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Posts posted by Xhiro

  1. Opps missed your reply as it got pushed down by the new topics.

    That sounds kind of interesting regarding the 7 elements although somehow I believe every guild will want the +10 Dex room for their wizards to instant cast /hmm

    I would really love to work on map editing but with the workload I have in my normal life, it's not possible any time soon. Sadly I can only hope that a mapper may help out for this.

    Hmm... I may consider paying to get this map done unless someone decides to help out for free. /shy

  2. If that is what you were trying to do, then you no longer need to do that, since rAthena made a conf file for that.


    /* Command aliases
    You can define aliases for any command. Aliases work just like original
    Format is
    <commandname>: ["<alias>", ...]
    aliases: {
    mobinfo: ["monsterinfo", "mi"]
    iteminfo: ["ii"]

    If that is what you were trying to do, then you no longer need to do that, since rAthena made a conf file for that.


    /* Command aliases
    You can define aliases for any command. Aliases work just like original
    Format is
    <commandname>: ["<alias>", ...]
    aliases: {
    mobinfo: ["monsterinfo", "mi"]
    iteminfo: ["ii"]

    This is aliases for alternative @command names, but it doesn't define the new @commands.

    clydelion found what I wanted already. Thanks all~

    • Upvote 1
  3. Either I'm absolutely lousy at searching or I'm just blind.

    How do I add new @commands in using the groups ID?

    Previously when using GM level, the steps was to edit the following :-

    1. adding your @command in src/map/atcommand.c
    2. adding a line similar to this in the same file
      { "font", 1,1, atcommand_font },

    3. etc etc

    Step 2 doesn't exist now though... So what else am I supposed to edit?

    What I have edited are

    1. Edited the atcommand.c in trunk/src/map
    2. Didn't edit the groups.conf since it says the following

    commands: {
    	/* not necessary due all_commands: true */

    • Upvote 1
  4. Hey, that town makes me think that the people from Morroc has moved to a new town nearby since Morroc was destroyed /heh

    I thought it looked nice overall though I would like to see an overview of that map.

    Nice work anyhow /no1

    Thanks. :]

    Here's an overview. It's a pretty small town.


    Nice! /no1 I couldn't see very well on the video but the overview looks nice. Are those mini tornadoes near the big pyramid entrance? /hmm

  5. Card Trader released!


    Euphyyyy!!! You released a Card Trader system just when I was thinking about it /heh

    Haven't tested it yet though, currently have no access to my server.

    Btw... how come your MVP ladder.txt became compressed into col 72? As in, the spacing between the functions are all compressed?

    Sorry if it has been asked before, don't really feel like reading 22 pages worth of replies to find it /oops

  6. edit this

    // Maximum allowed 'level' value that can be sent in unit packets.
    // Use together with the aura_lv setting to tell when exactly to show the aura.
    // NOTE: You also need to adjust the client if you want this to work.
    // NOTE: Default is 99. Values above 127 will probably behave incorrectly.
    // NOTE: If you don't know what this does, don't change it!!!
    max_lv: 99
    // Level required to display an aura.
    // NOTE: This assumes that sending max_lv to the client will display the aura.
    // NOTE: aura_lv must not be less than max_lv.
    // Example: If max_lv is 99 and aura_lv is 150, characters with level 99~149
    //		  will be sent as being all level 98, and only characters with level
    //		  150 or more will be reported as having level 99 and show an aura.
    aura_lv: 99

    Change the aura_lv to any number above 99. Then make your GM character level up above level 99

  7. ohh, i see. now, is your Flux CP and everything works perfectly?

    if you want to send them to ragnarokcp, then the server will not recognize them. they only receive from the ragnarok schema or a schema you assign. unless you edit the scripts to make the registered users appear on both ragnarokcp and ragnarok schema, you sure can do that..

    I resorted to changing the inter_athena config to make all accounts and characters made into the ragnarokcp database instead of ragnarok. Was an easier solution for me =/

  8. hmm, have you changed the servers.php on line around 65:

    		   	 'Database'	  => 'ragnarok', // Defaults to DbConfig.Database


    it's mine and it works. btw, what is the version of the FluxCP you are using?

    Hmm I changed the database. Registration works now. But FluxCP can't seem to show our characters. I most certainly have 2 characters made but FluxCP shows this

    Characters on MyRO

    This account has no characters on MyRO.

    I think its some database problem. It's not reading something....

    EDIT : I'm using the FluxCP-RE by CalciumKid.

    EDiT 2 : I've checked my database and I believe my FluxCP is reading from the database "ragnarok" instead of the database "ragnarokcp". Searching for that line now...

    EDIT 3 : Is it possible to change my server so that newly created characters goes to "ragnarokcp" instead of "ragnarok"?

    Solved. For reference, change inter_athena.conf.

  9. No, you don't really need to enable the "Use_SQL_db". I don't use it either because I don't create new items frequently. I will turn the server off if I created a new item. you don't need to execute all of them. just execute

    • main.sql
    • logs.sql
    • item_db.sql
    • item_db_re.sql
    • item_db2.sql
    • mob_db.sql
    • mob_db_re.sql
    • mob_db2.sql

    I did this and now the CP works.

    Current problem : When I register on my FluxCP, I can login the CP on the website but I am unable to login my server.

  10. Is your server set to use MySQL database tables, or text databases (item_db and mob_db)? If you're unsure the default is text.

    The NO MSG is from message string table missing and/or invalid. In the new system your character is "posted as delete requested" before being deleted. The default time period before you can delete is 24 hours. Use the lubs in the link I provided and make sure LUA BEFORE LUB is NOT checked.

    Since I'm unsure, its text. Should I change it to SQL?

    And no I did not uncheck the LUA BEFORE LUB when I diffed my client.

    Edit : I'll test it tomorrow. It's 3am now and I can't login cause my client crashes due to missing Kagerou palette. I'll work on that tomorrow.

    Added : Regarding the SQL problem, I don't mind starting from scratch (Meaning deleting and restarting all my SQL tables but I'll need someone to help me with that)

    Added 2 : Should I execute all the SQL files starting from when rAthena forked out from eAthena? If yes then when did rAthena start?

  11. Nevermind... I found out why I got the Forbidden error. Installing now

    .... And now... this error occurs...


    An error occurred while trying to process your request.

    Please try contacting an administrator: admin@localhost

    Solved!!! I'll keep this topic open for a few more errors I may recieve. Thanks Winz


    ~ FluxCP related ~

    My next error...... (Seems endless...)

    I'm now getting the infamous "Uh oh, what happened?" error message.

    I'm guessing this is most likely caused by missing SQL tables as I have not updated my SQL tables to the rAthena database from my previous eAthena tables. Is there any way I am able to check & update them to the latest tables? I know for sure that I'm missing some tables such as the item_db table.

  12. sure, no problem.

    The NO MSG here is usually caused by out-dated msgstringtable. it should be here somewhere but I'm not sure where it is..

    Tell us or me about how's the flux. :D

    Still deleting the old eAthena files from the VPS... It's been deleting for the past 10minutes.

    Btw, I managed to kill it again, I used @job kagerou and got a palette error. Now I can't login again "orz Does Kagerou/Oboro still not work? (Haven't read changelog)

    Update : Flux says...


    You don't have permission to access /cp/ on this server.

    Forgot how I countered this earlier... /hmm

  13. Eh no Winz, it was because I repeatedly edited my post /heh Didn't want to double post.

    I'm left with the last problem (I hope) of having alot of "NO MSG" messages in game. I think its caused by missing lua files but not sure which.

    Oh, and when deleting a character, it makes the character sit... and a "NO MSG" appears above it so I don't even know whats supposed to happen next /swt

    Going to attempt to install FluxCP now.

    Thanks Winz, Vach and michealsoftman for helping me out alot :D

  14. @Xhiro

    New problem : Unable to move once I logged in... (I know I read a topic about this somwhere...)

    try doing @option 0 then @refresh and @warp prontera

    Can't. Nothing I type comes out.

    This is whats written on putty when I login.

    [status]: Request for connection of Xhiro (ip:
    [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: Xhiro, id: 2000007, ip:
    [status]: Connection of the account 'Xhiro' accepted.
    [info]: Closed connection from ''.
    [info]: request connect - account_id:2000007/login_id1:490772194/login_id2:1854392911
    [info]: Loading Char Data (2000007)
    [Debug]: mapindex_name2id: Map "crystilia" not found in index list!
    [Debug]: mapindex_id2name: Requested name for non-existant map index [0] in cache.
    [Debug]: mapindex_name2id: Map "lunette" not found in index list!
    [Debug]: mapindex_id2name: Requested name for non-existant map index [0] in cache.
    [info]: Char load request (150017)
    [Debug]: mapindex_name2id: Map "lunette" not found in index list!
    [sql]: DB error - Unknown column 'favorite' in 'field list'
    [Debug]: at char.c:1225 - SELECT `id`, `nameid`, `amount`, `equip`, `identify`, `refine`, `attribute`, `expire_time`, `favorite`, `card0`, `card1`, `card2`, `card3` FROM `inventory` WHERE `char_id`=? LIMIT 100
    [sql]: DB error - Statement not prepared
    [info]: storage load complete from DB - id: 2000007 (total: 0)
    [info]: Loaded char (150017 - [Admin]): status memo inventory cart storage skills friends hotkeys mercenary
    [info]: Selected char: (Account 2000007: 1 - [Admin])
    [Debug]: mapindex_id2name: Requested name for non-existant map index [0] in cache.
    [Warning]: Unable to find map-server for '', sending to major city 'prontera'.
    [info]: Subnet check []: WAN
    [Warning]: pc_group_pc_load: (AID:2000007) logged in with unknown group id (127)! kicking...
    [info]: '[Admin]' logged in. (AID/CID: '2000007/150017', Packet Ver: '30', IP: '', Group '127').
    [info]: Player AID:2000007/CID:150017 logged off.
    [status]: set users MyRO : 1
    [info]: User Count: 0 (Server: 0)
    [status]: set users MyRO : 0

    From what I can understand, theres 2 missing maps (Najara's Maps, Lunette and Crystilia which I previously put in the eAthena version). It seems like I'm missing the "favourites" table from MySQL tables too. (Fixed the favourite table.)

    I noticed this line

    [Warning]: pc_group_pc_load: (AID:2000007) logged in with unknown group id (127)! kicking...

    Since I can't move, I shut down the client using Alt F4.

    I tried relogging again and I'll be kicked out repeatedly with the error message saying "Server recognizes your last login. Please try again after a few minutes. (8)".

    However the putty says the amount of characters online is 0. So how am I still logged in?

    Edit : edited the above details abit

    Nevermind. I fixed it :D Though I have a funny problem now. I see commonly people complaining that their client is untranslated/korean. Mine says "NO MSG" almost everywhere....... Is this related to the lua/lub files or the data.grf? (I've had this problem since my previous eAthena server)

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