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Posts posted by Gepard

  1. I don't understand what exactly you're doing, but:

    • You have to take off the changed item and equip it again in order for changes to apply to your character
    • item_db2 is more important than item_db, so if an item is in both, only item_db2 version will be used

  2. Progress on quests is save in character variables, like sign_q, or kh_quest

    You need to go through script files manually, make a list of variables and possible values (0 is "not started", 1~X-1 is "in progress", >X is "finished" usually, where X changes from quest to quest, as they have different number of steps).

    Then just check for the variables in script and print a appropriate message.

    You're doing it hard way, so I wouldn't expect anybody to write the whole script for you. You got the lineout, and the rest of this absolutely tedious and redundant work is your task :)

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