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Posts posted by DJFUNK

  1. I've Diff my client, 2012-04-10aRagexeRE.exe

    how to set into Offline mode?


    I've set my clientinfo.xml mmo.h and packet_db.txt

    but still "Failed Connect to Server"


    It always Online mode.



    read my #2 post.

    make sure you've read the skill description...


    because, most of the skill have a different casting one.

    eg: "Dangerous Soul Collect" casting time.

    thats a fixed casting time. so, even you change the castrate_dex_scale, that's doesnt take effect.


    now, what skill that you say the casting time still slowly?



    please help me as if the command @ reloadbattleconf not affect editing files from skill.conf and player.conf


    even if you use @reloadbattleconf one, will always give effect to the conf folder on your server, when you start your server sir.


    btw, what do you want to change?


    Use my Newbie Rewarder sir..


    you can modify by yourself. It support refined equipment and IP check.


     // Reward Array <Item Id>, <Qty>, <Refine>
      // Set refine option to 0 if non-refinable.
      setarray .@rwd[0],1208,1,0,2424,1,6,2528,1,6;

    that means:

    get Main Gauche[4], Tidal Shoes +6, and Wool Scarf +6.

    if unrefineable items, just set to: 0


    empiremain,108,62,3	script	Newbie Gift	90,{
      // Reward Array <Item Id>, <Qty>, <Refine>
      // Set refine option to 0 if non-refinable.
      setarray .@rwd[0],20009,1,0,2424,1,6,2528,1,6;
      query_sql ("SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`=" + getcharid(3) + "", .@lip$);
      if ( getd("$" + .@lip$ + "_NG") > 0 || #NewbieGift > 0)
    	mes "[Newbie Gift]";
    	mes "Sorry, You've get one.^^";
      mes "[Newbie Gift]";
      mes "Welocme to xxx RO.";
      mes "This is your reward for Newbie:";
      // List all the items.
      for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rwd); set .@i, .@i + 3 )
    	// Check if refined option is not 0.
    	if(.@rwd[.@i+2] != 0) {
    	   mes .@rwd[.@i+1] + " x +" + .@rwd[.@i+2] + " " + getitemname(.@rwd[.@i]);
    	   mes .@rwd[.@i+1] + " x " + getitemname(.@rwd[.@i]);
      // Get Items
      for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rwd); set .@i, .@i + 3 )
    	// Check if refined option is not 0.
    	if(.@rwd[.@i+2] != 0) {
       	  // getitem2 <id>, <qty>, <identify>, <refine>, <attribute>, <card1>, <card2>, <card3>, <card4>
       	  getitem2 .@rwd[.@i], .@rwd[.@i+1], 1, .@rwd[.@i+2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
    	   getitem .@rwd[.@i], .@rwd[.@i+1];
      // Set variable to make sure player can't get items again.
      set #NewbieGift, 1;
      setd "$" + .@lip$ + "_NG", getd("$" + .@lip$ + "_NG") + 1;
    	waitingroom "Newbie Gift!",0;




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