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Need to make this CashPoint Manager NPC work



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I found this on herc, but it seems like it doenst work on rathena
can someone give a working version of this script??
this is the original script i got from herc

// ---
//= Cash Point Manager v1.0 [Rokimoki]
// * Add Cash Points
// * Delete Cash Points
// * Watch Cash Points
// * Notify the player if an admin has added/deleted some cash to you.
// * If the player is online it will tell which GM did.
// * If the player is NOT online will show a notification when logged in but will not tell the GM who did it.
// * Logs system. Must be 'log_npc: true' in conf/map/logs.con file.
//   -> If somebody put wrong password in whisp system.
//   -> If add/delete cash points.
// ---
//= This works if you are online or not, if online don't use SQL if offline use SQL.
// ---
//= v2.0 [Rokimoki]
// * Recycled this old script and adapted to Hercules database
// * Transtaled to English
// ---
-	script	donations	-1,{
if (getgmlevel() < 90) { // If you are not admin just tell you how many cash you have.
	dispbottom "Your have: [" + #CASHPOINTS + "] CashPoints.";
} // End if
if (strcmp(@whispervar0$,"yourpassword") != 0) { // Password system, change 'yourpassword' for any password you want
	logmes "User: " +strcharinfo(0) +" with account_id: " +getcharid(3) +" typed a wrong password, he wrote: " +@whispervar0$; // Just for watch if bruteforcing or something
} // End if
deletearray .@username$[0], 128; // Debug
deletearray .@accid[0], 128;
set .@npcName$, "[^0000FFCashPoint Manager^000000]";
mes .@npcName$;
mes "Hi, I am your assistant, tell me what you need please...";
switch (select("Add Cash Points:Delete Cash Points:Watch Cash Points:End")) {
	case 1: // Add cash points

	case 2: // Delete cash points

	case 3: // Watch cash points
	case 4: // Close
		mes "Good bye...";
} // End switch

OnPCLoginEvent: // Offline notifications
if (#CASHPOINTS < lastCash) dispbottom "Some administrator deleted some CashPoints, current balance: [" + #CASHPOINTS +"], before: [" + lastCash + "]";
else if (#CASHPOINTS > lastCash) dispbottom "Some administrator added some CashPoints, current balance: [" + #CASHPOINTS +"], before: [" + lastCash + "]";
set lastCash, #CASHPOINTS;
} // End Script

function	script	CashPoints	{
mes .@npcName$;
mes "I need to ask you something...";
mes .@npcName$;
if (select("Select by character name:Select by login username") == 1) {
	mes "Input character name: ";
	input .@charName$;
	query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '" +escape_sql(.@charName$) +"'", .@accid[0];
} else {
	mes "Input login username: ";
	input .@loginName$;
	query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '" +escape_sql(.@loginName$) +"'", .@accid[0];
} // End if
if (!.@accid[0]) {
	mes "Invalid information, error occurred: account or character not found.";
} // End if
if (getarg(0) == 3) { // Watch Cash Points
	if (isloggedin(.@accid[0])) { // If player is online
		// Save GM information
		set .@gm$, strcharinfo(0);
		set .@id, getcharid(3);
		// Attach player in this script
		set .@cash, #CASHPOINTS; // Save Cash Points amount
		mes .@npcName$;
		mes "This player has: [^FF0000" +.@cash +"^000000] Cash Points.";
	} else { // If offline
		query_sql "SELECT `value` FROM `acc_reg_num_db` WHERE `key` = '#CASHPOINTS' AND `account_id` = " +.@accid[0], .@value[0]; // Save Cash Points amount
		if (!.@value[0]) mes "He has [^FF00000^000000] Cash Points."; // 0 cash
		else mes "He has [^FF0000" +.@value[0] +"^000000] Cash Points."; // if he has cash
	} // End if
} // End if
mes .@npcName$;
mes "Input Cash Point amount, range: 1~100"; // Change here too if you want to show proper information
input .@amount, -1000, 1000; // Debug
if (.@amount < 1 || .@amount > 100) { // Define in this if the amount you want to limit (just the right part)
	mes .@npcName$;
	mes "Invalid amount, input in the proper range told.";
} // End if
if (isloggedin(.@accid[0])) { // If player is online
	// Save GM information
	set .@gm$, strcharinfo(0);
	set .@id, getcharid(3);
	// Attach player
	set .@cash, #CASHPOINTS; // Save current cash
	if (getarg(0) == 1) { // Add cash
		set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + .@amount; // Add cash
		dispbottom "This admin: [" + .@gm$ +"] added: " +.@amount +" cash points, current balance: [" +#CASHPOINTS + "]"; // Online notification
	} else if (getarg(0) == 2) { // Delete cash
		if (.@cash <= 0) {
			mes .@npcName$;
			mes "You can not delete cash points, this player has no cash points.";
		} else if (.@cash - .@amount < 0) {
			mes .@npcName$;
			mes "You can not delete more cash than he already has, you are allowed to remove: [^FF0000" +.@cash +"^000000] cash points.";
		} // End if
		set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .@amount; // Delete cash
		dispbottom "This admin [" + .@gm$ +"] deleted: " +.@amount +" cash points, current balance: " +#CASHPOINTS; // Online notification
		set .@action, 1; // Cash deleted flag
	} // End if
} else { // If offline
	query_sql "SELECT `key` FROM `acc_reg_num_db` WHERE `account_id` = " + .@accid[0], .@username$[0]; // check current cash
	if (.@username$[0] != "#CASHPOINTS") { // If empty, never had Cash Points
		if (getarg(0) == 1) { // add cash
			query_sql "INSERT INTO `acc_reg_num_db`(`account_id`, `key`, `index`, `value`) VALUES ('" + .@accid[0] + "','#CASHPOINTS','0','" + .@amount + "')"; // create the data
		} else { // delete cash
			mes .@npcName$;
			mes "You can not delete cash points, this player has no cash points.";
		} // End if
	} else { // Player had or has Cash Points
		if (getarg(0) == 1) { // add cash
			query_sql "UPDATE `acc_reg_num_db` SET `value` = `value` + '" +.@amount +"' WHERE `key` = '#CASHPOINTS' and `account_id` = '" +.@accid[0] +"'"; // update cash
		} else { // delete cash
			query_sql "SELECT `value` FROM `acc_reg_num_db` WHERE `key` = '#CASHPOINTS' and `account_id` = " +.@accid[0], .@value[0]; // check current cash
			mes .@npcName$;
			if (.@value[0] <= 0) {
				mes "You can not delete cash points, this player has no cash points.";
			} else if (.@value[0] - .@amount < 0) {
				mes "You can not delete more cash than he already has, you are allowed to remove: [^FF0000" + .@value[0] + "^000000] cash points.";
			} // End if
			query_sql "UPDATE `acc_reg_num_db` SET `value` = `value` - '" + .@amount + "' WHERE `key` = '#CASHPOINTS' and `account_id` = '" + .@accid[0] + "'";
			set .@action, 1; // Cash deleted flag
		} // End if
	} // End if
} // End if
// Saving logs
if (!.@action) logmes "User: " + strcharinfo(0) + " with account_id: " + getcharid(3) + " added " + .@amount +" Cash Points to: " + .@accid[0];
else logmes "User: " + strcharinfo(0) + " with account_id: " + getcharid(3) + " removed " + .@amount +" Cash Points to: " + .@accid[0];
mes "Cash Points successfully sent, when the players log in will receive a notification, thanks for using this service.";
} // End function

Thanks in advance!

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Hi, I changed all acc_reg_num_db to acc_reg_num. This is the correct table name for rAthena.

// ---
//= Cash Point Manager v1.0 [Rokimoki]
// * Add Cash Points
// * Delete Cash Points
// * Watch Cash Points
// * Notify the player if an admin has added/deleted some cash to you.
// * If the player is online it will tell which GM did.
// * If the player is NOT online will show a notification when logged in but will not tell the GM who did it.
// * Logs system. Must be 'log_npc: true' in conf/map/logs.con file.
//   -> If somebody put wrong password in whisp system.
//   -> If add/delete cash points.
// ---
//= This works if you are online or not, if online don't use SQL if offline use SQL.
// ---
//= v2.0 [Rokimoki]
// * Recycled this old script and adapted to Hercules database
// * Transtaled to English
// ---
-	script	donations	-1,{

	.@p$ = "yourpassword";	//Leave empty ("") to disable staff password

	if (getgmlevel() < 90) { // If you are not admin just tell you how many cash you have.
		dispbottom "Your have: [" + #CASHPOINTS + "] CashPoints.";
	} // End if
	if (.@p$ != "" && strcmp(@whispervar0$,.@p$) != 0) { // Password system, change 'yourpassword' for any password you want
		message strcharinfo(0), "CashPoint Manager : Input the correct password.";
		logmes "User: " +strcharinfo(0) +" with account_id: " +getcharid(3) +" typed a wrong password, he wrote: " +@whispervar0$; // Just for watch if bruteforcing or something
	} // End if
	deletearray .@username$[0], 128; // Debug
	deletearray .@accid[0], 128;
	message strcharinfo(0), "CashPoint Manager : Welcome Staff member " + strcharinfo(0) + "!";
	switch (select("Add Cash Points:Delete Cash Points:Watch Cash Points:End")) {
		case 1: // Add cash points
		case 2: // Delete cash points
		case 3: // Watch cash points
		case 4: // Close
	} // End switch

OnPCLoginEvent: // Offline notifications
	if (#CASHPOINTS < lastCash)
		dispbottom "Some administrator deleted some CashPoints, current balance: [" + #CASHPOINTS +"], before: [" + lastCash + "]";
	else if (#CASHPOINTS > lastCash)
		dispbottom "Some administrator added some CashPoints, current balance: [" + #CASHPOINTS +"], before: [" + lastCash + "]";
	set lastCash, #CASHPOINTS;

	bindatcmd strnpcinfo(1),strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnWhisperGlobal";

} // End Script

function	script	CashPoints	{
	if (select("Select by character name:Select by login username") == 1) {
		mes "Input character name: ";
		input .@charName$;
		query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '" +escape_sql(.@charName$) +"'", .@accid[0];
	} else {
		mes "Input login username: ";
		input .@loginName$;
		query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '" +escape_sql(.@loginName$) +"'", .@accid[0];
	} // End if
	if (!.@accid[0]) {
		mes "Invalid information, error occurred: account or character not found.";
	} // End if
	if (getarg(0) == 3) { // Watch Cash Points
		if (isloggedin(.@accid[0])) { // If player is online
			// Save GM information
			set .@gm$, strcharinfo(0);
			set .@id, getcharid(3);
			// Attach player in this script
			set .@cash, #CASHPOINTS; // Save Cash Points amount
			mes .@npcName$;
			mes "This player has: [^FF0000" +.@cash +"^000000] Cash Points.";
		} else { // If offline
			query_sql "SELECT `value` FROM `acc_reg_num` WHERE `key` = '#CASHPOINTS' AND `account_id` = " +.@accid[0], .@value[0]; // Save Cash Points amount
			if (!.@value[0]) mes "He has [^FF00000^000000] Cash Points."; // 0 cash
			else mes "He has [^FF0000" +.@value[0] +"^000000] Cash Points."; // if he has cash
		} // End if
	} // End if
	mes .@npcName$;
	mes "Input Cash Point amount, range: 1~100"; // Change here too if you want to show proper information
	input .@amount, -1000, 1000; // Debug
	if (.@amount < 1 || .@amount > 100) { // Define in this if the amount you want to limit (just the right part)
		mes .@npcName$;
		mes "Invalid amount, input in the proper range told.";
	} // End if
	if (isloggedin(.@accid[0])) { // If player is online
		// Save GM information
		set .@gm$, strcharinfo(0);
		set .@id, getcharid(3);
		// Attach player
		set .@cash, #CASHPOINTS; // Save current cash
		if (getarg(0) == 1) { // Add cash
			set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + .@amount; // Add cash
			dispbottom "This admin: [" + .@gm$ +"] added: " +.@amount +" cash points, current balance: [" +#CASHPOINTS + "]"; // Online notification
		} else if (getarg(0) == 2) { // Delete cash
			if (.@cash <= 0) {
				mes .@npcName$;
				mes "You can not delete cash points, this player has no cash points.";
			} else if (.@cash - .@amount < 0) {
				mes .@npcName$;
				mes "You can not delete more cash than he already has, you are allowed to remove: [^FF0000" +.@cash +"^000000] cash points.";
			} // End if
			set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .@amount; // Delete cash
			dispbottom "This admin [" + .@gm$ +"] deleted: " +.@amount +" cash points, current balance: " +#CASHPOINTS; // Online notification
			set .@action, 1; // Cash deleted flag
		} // End if
	} else { // If offline
		query_sql "SELECT `key` FROM `acc_reg_num` WHERE `account_id` = " + .@accid[0], .@username$[0]; // check current cash
		if (.@username$[0] != "#CASHPOINTS") { // If empty, never had Cash Points
			if (getarg(0) == 1) { // add cash
				query_sql "INSERT INTO `acc_reg_num`(`account_id`, `key`, `index`, `value`) VALUES ('" + .@accid[0] + "','#CASHPOINTS','0','" + .@amount + "')"; // create the data
			} else { // delete cash
				mes .@npcName$;
				mes "You can not delete cash points, this player has no cash points.";
			} // End if
		} else { // Player had or has Cash Points
			if (getarg(0) == 1) { // add cash
				query_sql "UPDATE `acc_reg_num` SET `value` = `value` + '" +.@amount +"' WHERE `key` = '#CASHPOINTS' and `account_id` = '" +.@accid[0] +"'"; // update cash
			} else { // delete cash
				query_sql "SELECT `value` FROM `acc_reg_num` WHERE `key` = '#CASHPOINTS' and `account_id` = " +.@accid[0], .@value[0]; // check current cash
				mes .@npcName$;
				if (.@value[0] <= 0) {
					mes "You can not delete cash points, this player has no cash points.";
				} else if (.@value[0] - .@amount < 0) {
					mes "You can not delete more cash than he already has, you are allowed to remove: [^FF0000" + .@value[0] + "^000000] cash points.";
				} // End if
				query_sql "UPDATE `acc_reg_num` SET `value` = `value` - '" + .@amount + "' WHERE `key` = '#CASHPOINTS' and `account_id` = '" + .@accid[0] + "'";
				set .@action, 1; // Cash deleted flag
			} // End if
		} // End if
	} // End if
	// Saving logs
	if (!.@action) logmes "User: " + strcharinfo(0) + " with account_id: " + getcharid(3) + " added " + .@amount +" Cash Points to: " + .@accid[0];
	else logmes "User: " + strcharinfo(0) + " with account_id: " + getcharid(3) + " removed " + .@amount +" Cash Points to: " + .@accid[0];
	mes "Cash Points successfully sent, when the players log in will receive a notification, thanks for using this service.";
} // End function


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