NAME_LENGTH];
	int16 m;

	const struct {
		char map[MAP_NAME_LENGTH];
		int x, y;
	} data[] = {
		{ MAP_PRONTERA,      156,  81 }, //  0=Prontera
		{ MAP_MORROC,        156,  93 }, //  1=Morroc
		{ MAP_GEFFEN,        119,  59 }, //  2=Geffen
		{ MAP_PAYON,         162, 233 }, //  3=Payon
		{ MAP_ALBERTA,       192, 147 }, //  4=Alberta
#ifdef RENEWAL
		{ MAP_IZLUDE,        128, 146 }, //  5=Izlude (Renewal)
		{ MAP_IZLUDE,        128, 114 }, //  5=Izlude
		{ MAP_ALDEBARAN,     140, 131 }, //  6=Al de Baran
		{ MAP_LUTIE,         147, 134 }, //  7=Lutie
		{ MAP_COMODO,        209, 143 }, //  8=Comodo
		{ MAP_YUNO,          157,  51 }, //  9=Yuno
		{ MAP_AMATSU,        198,  84 }, // 10=Amatsu
		{ MAP_GONRYUN,       160, 120 }, // 11=Gonryun
		{ MAP_UMBALA,         89, 157 }, // 12=Umbala
		{ MAP_NIFLHEIM,       21, 153 }, // 13=Niflheim
		{ MAP_LOUYANG,       217,  40 }, // 14=Louyang
		{ MAP_NOVICE,        53, 111 }, // 15=Training Grounds
		{ MAP_JAIL,           23,  61 }, // 16=Prison
		{ MAP_JAWAII,        249, 127 }, // 17=Jawaii
		{ MAP_AYOTHAYA,      151, 117 }, // 18=Ayothaya
		{ MAP_EINBROCH,       64, 200 }, // 19=Einbroch
		{ MAP_LIGHTHALZEN,   158,  92 }, // 20=Lighthalzen
		{ MAP_EINBECH,        70,  95 }, // 21=Einbech
		{ MAP_HUGEL,          96, 145 }, // 22=Hugel
		{ MAP_RACHEL,        130, 110 }, // 23=Rachel
		{ MAP_VEINS,           216, 123 }, // 24=Veins
		{ MAP_MOSCOVIA,      223, 184 }, // 25=Moscovia
		{ MAP_MIDCAMP,       180, 240 }, // 26=Midgard Camp
		{ MAP_MANUK,         282, 138 }, // 27=Manuk
		{ MAP_SPLENDIDE,     201, 147 }, // 28=Splendide
		{ MAP_BRASILIS,      182, 239 }, // 29=Brasilis
		{ MAP_DICASTES,      198, 187 }, // 30=El Dicastes
		{ MAP_MORA,           44, 151 }, // 31=Mora
		{ MAP_DEWATA,        200, 180 }, // 32=Dewata
		{ MAP_MALANGDO,      140, 114 }, // 33=Malangdo Island
		{ MAP_MALAYA,        242, 211 }, // 34=Malaya Port
		{ MAP_ECLAGE,        110,  39 }, // 35=Eclage
		{ MAP_WAITING_ROOM,  100, 115 }, // 36=CERO Mall

	nullpo_retr(-1, sd);

	if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.nogo && !pc_has_permission(sd, PC_PERM_WARP_ANYWHERE) ) {
		clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,msg_txt(sd,995)); // You cannot use @go on this map.
		return 0;

	memset(map_name, '\0', sizeof(map_name));
	memset(atcmd_output, '\0', sizeof(atcmd_output));

	// get the number
	town = atoi(message);

	if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%11s", map_name) < 1 || town < 0 || town >= ARRAYLENGTH(data))
	{// no value matched so send the list of locations
		const char* text;

		// attempt to find the text help string
		text = atcommand_help_string( command );

		clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,38)); // Invalid location number, or name.

		if( text )
		{// send the text to the client
			clif_displaymessage( fd, text );

		return -1;

	// get possible name of the city
	map_name[MAP_NAME_LENGTH-1] = '\0';
	for (i = 0; map_name[i]; i++)
		map_name[i] = TOLOWER(map_name[i]);
	// try to identify the map name
	if (strncmp(map_name, "prontera", 3) == 0) {
		town = 0;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "morocc", 4) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "morroc", 4) == 0) {
		town = 1;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "geffen", 3) == 0) {
		town = 2;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "payon", 3) == 0) {
		town = 3;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "alberta", 3) == 0) {
		town = 4;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "izlude", 3) == 0) {
		town = 5;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "aldebaran", 3) == 0) {
		town = 6;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "lutie", 3) == 0 ||
	           strcmp(map_name,  "christmas") == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "xmas", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "x-mas", 3) == 0) {
		town = 7;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "comodo", 3) == 0) {
		town = 8;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "juno", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "yuno", 3) == 0) {
		town = 9;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "amatsu", 3) == 0) {
		town = 10;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "kunlun", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "gonryun", 3) == 0) {
		town = 11;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "umbala", 3) == 0) {
		town = 12;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "niflheim", 3) == 0) {
		town = 13;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "louyang", 3) == 0) {
		town = 14;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "new_1-1", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "startpoint", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "beginning", 3) == 0) {
		town = 15;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "sec_pri", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "prison", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "jail", 3) == 0) {
		town = 16;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "jawaii", 3) == 0) {
		town = 17;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "ayothaya", 3) == 0) {
		town = 18;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "einbroch", 5) == 0) {
		town = 19;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "lighthalzen", 3) == 0) {
		town = 20;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "einbech", 5) == 0) {
		town = 21;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "hugel", 3) == 0) {
		town = 22;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "rachel", 3) == 0) {
		town = 23;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "veins", 3) == 0) {
		town = 24;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "moscovia", 3) == 0) {
		town = 25;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "mid_camp", 3) == 0) {
		town = 26;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "manuk", 3) == 0) {
		town = 27;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "splendide", 3) == 0) {
		town = 28;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "brasilis", 3) == 0) {
		town = 29;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "dicastes01", 3) == 0) {
		town = 30;
	} else if (strcmp(map_name,  "mora") == 0) {
		town = 31;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "dewata", 3) == 0) {
		town = 32;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "malangdo", 5) == 0) {
		town = 33;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "malaya", 5) == 0) {
		town = 34;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "eclage", 3) == 0) {
		town = 35;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "waiting_room", 3) == 0) {
		town = 36;

	if (town >= 0 && town < ARRAYLENGTH(data))
		m = map_mapname2mapid(data[town].map);
		if (m >= 0 && map[m].flag.nowarpto && !pc_has_permission(sd, PC_PERM_WARP_ANYWHERE)) {
			clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,247));
			return -1;
		if (sd->bl.m >= 0 && map[sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp && !pc_has_permission(sd, PC_PERM_WARP_ANYWHERE)) {
			clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,248));
			return -1;
		if (pc_setpos(sd, mapindex_name2id(data[town].map), data[town].x, data[town].y, CLR_TELEPORT) == 0) {
			clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,0)); // Warped.
		} else {
			clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,1)); // Map not found.
			return -1;
	} else { // if you arrive here, you have an error in town variable when reading of names
		clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,38)); // Invalid location number or name.
		return -1;

	return 0;




//Some definitions for the mayor city maps.
#define MAP_PRONTERA "prontera"
#define MAP_GEFFEN "geffen"
#define MAP_MORROC "morocc"
#define MAP_ALBERTA "alberta"
#define MAP_PAYON "payon"
#define MAP_IZLUDE "izlude"
#define MAP_ALDEBARAN "aldebaran"
#define MAP_LUTIE "xmas"
#define MAP_COMODO "comodo"
#define MAP_YUNO "yuno"
#define MAP_AMATSU "amatsu"
#define MAP_GONRYUN "gonryun"
#define MAP_UMBALA "umbala"
#define MAP_NIFLHEIM "niflheim"
#define MAP_LOUYANG "louyang"
#define MAP_JAWAII "jawaii"
#define MAP_AYOTHAYA "ayothaya"
#define MAP_EINBROCH "einbroch"
#define MAP_LIGHTHALZEN "lighthalzen"
#define MAP_EINBECH "einbech"
#define MAP_HUGEL "hugel"
#define MAP_RACHEL "rachel"
#define MAP_VEINS "veins"
#define MAP_JAIL "sec_pri"
#define MAP_NOVICE "new_1-1"
#define MAP_MOSCOVIA "moscovia"
#define MAP_MIDCAMP "mid_camp"
#define MAP_MANUK "manuk"
#define MAP_SPLENDIDE "splendide"
#define MAP_BRASILIS "brasilis"
#define MAP_DICASTES "dicastes01"
#define MAP_MORA "mora"
#define MAP_DEWATA "dewata"
#define MAP_MALANGDO "malangdo"
#define MAP_MALAYA "malaya"
#define MAP_ECLAGE "eclage"
#define MAP_ECLAGE_IN "ecl_in01"
#define MAP_WAITING_ROOM "turbo_room"




go: "Params: <city name|number>\n" "Warps you to a city.\n"
	"  -3: (Memo point 2)      14: louyang             31: mora\n"
	"  -2: (Memo point 1)      15: start point         32: dewata\n"
	"  -1: (Memo point 0)      16: prison/jail         33: malangdo island\n"
	"   0: prontera            17: jawaii              34: malaya port\n"
	"   1: morocc              18: ayothaya            35: eclage\n"
	"   2: geffen              19: einbroch\n"         36: CERO Mall\n"
	"   3: payon               20: lighthalzen\n"
	"   4: alberta             21: einbech\n"
	"   5: izlude              22: hugel\n"
	"   6: aldebaran           23: rachel\n"
	"   7: xmas (lutie)        24: veins\n"
	"   8: comodo              25: moscovia\n"
	"   9: yuno                26: midgard camp\n"
	"  10: amatsu              27: manuk\n"
	"  11: gonryun             28: splendide\n"
	"  12: umbala              29: brasilis\n"
	"  13: niflheim            30: el dicastes\n"



when ever I use @go36 or just @go to look at available maps, the game crashes..


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" 2: geffen 19: einbroch 36: CERO Mall\n


no \n einbroch

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What do you mean by the 'Game Crashes'


Do you mean your server crashes or just the client?

If it is your client that is crashing. Notice if it is crashing prior to the load or after the load.


When it is crashing prior to the map load, it means you do NOT have the map file.

When it is crashing after the load, there is something else that is erroring you, like an NPC.


If its a server crash, then it's probably what Julio stated.

Edited by Evelynn
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What do you mean by the 'Game Crashes'


Do you mean your server crashes or just the client?

If it is your client that is crashing. Notice if it is crashing prior to the load or after the load.


When it is crashing prior to the map load, it means you do NOT have the map file.

When it is crashing after the load, there is something else that is erroring you, like an NPC.


If its a server crash, then it's probably what Julio stated.



just the client. and it crashes prior it loads the map. I can go to the map with @warp but now with @go..

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Try changing what Julio stated and try again.


Make sure the map coordinates on the @go function / mapindex are correct.


If this doesn't work, try with another map, like a town just to test it.

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" 2: geffen 19: einbroch 36: CERO Mall\n


no \n einbroch


Julio solved it.. should have checked it the first time since that is my first name.. /heh

Thanks for the help..

Why do i get disconencted when I use my added @go map..




 * @go [city_number or city_name] - Updated by Harbin
	int i;
	int town;
	char map_name[MAP_NAME_LENGTH];
	int16 m;

	const struct {
		char map[MAP_NAME_LENGTH];
		int x, y;
	} data[] = {
		{ MAP_PRONTERA,      156,  81 }, //  0=Prontera
		{ MAP_MORROC,        156,  93 }, //  1=Morroc
		{ MAP_GEFFEN,        119,  59 }, //  2=Geffen
		{ MAP_PAYON,         162, 233 }, //  3=Payon
		{ MAP_ALBERTA,       192, 147 }, //  4=Alberta
#ifdef RENEWAL
		{ MAP_IZLUDE,        128, 146 }, //  5=Izlude (Renewal)
		{ MAP_IZLUDE,        128, 114 }, //  5=Izlude
		{ MAP_ALDEBARAN,     140, 131 }, //  6=Al de Baran
		{ MAP_LUTIE,         147, 134 }, //  7=Lutie
		{ MAP_COMODO,        209, 143 }, //  8=Comodo
		{ MAP_YUNO,          157,  51 }, //  9=Yuno
		{ MAP_AMATSU,        198,  84 }, // 10=Amatsu
		{ MAP_GONRYUN,       160, 120 }, // 11=Gonryun
		{ MAP_UMBALA,         89, 157 }, // 12=Umbala
		{ MAP_NIFLHEIM,       21, 153 }, // 13=Niflheim
		{ MAP_LOUYANG,       217,  40 }, // 14=Louyang
		{ MAP_NOVICE,        53, 111 }, // 15=Training Grounds
		{ MAP_JAIL,           23,  61 }, // 16=Prison
		{ MAP_JAWAII,        249, 127 }, // 17=Jawaii
		{ MAP_AYOTHAYA,      151, 117 }, // 18=Ayothaya
		{ MAP_EINBROCH,       64, 200 }, // 19=Einbroch
		{ MAP_LIGHTHALZEN,   158,  92 }, // 20=Lighthalzen
		{ MAP_EINBECH,        70,  95 }, // 21=Einbech
		{ MAP_HUGEL,          96, 145 }, // 22=Hugel
		{ MAP_RACHEL,        130, 110 }, // 23=Rachel
		{ MAP_VEINS,           216, 123 }, // 24=Veins
		{ MAP_MOSCOVIA,      223, 184 }, // 25=Moscovia
		{ MAP_MIDCAMP,       180, 240 }, // 26=Midgard Camp
		{ MAP_MANUK,         282, 138 }, // 27=Manuk
		{ MAP_SPLENDIDE,     201, 147 }, // 28=Splendide
		{ MAP_BRASILIS,      182, 239 }, // 29=Brasilis
		{ MAP_DICASTES,      198, 187 }, // 30=El Dicastes
		{ MAP_MORA,           44, 151 }, // 31=Mora
		{ MAP_DEWATA,        200, 180 }, // 32=Dewata
		{ MAP_MALANGDO,      140, 114 }, // 33=Malangdo Island
		{ MAP_MALAYA,        242, 211 }, // 34=Malaya Port
		{ MAP_ECLAGE,        110,  39 }, // 35=Eclage
		{ MAP_TURBO_ROOM,    100, 115 }, // 36=CERO Mall

	nullpo_retr(-1, sd);

	if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.nogo && !pc_has_permission(sd, PC_PERM_WARP_ANYWHERE) ) {
		clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,msg_txt(sd,995)); // You cannot use @go on this map.
		return 0;

	memset(map_name, '\0', sizeof(map_name));
	memset(atcmd_output, '\0', sizeof(atcmd_output));

	// get the number
	town = atoi(message);

	if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%11s", map_name) < 1 || town < 0 || town >= ARRAYLENGTH(data))
	{// no value matched so send the list of locations
		const char* text;

		// attempt to find the text help string
		text = atcommand_help_string( command );

		clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,38)); // Invalid location number, or name.

		if( text )
		{// send the text to the client
			clif_displaymessage( fd, text );

		return -1;

	// get possible name of the city
	map_name[MAP_NAME_LENGTH-1] = '\0';
	for (i = 0; map_name[i]; i++)
		map_name[i] = TOLOWER(map_name[i]);
	// try to identify the map name
	if (strncmp(map_name, "prontera", 3) == 0) {
		town = 0;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "morocc", 4) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "morroc", 4) == 0) {
		town = 1;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "geffen", 3) == 0) {
		town = 2;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "payon", 3) == 0) {
		town = 3;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "alberta", 3) == 0) {
		town = 4;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "izlude", 3) == 0) {
		town = 5;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "aldebaran", 3) == 0) {
		town = 6;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "lutie", 3) == 0 ||
	           strcmp(map_name,  "christmas") == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "xmas", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "x-mas", 3) == 0) {
		town = 7;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "comodo", 3) == 0) {
		town = 8;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "juno", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "yuno", 3) == 0) {
		town = 9;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "amatsu", 3) == 0) {
		town = 10;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "kunlun", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "gonryun", 3) == 0) {
		town = 11;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "umbala", 3) == 0) {
		town = 12;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "niflheim", 3) == 0) {
		town = 13;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "louyang", 3) == 0) {
		town = 14;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "new_1-1", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "startpoint", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "beginning", 3) == 0) {
		town = 15;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "sec_pri", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "prison", 3) == 0 ||
	           strncmp(map_name, "jail", 3) == 0) {
		town = 16;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "jawaii", 3) == 0) {
		town = 17;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "ayothaya", 3) == 0) {
		town = 18;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "einbroch", 5) == 0) {
		town = 19;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "lighthalzen", 3) == 0) {
		town = 20;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "einbech", 5) == 0) {
		town = 21;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "hugel", 3) == 0) {
		town = 22;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "rachel", 3) == 0) {
		town = 23;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "veins", 3) == 0) {
		town = 24;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "moscovia", 3) == 0) {
		town = 25;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "mid_camp", 3) == 0) {
		town = 26;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "manuk", 3) == 0) {
		town = 27;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "splendide", 3) == 0) {
		town = 28;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "brasilis", 3) == 0) {
		town = 29;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "dicastes01", 3) == 0) {
		town = 30;
	} else if (strcmp(map_name,  "mora") == 0) {
		town = 31;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "dewata", 3) == 0) {
		town = 32;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "malangdo", 5) == 0) {
		town = 33;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "malaya", 5) == 0) {
		town = 34;
	} else if (strncmp(map_name, "eclage", 3) == 0) {
		town = 35;
     } else if (strncmp(map_name, "turbo_room", 3) == 0) {
         town = 36;
} if (town >= 0 && town < ARRAYLENGTH(data)) { m = map_mapname2mapid(data[town].map); if (m >= 0 && map[m].flag.nowarpto && !pc_has_permission(sd, PC_PERM_WARP_ANYWHERE)) { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,247)); return -1; } if (sd->bl.m >= 0 && map[sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp && !pc_has_permission(sd, PC_PERM_WARP_ANYWHERE)) { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,248)); return -1; } if (pc_setpos(sd, mapindex_name2id(data[town].map), data[town].x, data[town].y, CLR_TELEPORT) == 0) { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,0)); // Warped. } else { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,1)); // Map not found. return -1; } } else { // if you arrive here, you have an error in town variable when reading of names clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,38)); // Invalid location number or name. return -1; } return 0; }




//Some definitions for the mayor city maps.
#define MAP_PRONTERA "prontera"
#define MAP_GEFFEN "geffen"
#define MAP_MORROC "morocc"
#define MAP_ALBERTA "alberta"
#define MAP_PAYON "payon"
#define MAP_IZLUDE "izlude"
#define MAP_ALDEBARAN "aldebaran"
#define MAP_LUTIE "xmas"
#define MAP_COMODO "comodo"
#define MAP_YUNO "yuno"
#define MAP_AMATSU "amatsu"
#define MAP_GONRYUN "gonryun"
#define MAP_UMBALA "umbala"
#define MAP_NIFLHEIM "niflheim"
#define MAP_LOUYANG "louyang"
#define MAP_JAWAII "jawaii"
#define MAP_AYOTHAYA "ayothaya"
#define MAP_EINBROCH "einbroch"
#define MAP_LIGHTHALZEN "lighthalzen"
#define MAP_EINBECH "einbech"
#define MAP_HUGEL "hugel"
#define MAP_RACHEL "rachel"
#define MAP_VEINS "veins"
#define MAP_JAIL "sec_pri"
#define MAP_NOVICE "new_1-1"
#define MAP_MOSCOVIA "moscovia"
#define MAP_MIDCAMP "mid_camp"
#define MAP_MANUK "manuk"
#define MAP_SPLENDIDE "splendide"
#define MAP_BRASILIS "brasilis"
#define MAP_DICASTES "dicastes01"
#define MAP_MORA "mora"
#define MAP_DEWATA "dewata"
#define MAP_MALANGDO "malangdo"
#define MAP_MALAYA "malaya"
#define MAP_ECLAGE "eclage"
#define MAP_ECLAGE_IN "ecl_in01"
#define MAP_TURBO_ROOM "turbo_room"




go: "Params: <city name|number>\n" "Warps you to a city.\n"
	"  -3: (Memo point 2)      14: louyang             31: mora\n"
	"  -2: (Memo point 1)      15: start point         32: dewata\n"
	"  -1: (Memo point 0)      16: prison/jail         33: malangdo island\n"
	"   0: prontera            17: jawaii              34: malaya port\n"
	"   1: morocc              18: ayothaya            35: eclage\n"
	"   2: geffen              19: einbroch            36: CERO Mall\n"
	"   3: payon               20: lighthalzen\n"
	"   4: alberta             21: einbech\n"
	"   5: izlude              22: hugel\n"
	"   6: aldebaran           23: rachel\n"
	"   7: xmas (lutie)        24: veins\n"
	"   8: comodo              25: moscovia\n"
	"   9: yuno                26: midgard camp\n"
	"  10: amatsu              27: manuk\n"
	"  11: gonryun             28: splendide\n"
	"  12: umbala              29: brasilis\n"
	"  13: niflheim            30: el dicastes\n"



when ever I use @go36 or just @go to look at available maps, the game crashes..



I now have a problem, I don't get disconnected anymore but it keeps on failing when I use @go 36.


turbo_room.rsw#CERO Mall#

here is what I have in mapnametable.txt


and also I'm trying to change the coordinates of @go of different cities but when I save the file, I go out of the game and restart my server, after that, when I go back to the game, the @warp coordinates goes back to default in game.. But the file has the coordinates I edited..

Edited by 8joax8
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