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I'm a guy on mission to make Ragnarok Online great again! 

Hi, friends!

Like a man on a mission, I'm interested in revamping the most, if not all, of the Ragnarok Online game. Almost two decades ago, I used to write down and draw on my sketch books on how I would like Ragnarok Online, or MMORPG based on my taste, to fare as. In my early draft GDD(Game Design Document), I've designed and listed down more than 200 jobs. I'm eager to have my own version of this world of Ragnarok built and presented to everyone. There's so much to do, so many passion to savour!

My artskills back in the year 2007-2008 were impeccable and beautiful, but I've grown rusty for not practising it almost a decade. So I need to improve my arts again, while also building my own MMORPG/Ragnarok Online version.

I'm currently building upon the world and lores. and I'm going to lurk around, and interact, as to inquire and contribute, on how to modify Ragnarok Online. I hereby request, please, guide me 🙂



Edited by Rhymaestro
more info on my exp
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Welcome Rhymaestro,

if you want to modify Ragnarok to fit to your ideas, you have several options and things to learn.

The simplest way to change the world itself is using scripting, it lets you do a lot of stuff, but based on how deep you want your changes to be, you will reach its limits relatively fast.

This brings us to source modification, for which you will need C++, it will allow you far more agency but is also more complicated and harder to learn.
Custom jobs for example would be a thing that you would implement via source modification.

You will also need to grasp at least a bit of how the client works, where it gets the graphics and information from, so you can extend or modify things to your liking.
Taking your custom job idea, you would need to change client files for the skill descriptions, for example.

Many things you want to achieve will have been done in one way or another already. So searching the forum or checking the download section for scripts or source mods you can use as a base or learn from might be useful.

You can also check the rAthena wiki at https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki which has a lot of guides on how to install rAthena and connect to it or how to achieve certain things you may want to do like adding custom items or mobs.
Another helpful resource is the doc directory in the rAthena folder. You can find an online copy here: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/tree/master/doc it provides a lot of information regarding the structure of rAthena to make it clearer how it works.

I think especially helpful are the script_commands.txt, which is a reference of all scripting commands rAthena provides and the source_doc.txt which explains how the servers communicate with each other, how the code is organized and what a lot of the acronyms often seen in the source code mean.

Tool and resource wise, I can recommend you the tools from:

Feel free to ask any questions you have.

I wish you the best and look forward to seeing how your project progresses.

Edited by Winterfox
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Thank you for providing so many links to much-needed resources and tools!

I'm overwhelmed by your warmth and kindness ^^

I am reading your reply top to bottom over and over again 

I don't have programming skills, but I'm going to pour my joy into this endeavours.

How do I learn programming, where to start, and is C++ the only language I need to learn?

Which clients at 4144 should  I download 

How do I download the headgears on nn.ai4rei?

the headgears from nnai4rei isnt not in the form of rotatable sprite sheets...

whats the difference between, server, client and emulator??

hmm seems like the grf editor is one of the most essentials

how do i use grf editor to extract sprites and 3D models

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How do I learn programming, where to start, and is C++ the only language I need to learn?

For the modification of Ragnarok itself, you will only need C++ and rAthena Script (the language NPCs are written in).
For C++ you could get some books or look online for tutorials. As resources for rAthena Script, you have the documents I linked you
in my previous post. Personally I think, the best way to learn a programming language is by reading how the language
works and then using that basis to do own small projects and to read and modify other peoples programs to steady your knowledge.



How do I download the headgears on nn.ai4rei?
the headgears from nnai4rei isnt not in the form of rotatable sprite sheets...

The headgear list is a list of existing headgear sprites in the game. It only shows a picture representation of the sprite from the front.



whats the difference between, server, client and emulator??

A Client is a software that connects to another software to request things from it.

The Server is a software that accepts connections and handles requests from Clients. (The Server >serves< the Clients.) It processes requests and sends back the answers to the Clients.

An emulator is a software that tries to exactly reproduce the behavior of another software.

In the Client Server sense it would be like this:
If the Server isn't the original software, but behaves like the original in that it serves the same results to the Clients the original would, it is an emulation.



hmm seems like the grf editor is one of the most essentials

The essentials are

  • rAthena
  • Full Client
  • Unpacked and patched exe
  • Translation Patch
  • GRF Editor



how do i use grf editor to extract sprites and 3D models

You go into your client's folder, search for the data.grf and open it.
Then you will see a list of folders.
From there, you can search for the files you are interested in.
Sprite files end with .spr and are most of the time paired with an .act file. They base sprites are stored in data/sprite.
Model files end with .rsm or rsm2. You can find them at data/model.

Here you can see what most of the folders in the grf mean to help you navigate through it a bit better: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Data-Folder

Edited by Winterfox
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Alright, makes sense a lil more now, thank you, m'lady


Hi, @Winterfox

Let's say, if I want to, and were to, make a new "Ragnarok Online", completely from the ground up, without relating it to the franchise source and the what, how do I begin? 

I'm getting response elsewhere that I need to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2022, and Visual Studio Code. 

But I don't even know how to use cmd or git, there's a lot that I do not know and understand..

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On 8/24/2023 at 6:48 PM, Winterfox said:

For the modification of Ragnarok itself, you will only need C++ and rAthena Script (the language NPCs are written in).
For C++ you could get some books or look online for tutorials. As resources for rAthena Script, you have the documents I linked you
in my previous post. Personally I think, the best way to learn a programming language is by reading how the language
works and then using that basis to do own small projects and to read and modify other peoples programs to steady your knowledge.


The headgear list is a list of existing headgear sprites in the game. It only shows a picture representation of the sprite from the front.


A Client is a software that connects to another software to request things from it.

The Server is a software that accepts connections and handles requests from Clients. (The Server >serves< the Clients.) It processes requests and sends back the answers to the Clients.

An emulator is a software that tries to exactly reproduce the behavior of another software.

In the Client Server sense it would be like this:
If the Server isn't the original software, but behaves like the original in that it serves the same results to the Clients the original would, it is an emulation.


The essentials are

  • rAthena
  • Full Client
  • Unpacked and patched exe
  • Translation Patch
  • GRF Editor


You go into your client's folder, search for the data.grf and open it.
Then you will see a list of folders.
From there, you can search for the files you are interested in.
Sprite files end with .spr and are most of the time paired with an .act file. They base sprites are stored in data/sprite.
Model files end with .rsm or rsm2. You can find them at data/model.

Here you can see what most of the folders in the grf mean to help you navigate through it a bit better: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Data-Folder


Hi, I just got back to continue on this passion endeavor. Gonna heed your advice and guides

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