jkasdhuhu8e4h1u23 Posted February 4 Group: Members Topic Count: 1 Topics Per Day: 0.00 Content Count: 2 Reputation: 0 Joined: 08/26/14 Last Seen: Saturday at 09:07 AM Share Posted February 4 hi everyone i would like to ask a support if what should i revise with this script, this works well with hercules emulator, im slowly migrating to rathena, this npc doesnt works in rathena pls see below script. massrefiner.txt Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 jkasdhuhu8e4h1u23 Posted February 4 Group: Members Topic Count: 1 Topics Per Day: 0.00 Content Count: 2 Reputation: 0 Joined: 08/26/14 Last Seen: Saturday at 09:07 AM Author Share Posted February 4 6 minutes ago, jkasdhuhu8e4h1u23 said: hi everyone i would like to ask a support if what should i revise with this script, this works well with hercules emulator, im slowly migrating to rathena, this npc doesnt works in rathena pls see below script. massrefiner.txt //= Refines many items (2+) at one time. //============================================================ - script Mass_Refiner FAKE_NPC,{ mes("Is mass refining"); mes("For real?"); mes("I'm kinda confused"); mes("they said"); mes("its impossible because it involves more zeny"); mes("but …"); mes("its fine but its on your own risk"); mes("(said by whom)"); mes("(Also this isnt just some RO)"); mes("(Fineee... kekekekke)"); next(); while (true) { .@Menu$ = ""; if (.@j > 0) { deletearray(.@Menu); .@j = 0; } .@weight = 100 * Weight / MaxWeight; if( 50 <= .@weight ) { mes .n$; mes "You are currently at "+ .@weight +" percent of your maximum weight."; close; } getinventorylist(); for (.@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++) { .@id = @inventorylist_id[.@i]; if (.@id == -1) continue; if (countitem(.@id) < 2) continue; if (getiteminfo(.@id, ITEMINFO_TYPE) == IT_WEAPON || getiteminfo(.@id, ITEMINFO_TYPE) == IT_ARMOR) { // Ignore if accessory or costume .@Loc = getiteminfo(.@id, ITEMINFO_LOC); if !(.@Loc & EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP) && !(.@Loc & EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_MID) && !(.@Loc & EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW) && (.@Loc != EQP_ACC) { // ignore if already in array if (array_find(.@Menu, .@id) == -1) { .@Menu$ += sprintf("%s [%d] x%d:", getitemname(.@id), getiteminfo(.@id, ITEMINFO_SLOTS), countitem(.@id)); .@Menu[.@j] = .@id; .@j++; } } } } .@Menu$ += "^008800Help.^000000:"; .@Menu$ += "^777777Cancel.^000000"; if (.@j < 1) { mes(.@name$); mes("I am the mass refiner,"); mes("but you need to have"); mes("more than one of a weapon"); mes("or armor to mass refine."); close(); } mes(.@name$); mes("Choose an item to mass"); mes("refine. You must be able"); mes("to equip it, otherwise"); mes("I can't help you."); next(); .@i = select(.@Menu$) - 1; if (.@i == .@j + 1) callsub(S_Cancel); else if (.@i == .@j) { mes(.@name$); mes("My service is mass refining"); mes("equipment. In order to"); mes("do so, the following"); mes("criteria must be met:"); next(); mes(.@name$); mes("1. You can equip the item."); mes("2. You have at least 2"); mes("of the item."); mes("3. The item(s) can be"); mes("further refined."); mes("4. You have enough materials"); mes("and zeny."); next(); mes(.@name$); mes("Prices are as follows:"); mes("(per refine level and item)"); mes("^000088Armors:^000000 1x Elunium, 20,000z."); mes("^000088Lv1 Weapon:^000000 1x Phracon, 10,000z."); mes("^000088Lv2 Weapon:^000000 1x Emveretarcon, 20,000z."); mes("^000088Lv3 Weapon:^000000 1x Oridecon, 30,000z."); mes("^000088Lv4 Weapon:^000000 1x Oridecon, 40,000z."); next(); continue; } break; } .@id = .@Menu[.@i]; switch (getiteminfo(.@id, ITEMINFO_LOC)) { case EQP_HEAD_TOP: .@Part = EQI_HEAD_TOP; break; case EQP_HEAD_MID: .@Part = EQI_HEAD_MID; break; case EQP_HEAD_LOW: .@Part = EQI_HEAD_LOW; break; case EQP_ARMOR: .@Part = EQI_ARMOR; break; case EQP_WEAPON: .@Part = EQI_HAND_R; break; case EQP_SHIELD: .@Part = EQI_HAND_L; break; case EQP_GARMENT: .@Part = EQI_GARMENT; break; case EQP_SHOES: .@Part = EQI_SHOES; break; } if (getequipid(.@Part) != .@id) { if (equip(.@id) != 1) { mes(.@name$); mes("You need to be able"); mes("to equip an item to"); mes("mass refine it."); close(); } } mes(.@name$); mes("When do you want the"); mes("refine attempts to end?"); next(); while (input(.@End, 1, 10) != 0) { mes(.@name$); mes("Please input a number"); mes("from 1 to 10."); next(); if (select("Retry.", "^777777Cancel.^000000") == 2) callsub(S_Cancel); } switch (getequipweaponlv(.@Part)) { case 0: .@material = Elunium; .@Price = 20000; setarray(.@Chance[1], 100, 100, 100, 100, 60, 40, 40, 20, 20, 9); break; case 1: .@material = Phracon; .@Price = 10000; setarray(.@Chance[1], 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 60, 40, 19); break; case 2: .@material = Emveretarcon; .@Price = 20000; setarray(.@Chance[1], 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 60, 40, 20, 19); break; case 3: .@material = Oridecon; .@Price = 30000; setarray(.@Chance[1], 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 60, 50, 20, 20, 19); break; case 4: .@material = Oridecon; .@Price = 40000; setarray(.@Chance[1], 100, 100, 100, 100, 60, 40, 40, 20, 20, 9); break; } if (getequipid(.@Part) == .@id) unequip(.@Part); .@count = countitem(.@id); mes(.@name$); mes("Please confirm you want"); mes("to attempt to refine all"); mesf("^ff0000%d^000000 of your ^ff0000%s^000000 until ^ff0000+%d^000000.", .@count, getitemname(.@id), .@End); mes("It will cost you up to"); mesf("^ff0000%s^000000z and up to", F_PriceString(.@Price * .@End)); mesf("^ff0000%d %s^000000 per attempt.", .@End, getitemname(.@material)); next(); mes(.@name$); mes("If you run out of zeny"); mes("or materials, the process"); mes("will stop. I recommend"); mesf("you have at least ^ff0000%d", .@count * .@End); mesf("%s^000000 and ^ff0000%s^000000z.", getitemname(.@material), F_PriceString(.@Price * .@End * .@count)); next(); if (select("^FF8000Confirm, attempt mass refine.^000000", "^777777Cancel.^000000") == 2) callsub(S_Cancel); .@j = 0; .@count = 0; getinventorylistindex(); for (.@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++) { if (@inventorylist_id[.@i] == .@id && @inventorylist_refine[.@i] < .@End && @inventorylist_expire[.@i] == 0) { .@Index[.@j] = .@i; .@j++; .@count++; .@Card = @inventorylist_card1[.@i]; if ((.@Card >= 4000 && .@Card < 5000) || (.@Card >= 27000 && .@Card <= 27100)) .@k++; } } if (.@count == 0) { mes(.@name$); mes("Hmm...seems all versions"); mesf("of '%s [%d]' in your", getitemname(.@id), getiteminfo(.@id, ITEMINFO_SLOTS)); mesf("inventory are already +%d", .@End); mes("or higher."); close(); } if (.@k > 0) { mes(.@name$); mes("Hmm...seems one of your"); mes("items has a card in it."); mes("Continue anyway?"); next(); if (select("^FF8000Confirm, attempt mass refine.^000000", "^777777Cancel.^000000") == 2) callsub(S_Cancel); } mes(.@name$); mes("Attempting mass refine..."); mes("Press next to continue..."); next(); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@count; .@i++) { if (equipidx(.@Index[.@i], .@id) == 0) continue; if (getequipisenableref(.@Part) == 0 || getequipisidentify(.@Part) == 0 || getequiprefinerycnt(.@Part) >= .@End || getequiprefinerycnt(.@Part) >= 10) continue; .@refinecnt = .@End - getequiprefinerycnt(.@Part); .@endcnt = .@refinecnt; .@j = getequiprefinerycnt(.@Part); .@k = 0; while (.@refinecnt > 0 && getequiprefinerycnt(.@Part) < .@End) { .@j++; .@k++; if (.@Chance[.@j] <= rand(100)) break; else .@refinecnt--; } if (Zeny < .@Price * .@k) { mes(.@name$); mes("You ran out of Zeny."); next(); break; } else if (countitem(.@material) < .@k) { mes(.@name$); mesf("You ran out of %s.", getitemname(.@material)); next(); break; } Zeny -= .@Price * .@k; delitem(.@material, .@k); if (.@refinecnt > 0) { delitemidx(.@Index[.@i]); getitem2(.@id, 1, 1, .@j - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); delitem2(.@id, 1, 1, .@j - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); specialeffect(EF_HIT3, AREA, playerattached()); specialeffect(EF_REFINEFAIL, AREA, playerattached()); emotion(e_omg); .@Fail++; } else { successrefitem(.@Part, .@endcnt); emotion(e_no1); emotion(e_thx, true); .@Success++; } if (getequipid(.@Part) == .@id) unequip(.@Part); next(); } mes(.@name$); mes("Mass refine process"); mes("complete. Report:"); mesf("^008800%d success%s.^000000", .@Success, (.@Success == 1) ? "" : "es"); mesf("^ff0000%d failure%s.^000000", .@Fail, F_IntToPlural(.@Fail)); close(); S_Cancel: mes(F_NpcName(strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_VISIBLE))); mes("You said so...hmm...so be it..."); close(); } //=== Duplicates dewata,210,129,4 duplicate(Mass_Refiner) Bogart#ama 4_M_DWARF //turbo_room,93,117,5 duplicate(Blackout_Refiner) Refiner#turbo 4_M_LGTMAN //niflheim,186,198,5 duplicate(Blackout_Refiner) Refiner#nif 4_M_DWARF Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hi everyone i would like to ask a support if what should i revise with this script, this works well with hercules emulator, im slowly migrating to rathena, this npc doesnt works in rathena pls see below script. massrefiner.txt
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