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Posts posted by Jarek

  1. will this timer still work even though the server is offline when for lets say 3 days?

    no ofc

    I rewrote npc, but this npc consumes space for two global variables

    prontera,1,1,0	script	MobController	-1,{
    	$d = gettime(8) + 30;				//day of the year + 1 month
    	if ($d > 365) $d -= 365;
    	$w = 1;								// $w = wait for spawn, 1 or 0
    OnClock0000:							//everyday at midnight
    	if (!$w || (gettime(8) != $d)) end;	//ignore if we are not waiting for spawn or if it's a wrong day
    	$w = 0;								//go to spawning
    	if (!$w) monster "prontera",150,150,"Special Poring",1002,1,"MobController::OnMobDeath";
  2. would that make it trap the caster also? or make the caster immune to his/her own traps? (i'm trying to make the caster immune to his or her own traps)



    That mean the target is everyone except caster.

  3. still the same. is there anyway to edit the ghostproperty def? i think in renewal 30% reduce damage to neutrals in pre-re is 75% i would like to change the 30% to 75%

    Edit db\re\attr_fix.txt (or copy from db\pre-re\attr_fix.txt)
  4. You can change behavior of gvg_traps_target_all

    skill.c find


    			if( battle_config.vs_traps_bctall && map_flag_vs(src->m) && (src->type&battle_config.vs_traps_bctall) )
    				target = BCT_ALL;
    replace with
    			if( battle_config.vs_traps_bctall && map_flag_vs(src->m) && (src->type&battle_config.vs_traps_bctall) )
    				target = (~BCT_SELF&BCT_ALL);
  5. skill.c


    case SA_DISPELL:
    if(i==SC_BERSERK || i==SC_SATURDAYNIGHTFEVER) tsc->data[i]->val2=0; //Mark a dispelled berserk to avoid setting hp to 100 by setting hp penalty to 0.
    replace with
    	tsc->data[i]->val2=0; //Mark a dispelled berserk to avoid setting hp to 100 by setting hp penalty to 0.
    	status_damage(NULL, bl, status_get_hp(bl), 0, 0, 1);
  6. status.c, line ~ 1937

    status->flee += level + status->agi + status->luk/5 + 100; //base level + ( every 1 agi = +1 flee ) + (every 5 luk = +1 flee) + 100
    or 1946 if you using pre-re
    status->flee += level + status->agi;
  7. status.c

    	if(sc->data[SC_HARMONIZE]) {
    		str -= sc->data[SC_HARMONIZE]->val2;
    		return (unsigned short)cap_value(str,0,USHRT_MAX);
    	if(sc->data[SC_HARMONIZE]) {
    		agi -= sc->data[SC_HARMONIZE]->val2;
    		return (unsigned short)cap_value(agi,0,USHRT_MAX);

    Change "-=" to "+="

  8. So how does the script know what instance to warp you to, if you just set the warp to 1@tower?  How does it know to send you to 001 or 027?  Is there part of the script I am not understanding right, or does it just automatically detect if you have an instance and warp you to the right one?


    	if( map[m].flag.src4instance && sd->status.party_id && (p = party_search(sd->status.party_id)) != NULL && p->instance_id )
    		// Request the mapid of this src map into the instance of the party
    		int im = instance_map2imap(m, p->instance_id);
    		if( im < 0 )
    			; // Player will enter the src map for instances
    		{ // Changes destiny to the instance map, not the source map
    			m = im;
    			mapindex = map_id2index(m);
  9. if( Weight > ( MaxWeight / 2 ) ){
    	mes "You are Overweight!";
    This is wrong. In this part server will check GM's weight, not player.

    Need to attach to each player for check weight like:

    while( .@V < $PlayerNumber ){
    	set .@V,.@V+1;
    	message getd("$RecordAID"+.@V),"[[[ System ]]] : "+.@itemtoonlineplayers" give you "+getitemname(.@item)+"x"+.@inum;
    		getitem .@item,.@inum,getd("$RecordAID"+.@V);
    		message getd("$RecordAID"+.@V),"You are Overweight!";
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