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FluxCP doesn't show Item Shop



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Hello everyone! I'm having a problem with the Item Shop in FluxCP. When I go to the Purchase section of it, the items don't show up. It gives me this message: There are currently no items for sale.


When I activate the debug and error modes, the following error is shown up:




Here are the files:



if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit;

$title = 'Loja de Itens';

require_once 'Flux/ItemShop.php';

$category      = $params->get('category');
$categories    = Flux::config("ShopCategories")->toArray();
$categoryName  = Flux::config("ShopCategories.$category");
$categoryCount = array();
$shop          = new Flux_ItemShop($server);
$sql           = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM %s.%s WHERE category = ?", $server->charMapDatabase, Flux::config('FluxTables.ItemShopTable'));
$sql2          = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM %s.%s", $server->charMapDatabase, Flux::config('FluxTables.ItemShopTable'));
$sth           = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);
$sth2          = $server->connection->getStatement($sql2);
$total         = $sth2->fetch()->total;

foreach ($categories as $catID => $catName) {
	$categoryCount[$catID] = $sth->fetch()->total;

$categoryTotal = isset($category) ? $categoryCount[$category] : $total;
$perPage       = Flux::config("ItemShopItemPerPage");
$paginator     = $this->getPaginator($categoryTotal, array('perPage' => $perPage));
$items         = $shop->getItems($paginator, $category);



require_once 'Flux/TemporaryTable.php';
require_once 'Flux/ItemExistsError.php';

class Flux_ItemShop {
	 * @access public
	 * @var Flux_Athena
	public $server;
	public function __construct(Flux_Athena $server)
		$this->server = $server;
	 * Add an item to the shop.
	public function add($itemID, $categoryID, $cost, $quantity, $info, $useExisting = 0)
		$db    = $this->server->charMapDatabase;
		$table = Flux::config('FluxTables.ItemShopTable');
		$sql   = "INSERT INTO $db.$table (nameid, category, quantity, cost, info, use_existing, create_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())";
		$sth   = $this->server->connection->getStatement($sql);
		$res   = $sth->execute(array($itemID, $categoryID, $quantity, $cost, $info, $useExisting));
		$sth2  = $this->server->connection->getStatement('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS insID');
		$res2  = $sth2->execute();
		if ($res && $res2 && ($insertID=$sth2->fetch()->insID)) {
			return $insertID;
		else {
			return false;
	 * Modify item info in the shop.
	public function edit($shopItemID, $categoryID = null, $cost = null, $quantity = null, $info = null, $useExisting = null)
		$catQ = '';
		$crdQ = '';
		$qtyQ = '';
		$infQ = '';
		$imgQ = '';
		$bind = array();
		if (!is_null($categoryID)) {
			$catQ   = "category = ? ";
			$bind[] = (int)$categoryID;
		if (!is_null($cost)) {
			if ($catQ) {
				$crdQ   = ", cost = ? ";
			else {
				$crdQ   = "cost = ? ";
			$bind[] = (int)$cost;
		if (!is_null($quantity)) {
			if ($crdQ) {
				$qtyQ = ', quantity = ? ';
			else {
				$qtyQ = "quantity = ? ";
			$bind[] = (int)$quantity;
		if (!is_null($info)) {
			if ($qtyQ) {
				$infQ = ', info = ? ';
			else {
				$infQ = "info = ? ";
			$bind[] = trim($info);
		if (!is_null($useExisting)) {
			if ($infQ) {
				$imgQ = ', use_existing = ? ';
			else {
				$imgQ = "use_existing = ? ";
			$bind[] = (int)$useExisting;
		if (empty($bind)) {
			return false;
		$db    = $this->server->charMapDatabase;
		$table = Flux::config('FluxTables.ItemShopTable');
		$sql   = "UPDATE $db.$table SET $catQ $crdQ $qtyQ $infQ $imgQ WHERE id = ?";
		$sth   = $this->server->connection->getStatement($sql);
		$bind[] = $shopItemID;
		return $sth->execute($bind);
	public function delete($shopItemID)
		$db    = $this->server->charMapDatabase;
		$table = Flux::config('FluxTables.ItemShopTable');
		$sql   = "DELETE FROM $db.$table WHERE id = ?";
		$sth   = $this->server->connection->getStatement($sql);
		return $sth->execute(array($shopItemID));
	public function buy(Flux_DataObject $account, $shopItemID)
	public function getItem($shopItemID)
		$db = $this->server->charMapDatabase;
		if($this->server->isRenewal) {
			$fromTables = array("$db.item_db_re", "$db.item_db2");
		} else {
			$fromTables = array("$db.item_db", "$db.item_db2");
		$temp  = new Flux_TemporaryTable($this->server->connection, "$db.items", $fromTables);
		$shop  = Flux::config('FluxTables.ItemShopTable');
		$col   = "$shop.id AS shop_item_id, $shop.category AS shop_item_category, $shop.cost AS shop_item_cost, $shop.quantity AS shop_item_qty, $shop.use_existing AS shop_item_use_existing, ";
		$col  .= "$shop.nameid AS shop_item_nameid, $shop.info AS shop_item_info, items.name_japanese AS shop_item_name";
		$sql   = "SELECT $col FROM $db.$shop LEFT OUTER JOIN $db.items ON items.id = $shop.nameid WHERE $shop.id = ?";
		$sth   = $this->server->connection->getStatement($sql);
		if ($sth->execute(array($shopItemID))) {
			return $sth->fetch();
		else {
			return false;
	public function getItems($paginator, $categoryID = null)
		$sqlpartial = "";
		$bind = array();
		$db   = $this->server->charMapDatabase;
		if($this->server->isRenewal) {
			$fromTables = array("$db.item_db_re", "$db.item_db2");
		} else {
			$fromTables = array("$db.item_db", "$db.item_db2");
		$temp  = new Flux_TemporaryTable($this->server->connection, "$db.items", $fromTables);
		$shop  = Flux::config('FluxTables.ItemShopTable');
		$col   = "$shop.id AS shop_item_id, $shop.cost AS shop_item_cost, $shop.quantity AS shop_item_qty, $shop.use_existing AS shop_item_use_existing, ";
		$col  .= "$shop.nameid AS shop_item_nameid, $shop.info AS shop_item_info, items.name_japanese AS shop_item_name";
		if (!is_null($categoryID)) {
			$sqlpartial = " WHERE $shop.category = ?";
			$bind[]     = $categoryID;
		$sql   = $paginator->getSQL("SELECT $col FROM $db.$shop LEFT OUTER JOIN $db.items ON items.id = $shop.nameid $sqlpartial");
		$sth   = $this->server->connection->getStatement($sql);
		if ($sth->execute($bind)) {
			return $sth->fetchAll();
		else {
			return false;
	public function deleteShopItemImage($shopItemID)
		$serverName       = $this->server->loginAthenaGroup->serverName;
		$athenaServerName = $this->server->serverName;
		$dir              = FLUX_DATA_DIR."/itemshop/$serverName/$athenaServerName";
		$files            = glob("$dir/$shopItemID.*");
		foreach ($files as $file) {
		return true;
	public function uploadShopItemImage($shopItemID, Flux_Config $file)
		if ($file->get('error')) {
			return false;
		$validexts = array_map('strtolower', Flux::config('ShopImageExtensions')->toArray());
		$extension = strtolower(pathinfo($file->get('name'), PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
		if (!in_array($extension, $validexts)) {
			return false;
		$serverName       = $this->server->loginAthenaGroup->serverName;
		$athenaServerName = $this->server->serverName;
		$dir              = FLUX_DATA_DIR."/itemshop/$serverName/$athenaServerName";
		if (!is_dir(FLUX_DATA_DIR."/itemshop/$serverName")) {
		if (!is_dir($dir)) {
		if (move_uploaded_file($file->get('tmp_name'), "$dir/$shopItemID.$extension")) {
			return true;
		else {
			return false;

Could anyone help me fixing it?


Thanks in advance ;)

Edited by Guih
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Any help? :(

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