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Invalid menu selection on npc, from kiel_hyre_quest



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i had this message on console, from a player. after the error the player disconnected, not sure if he/she got stuck or something.

[Warning]: Invalid menu selection on npc 110004891:'Kiel Hyre#kh' - got 1, valid range is [1..0] (player AID:2000000, CID:150000, name:'Name')!

this is the npc in /npc/quests/kiel_hyre_quest.txt

kh_mansion,22,28,4	script	Kiel Hyre#kh	903,{
	if (checkweight(908,200) == 0) {
		mes "^3355FFJust a second...";
		mes "You're carrying too";
		mes "many items with you";
		mes "right now, so you'll";
		mes "need to free up more";
		mes "inventory space first...^000000";

	cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
	if (KielHyreQuest < 46) {
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes ".........";
		mes ".........";
		mes "............";
		cutin "",255;

	else if (KielHyreQuest == 46) {
		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Ah, you must be "+strcharinfo(0)+".";
		mes "I'd like to thank you for saving";
		mes "my life. You must have many";
		mes "questions to ask me, so I'll";
		mes "do my best to give you answers.";
		while(1) {
			switch(select("Robots?:^3355FFKiehl^000000?:^FF0000Elly^000000's button?")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
				mes "I've been researching";
				mes "robotics for thirty-two";
				mes "years now. I'm proud to";
				mes "say that I've succeeded";
				mes "where the great Sage";
				mes "Varmundt did not.";
				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
				mes "It's been my dream to";
				mes "develop humanoid robots";
				mes "from humans. Those Guardians";
				mes "might be robots too, but they";
				mes "don't operate using free will.";
				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
				mes "If you'd like to know more";
				mes "of the specifics concerning";
				mes "robotics, why don't you speak";
				mes "with ^3355FFAllysia^000000? She can explain";
				mes "everything much more succinctly";
				mes "than I can. I tend to ramble...";
				set .@KHQRead,.@KHQRead+1;
			case 2:
				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
				mes "^3355FFKiehl^000000 is my only son,";
				mes "but the love of my life";
				mes "died after giving birth to";
				mes "him. I'll admit that he's";
				mes "a genius in mechanical";
				mes "design and development.";
				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
				mes "He's largely responsible";
				mes "for the creation of Third";
				mes "Generation robots like Elly.";
				mes "Unfortunately, he's trying to";
				mes "modify his creations for";
				mes "some sinister purpose.";
				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
				mes "I tried to stop him,";
				mes "but I ended up getting";
				mes "locked inside the factory.";
				mes "I don't know why he wants";
				mes "to do this. I still have";
				mes "absolutely no clue...";
				set .@KHQRead,.@KHQRead+1;
			case 3:
				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
				mes "That button Elly was";
				mes "holding has ^3355FFKiehl's emblem^000000";
				mes "engraved on it. Ah, and that";
				mes "man in black menacing the";
				mes "students? That was probably";
				mes "^3355FFKaiser^000000, Kiehl's bodyguard.";
				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
				mes "Kaiser...";
				mes "I don't know";
				mes "anything about him.";
				mes "I've never even seen";
				mes "his face! Kiehl just hired";
				mes "him without letting me know...";
				set .@KHQRead,.@KHQRead+1;
			if (.@KHQRead == 3) {
				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
				mes "If you don't have";
				mes "anymore questions for me,";
				mes "then would you please";
				mes "let me rest?? I'm still not";
				mes "feeling well from the time";
				mes "I was locked up in the factory.";
				delitem 7493,1; //Golden_Key
				delitem 7494,1; //Kiel_Button
				set KielHyreQuest,48;
	else if (KielHyreQuest == 48) {
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Ah, I almost forgot.";
		mes "Please, take this as";
		mes "a little reward for";
		mes "saving my life.";
		getitem 12105,1; //Taming_Gift_Set
		getexp (checkre(3))?70000:700000,0;
		set KielHyreQuest,50;
	else if ((KielHyreQuest >= 50) && (KielHyreQuest < 64)) {
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "If you don't have";
		mes "anymore questions for me,";
		mes "then would you please";
		mes "let me rest?? I'm still not";
		mes "feeling well from the time";
		mes "I was locked up in the factory.";
	else if (KielHyreQuest == 64) {
		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Hm? Did you";
		mes "have something";
		mes "that you wanted";
		mes "to ask me?";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "I don't have enough";
		mes "concrete evidence yet,";
		mes "but I might have some";
		mes "questions soon enough.";
	else if (KielHyreQuest == 68) {
		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Ah, "+strcharinfo(0)+".";
		mes "It's you. So how can";
		mes "I help you today?";
		select("About ^3355FFAllysia^000000...");
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "You know, I was looking";
		mes "through this deserted house";
		mes "in Juno, and discovered";
		mes "an old portrait of a woman";
		mes "that looks just like Allysia.";
		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Oh...";
		mes "Is that all?";
		mes "I thought you had";
		mes "a robotics question.";
		cutin "kh_Kyel03",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Anyway, that's a";
		mes "strange coincidence.";
		mes "Well, I suppose it's";
		mes "not so strange to find";
		mes "look-a-likes for other people...";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "I don't think it's just";
		mes "a coincidence. The woman";
		mes "in that thirty year old portrait";
		mes "was also named Allysia, and she";
		mes "worked at Orsimier street";
		mes "in Juno. Does that ring a bell?";
		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "......";
		mes ".........";
		mes "............";
		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Then I thought that this";
		mes "Allysia must have been the";
		mes "woman that you loved, and";
		mes "that you based your robot's";
		mes "apperance on her.";
		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "............";
		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "I think this is what happened:";
		mes "when you were a young, poor";
		mes "man, you fell in love with";
		mes "Allysia. However, she was";
		mes "in love with Rosimier, who";
		mes "was rich and powerful.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "However, Rosimier was";
		mes "betrothed to some other";
		mes "woman, and he ended up";
		mes "marrying his fiancee, thus";
		mes "breaking Allysia's heart.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Feeling betrayed, her";
		mes "heart broken, Allysia jumped";
		mes "into a river. Then, you decided";
		mes "to get revenge on Rosimier, so";
		mes "you ended up joining";
		mes "Rekenber Corporation!";
		cutin "kh_Kyel03",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Hahahahahahaha!";
		mes "Oh, what an imagination~";
		mes "That's very ridiculous...";
		mes "Though, I admit, maybe";
		mes "I did design Allysia after";
		mes "seeing that woman long ago.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "I'd almost forgotten";
		mes "about her! I think we";
		mes "were friends... Though,";
		mes "where did you get the idea";
		mes "that I might have";
		mes "been in love with her?";
		select("Reveal Kiel's Portrait from Hut");
		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Wh-what...";
		mes "How did...";
		mes "Where did you...?";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Kiel Hyre, I found this";
		mes "portrait of you as a young";
		mes "man from the house of the";
		mes "man that bought Allysia's ring.";
		mes "I even spoke to the fisherman";
		mes "that discovered Allysia's body.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "You paid an awful lot";
		mes "of money to buy Allysia's";
		mes "ring. How can you not tell";
		mes "me that you didn't love her?";
		cutin "kh_Kyel03",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "*Sigh...*";
		mes "You got me, you got me.";
		mes "I didn't want you to learn";
		mes "the truth. You are correct.";
		mes "I loved Allysia, and designed";
		mes "my robot to look just like her.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "I could never forget her.";
		mes "Ever. But I would never";
		mes "do anything to harm the";
		mes "Rosimiers! I'm a scientist!";
		mes "I hated him when I was young,";
		mes "but things are different now!";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "I shed no tears when the";
		mes "Rosimiers fell, but I wasn't";
		mes "responsible. Besides, I didn't";
		mes "have the resources or the";
		mes "capability to cause it...";
		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "I'm afraid that the";
		mes "evidence shows otherwise.";
		select("Reveal Portrait of Rosimiers");
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Take a good look";
		mes "at this portrait that";
		mes "I found at the Rosimiers'";
		mes "old house. Do you see";
		mes "anything... incriminating?";
		cutin "kh_Kyel03",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Aside from that";
		mes "James Rosimier, you";
		mes "mean? No! I don't see";
		mes "anything wrong with";
		mes "this picture at all.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Take a good look";
		mes "at the pocketwatch";
		mes "in the portrait. That's";
		mes "the pocketwatch you";
		mes "wear today, isn't it?";
		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "...!!!";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "You might not have caused";
		mes "the downfall of the Rosimiers";
		mes "yourself, but with the aid of";
		mes "the Rekenber Corporation, I'd";
		mes "say it was entirely possible!";
		cutin "kh_Kyel03",2; 
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Well played, adventurer.";
		mes "Well played. I don't regret";
		mes "what I did: they killed my";
		mes "Allysia! If James didn't betray";
		mes "her, if only he didn't drive";
		mes "her to commit suicide...";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "That's where you're wrong!";
		mes "Allysia was killed, she didn't";
		mes "commit suicide. Take a good";
		mes "look at this note right here!";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "What?!";
		select("Show James's Note");
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "What does this prove?";
		mes "This doesn't show that";
		mes "James didn't betray Allysia.";
		mes "How does this change anything?";
		mes "She's dead, nothing I can do";
		mes "will bring her back to me!";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "I never said James didn't";
		mes "betray her. Look at the date";
		mes "on the note. James made plans";
		mes "to run away with her on August";
		mes "20th. However, her body was";
		mes "found on the same day.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Ergo, Allysia must have";
		mes "died on August 19th. If she";
		mes "was planning to run away with";
		mes "her love on the next day, then";
		mes "she had no reason to kill herself!";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "No, that's not right!";
		mes "She probably couldn't";
		mes "trust me! She must have";
		mes "realized she was nothing";
		mes "but another toy to him!";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Oh yeah? I say she jumped";
		mes "into the river because you";
		mes "met her on that day. Now,";
		mes "take a good look at this!";
		select("Show K.H.'s note");
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "This note was  written by";
		mes "a man with your initials,";
		mes "K.H. These initials were also";
		mes "signed on her portrait. You";
		mes "must have written this note:";
		mes "there's too many coincidences!";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "According to this note,";
		mes "you told Allysia that you";
		mes "wanted to see her again";
		mes "at the place you first met.";
		mes "I think you did see her again...";
		mes "on August 19th, the day she died!";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "I'm assuming the place you";
		mes "two first met was near the";
		mes "river. No more of your lies:";
		mes "Tell me what really happened!";
		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "............";
		mes ".........";
		mes "......";
		cutin "kh_Kyel03",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Hah... Ha ha ha...";
		mes "Yes... That's right...";
		mes "That horrible night.";
		mes "I remember it well...";
		mes ".....................";
		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "That night, when she came";
		mes "to the river to meet me as";
		mes "I had asked, I begged her to";
		mes "run away with me, instead";
		mes "of waiting for that James.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "She insisted that James";
		mes "never betrayed her, and he";
		mes "promised to take her away";
		mes "with him the next day. Can";
		mes "you imagine how that made";
		mes "me feel? I was nothing to her.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "My feelings didn't matter to";
		mes "her at all! She kept fidgeting";
		mes "with that ring...I lost control";
		mes "and tried to take that damned";
		mes "thing away from her, and";
		mes "throw it into the river...";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "But you know what?";
		mes "She struggled, she actually";
		mes "fought me! It was just a small";
		mes "fight, but then, before I knew";
		mes "it, the ground underneath us";
		mes "collapsed and... the rains...";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "I'm not sure what it";
		mes "was. The rain weakened";
		mes "the ground, something went";
		mes "wrong... and she just... just...";
		mes "The river swallowed her...";
		mes "I felt empty. She was gone. ";
		delitem 7499,1; //Family_Portrait
		delitem 7500,1; //Elysia_Portrait
		delitem 7501,1; //Kyll_Hyre_Letter2
		delitem 7502,1; //Piece_Memo_Of_James
		delitem 7503,1; //Man_Portrait
		set KielHyreQuest,70;
		cutin "",255;
	else if (KielHyreQuest <= 70) {
		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "You already know that";
		mes "she was found dead the";
		mes "next day. But what really";
		mes "broke my heart was that";
		mes "she held that ring so tightly";
		mes "in her hand, even in death...";
		cutin "kh_kyel03",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "His family had everything";
		mes "while I had nothing. And";
		mes "he had the audacity to take";
		mes "Allysia away from me?!";
		mes "How could that be right?";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Even though she had passed";
		mes "away, I still wanted to prove";
		mes "to Allysia what kind of ugly";
		mes "person James really was.";
		mes "That was when I joined the";
		mes "Rekenber Corporation.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "I designed the very first";
		mes "First Generation Robot, which";
		mes "I named Allysia, and sold the";
		mes "designs to Rekenber. I gave them";
		mes "robots, and they gave me money,";
		mes "power, obedient subordinates.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Of course I knew they'd use";
		mes "my robots for spying and killing!";
		mes "But you know what? It didn't";
		mes "matter so long as they gave me";
		mes "the means to my revenge. It was";
		mes "the perfect partnership, really.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "You've got me right";
		mes "where you want me.";
		mes "Who are you working";
		mes "for, and what exactly";
		mes "do you want? My designs?";
		mes "My death? Everything...?";
		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Actually, I just want";
		mes "to ask about the nature";
		mes "of your professional";
		mes "relationship with the";
		mes "Rekenber Corporation.";
		mes "And about Kiehl.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Kiehl, eh? After hearing";
		mes "my crazy story, I'm guessing";
		mes "that you already suspect the";
		mes "truth about him... He's also";
		mes "a robot, specifically the first";
		mes "of the Second Generation models.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "His mind was developed using.";
		mes "an experimental, and unstable,";
		mes "form of the Condensed Magic";
		mes "Spell Scrolls. He was the only";
		mes "Second Generation robot that";
		mes "I was allowed to keep.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "I've become very attached";
		mes "to Kiehl. It's not surprising,";
		mes "seeing that robotics have";
		mes "become my life. I even raised";
		mes "him as my own son, and taught";
		mes "him everything about robotics";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Kiehl is now a genius,";
		mes "and has even developed the";
		mes "Third Generation of robots.";
		mes "Unfortunately, I failed to";
		mes "properly raise him with";
		mes "human morals and ethics.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "He's been transforming";
		mes "the Third Generation robots";
		mes "into killing machines. That's";
		mes "why I tried to put them all";
		mes "into the academy, so they";
		mes "could learn human behavior.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Although the academy";
		mes "has delayed Kiehl's plans,";
		mes "he has succeeded into";
		mes "converting all of the robots";
		mes "into uncontrollable engines";
		mes "of mass destruction.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Yes, he's been working";
		mes "closely with Rekenber.";
		mes "Their true objective is to";
		mes "create killing machines";
		mes "for Rekenber's use.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "You know all the secrets";
		mes "of my past now. I'm not";
		mes "upset with you or anything,";
		mes "but I do have something";
		mes "that I want to ask of you.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Please! Stop Kiehl!";
		mes "I don't want his madness";
		mes "to destroy any more robots!";
		mes "I see each and every one";
		mes "of them as one of my children!";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "I know that I must take";
		mes "full responsibility for all";
		mes "that has happened. I promise";
		mes "to take any punishment for";
		mes "my actions once everything";
		mes "has been resolved.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Thank you so much!";
		mes "You can find Kiehl";
		mes "in the underground";
		mes "level in this mansion.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "He stays in the old room";
		mes "where he was created, but";
		mes "he reconstructed it as some";
		mes "kind of cave to keep everyone";
		mes "out, including me. Yes, he";
		mes "doesn't trust anyone anymore...";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "When you find him, I want";
		mes "you to take Allysia's ring";
		mes "out of his heart. If you";
		mes "remove it, that should stop";
		mes "him from going berserk.";
		select("Allysia's Ring?");
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Yes... Her ring is the";
		mes "beginning of everything";
		mes "I put that in his heart so";
		mes "that I'd never forget what";
		mes "the Rosimiers did to me.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "I think Kiehl's grown";
		mes "so powerful that normal";
		mes "weapons might not work";
		mes "on him anymore. Use this";
		mes "device that will cause his";
		mes "power supply to fluctuate.";
		getitem 7504,1; //Toy_Motor
		cutin "kh_kyel03",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "If you successfully attach";
		mes "this to Kiehl's body, then";
		mes "he won't be able to use his";
		mes "body's full power. While he's";
		mes "weakened, open up his chest";
		mes "and get the ring from his heart.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Let me know once";
		mes "you're ready. Then, I'll";
		mes "guide you Kiehl's room.";
		set KielHyreQuest,74;
	else if ((KielHyreQuest >= 74) && (KielHyreQuest <= 104)) {
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Are you ready";
		mes "to confront";
		mes "Kiehl now?";
		switch(select("Yes:No")) {
		case 1:
			mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
			mes "There... the secret";
			mes "passage is open now.";
			mes "Just go to the right of";
			mes "me, but be careful. Kiehl";
			mes "is extremely dangerous.";
			enablenpc "Kiehl_Room_Warp";
			donpcevent "Kiehl_Room_Warp::OnEnable";
			cutin "",255;
		case 2:
			mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
			mes "Please take your";
			mes "time. I imagine that";
			mes "it won't be easy.";
	else if ((KielHyreQuest >= 74) && (KielHyreQuest <= 106)) {
		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "You're back...!";
		mes "So were you able";
		mes "to retrieve Allysia's";
		mes "Ring from Kiehl's heart?";
		if (countitem(7508) < 1) {
			mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
			mes "You mean... You don't have it?";
			mes "Please, retrieve Allysia's Ring";
			mes "from Kiehl's heart!";
			enablenpc "Kiehl_Room_Warp";
			donpcevent "Kiehl_Room_Warp::OnEnable";
			cutin "",255;
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Wh-what happened...?";
		mes "Kiehl developed a new";
		mes "body for himself? Th-that";
		mes "would make him a Fourth";
		mes "Generation robot. I had";
		mes "no idea he was this smart.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Wait, now that I think about";
		mes "it, I did see robot bodies that";
		mes "looked like Kiehl when I was";
		mes "locked in the factory. So he";
		mes "was using those copies to";
		mes "develop personal upgrades.";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Here, please take this";
		mes "Keycard which will let you";
		mes "enter and investigate the";
		mes "deepest levels of the factory.";
		mes "I'll investigate Kiehl's room.";
		getitem 7509,1; //Fancy_Key_Card
		set KielHyreQuest,108;
		if (Sex == SEX_FEMALE) {
			if (getpartnerid() == 0) set .@KHTitle$,"Miss";
			else set .@KHSTitle$,"Mrs";
		else set .@KHTitle$,"Mr";
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "Kiehl is my responsibility...";
		mes "No matter what the cost may";
		mes "be, I've got to stop him! Oh,";
		mes "and here, please take this";
		mes "with my thanks for all of";
		mes "your help, "+.@KHTitle$+" "+strcharinfo(0)+".";
		getitem 616,1;  //Old Card Album
		delitem 7508,1; //Elysia_Ring
		getexp (checkre(3))?100000:1000000,0;
	else if (KielHyreQuest >= 108) {
		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
		mes "......";
		mes ".........";
		mes "............";
	cutin "",255;


what does it mean? worth to open issue in github?


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