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Posts posted by qtdan

  1. prontera,166,161,3 script Pods Trader 437,{
    switch(select( "POD to Cash",
    "Cash to POD",
    Case 1:
    mes "Please insert the amount of POD you want to change to cash.";
    mes "Each POD = 1 Cash Points.";
    input @Amount,0,countitem(7179);
    if ( @Amount < 1 ) goto Main;
    mes "You have successfully changed "+@Amount+" of POD into Cash.";
    mes "Currently you have "+#CASHPOINTS+" CashPoints.";
    delitem 7179,@Amount;
    goto Main;
    Case 2:
    mes "Please insert the amount of POD you want.";
    mes "Each POD Cost 1 CashPoints.";
    input @Amount,0,#CASHPOINTS;
    if ( @Amount < 1 ) goto Main;
    mes "You have successfully exchange Cashpoint into POD.";
    getitem 7179,@Amount;
    goto Main;

    cash to pods.txt

  2. prontera,164,174,3 script Account Freebies 771,{
     waitingroom "Freebies Giver",0;
    mes "[^000088 Account Freebies ^000000]";
    mes "Heya, I'm the freebie giver.";
    mes "I only give 1 freebie per account so use this freebie wisely.";
    mes "[^000088 Account Freebies ^000000]";
    mes "Freebie has been given.";
    mes "Check your Inventory to see Items";
    if( #free_done == 1) {
    mes "You already have your freebies.";
    percentheal 100,100;
    skilleffect 384,0; sc_start SC_MELTDOWN,360000,5;
    skilleffect 383,0; sc_start SC_WINDWALK,360000,5;
    skilleffect 378,0; sc_start SC_EDP,360000,5;
    skilleffect 465,0; sc_start SC_KAITE,360000,7;
    skilleffect 464,0; sc_start SC_KAUPE,360000,3;
    skilleffect 463,0; sc_start SC_KAAHI,360000,7;
    skilleffect 462,0; sc_start SC_KAIZEL,360000,7;
    skilleffect 8,0; sc_start SC_ENDURE,360000,10;
    skilleffect 33,0; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,360000,10;
    skilleffect 45,0; sc_start SC_CONCENTRATE,360000,10;
    skilleffect 74,0; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,360000,5;
    skilleffect 75,0; sc_start SC_GLORIA,360000,5;
    skilleffect 459,0; sc_start SC_ADRENALINE2,360000,1;
    skilleffect 66,0; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,360000,5;
    skilleffect 67,0; sc_start SC_SUFFRAGIUM,360000,3;
    skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10;
    skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10;
    skilleffect 112,0; sc_start SC_WEAPONPERFECTION,360000,10;
    skilleffect 113,0; sc_start SC_OVERTHRUST,360000,5;
    skilleffect 114,0; sc_start SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER,360000,5;
    skilleffect 357,0; sc_start SC_CONCENTRATION,360000,5;
    skilleffect 355,0; sc_start SC_AURABLADE,360000,5;
    skilleffect 155,0; sc_start SC_LOUD,360000,1;
    skilleffect 157,0; sc_start SC_ENERGYCOAT,360000,1;
    sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,360000,0;
    sc_start SC_STRFood,360000,10;
    sc_start SC_AGIFood,360000,10;
    sc_start SC_VITFood,360000,10;
    sc_start SC_INTFood,360000,10;
    sc_start SC_DEXFood,360000,10;
    sc_start SC_LUKFood,360000,10;
    sc_start SC_HitFood,1200000,30;
    sc_start SC_FleeFood,1200000,30;
    sc_start SC_BATKFood,1200000,10;
    sc_start SC_MATKFood,120000,10;
    skilleffect 380,0; sc_start SC_TRUESIGHT,360000,5;
    skilleffect 361,0; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,360000,5;
    getitem 5013,1;
    getitem 5269,1;
    getitem 13582,1;
    getitem 12210,5;
    getitem 13598,1;
    getitem 5377,1;
    getitem 7179,1000;
    set #free_done, 1;
    mes "Enjoy your freebies.";

    freebies giver.txt

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