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  1. Stolao's post in Query sql oninit possible? was marked as the answer   
    Yes it's possible.
  2. Stolao's post in help about stolao daily reward variables was marked as the answer   
    .MinWait is how long a player has to wait in minutes between reways

    .MaxWait is how long in minutes till players start again at day 1 if you have .Reset set to 0
  3. Stolao's post in Zeny Redenomination System was marked as the answer   
    in itemdb.c
    //When a particular price is not given, we should base it off the other one //(it is important to make a distinction between 'no price' and 0z) if ( str[4][0] ) id->value_buy = atoi(str[4]); else id->value_buy = atoi(str[5]) * 2; if ( str[5][0] ) id->value_sell = atoi(str[5]); else id->value_sell = id->value_buy / 2; to
    //When a particular price is not given, we should base it off the other one //(it is important to make a distinction between 'no price' and 0z) if ( str[4][0] ) id->value_buy = atoi(str[4]); else id->value_buy = atoi(str[5]) * 10;// [Stolao] if ( str[5][0] ) id->value_sell = atoi(str[5]); else id->value_sell = id->value_buy / 10;// Lowered Sell Value [Stolao] as for quest you'll have to manually edit the quests

    don't forget to recompile
  4. Stolao's post in How to put this mob on dead branch? was marked as the answer   
    Replace import-tmpl with just import.
  5. Stolao's post in Soul Linker's Esma was marked as the answer   
    Its because you are going 100 - 250 + baselevel, is a skill ratio is negative it will do max damage. I suggest you change your formula to something like
    skillratio += status_get_lv(src)/2; instead
  6. Stolao's post in Daily Reward system was marked as the answer   
    You just add in cutins, then reference the file names in the corresponding day in the bottom of my conf file. Google and wiki are your friends on how to add cutin files.
  7. Stolao's post in Changing Base aspd thru agi stats was marked as the answer   
    2 ways
    1) is edit your db/pre/job_db1.txt for each job on each weapon
    2) open your src and edit the aspd formula till it's as you like.
  8. Stolao's post in What should do when official headgead mission sprites was marked as the answer   
    update your data/rdata (normally this)
    ​check for updates in the translation files
    make sure your rAthena is up to date
  9. Stolao's post in Ebone Armor for all 3rd job problem. was marked as the answer   
    change this
    0x00004080 to this
    0xFFFFFFFF please reference this for basic item db questions ~
  10. Stolao's post in Miscellaneous Items effects? was marked as the answer   
    Using onpccalcevent and countitem yes, but it's not an effective use of onpccalcevent
  11. Stolao's post in Experience rates. was marked as the answer   
  12. Stolao's post in Map Music NPC was marked as the answer   
    This special label triggers when a player steps in a map marked with the
    'loadevent' mapflag and attaches its RID. The fact that this label requires a
    mapflag for it to work is because, otherwise, it'd be server-wide and trigger
    every time a player would change maps. Imagine the server load with 1,000 players
    (oh the pain...)
  13. Stolao's post in [Svn , Git] Download ! was marked as the answer   
    No git is more up to date.
  14. Stolao's post in Script problem was marked as the answer   
    I'm pretty sure setcell has to inside a script not as a stand alone code line like an NPC
  15. Stolao's post in Dragon Fear was marked as the answer   
    If your re https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/re/skill_db.txt
    If your pre
  16. Stolao's post in Requesting quest level 4 weapon script was marked as the answer   
    Yoy need to give way more details then just level 4 weapons.
    But I'm pretty sure you mean this
  17. Stolao's post in Q> Pre-RE was marked as the answer   
    rAthena is primarily re yes however pre-re works just fine and as it's not in development anymore it doesn't break often, once in a while a re feature will cause issues but that's what issue tracker is for.
    So in short yes pre-re is still supported
  18. Stolao's post in Set Variable on Map was marked as the answer   
    Try using addrid() to attach players in map then do var = 1; to make each player attached gain the variables
  19. Stolao's post in Modifications to Stolao's Daily Rewards Script was marked as the answer   
    Add this right above OnInit:
    OnHour00: if(gettime(5) == 1){ query_sql("DELETE FROM `acc_reg_num` WHERE `key` = '#DRewardCon'"); set .@size, query_sql("select account_id from `char` where online = 1", .@aid); for(set .@i,0; .@i<.@size; set .@i,.@i+1) { if(attachrid(.@aid[.@i])){ #DRewardCon = 0; } } } end;
  20. Stolao's post in increasing max_hp on battle.c was marked as the answer   
    Hp can not exceed 2.1 (2^32-1 to be exact) bil as that is the limitations of the system you would have to change it from int32 to int 64 which is honestly not that easy
  21. Stolao's post in Classic 99/50 clean sql ready? was marked as the answer   
    Its in the rAthena files you download.
  22. Stolao's post in Create elemental weapon? was marked as the answer   
    Ya easy

    --------------------------------------- *getitem2 <item id>,<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>{,<account ID>}; *getitem2 "<item name>",<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>{,<account ID>}; This command will give an amount of specified items to the invoking character. If an optional account ID is specified, and the target character is currently online, items will be created in their inventory instead. If they are not online, nothing will happen. It works essentially the same as 'getitem' but is a lot more flexible. Those parameters that are different from 'getitem' are: identify - Whether you want the item to be identified (1) or not (0). refine - For how many pluses will it be refined. It will not let you refine an item higher than the max refine. attribute - Whether the item is broken (1) or not (0). card1,2,3,4 - If you want a card compound to it, place the card ID number into the specific card slot. Card1-card4 values are also used to store name information for named items, as well as the elemental property of weapons and armor. You can create a named item in this manner, however, if you just need a named piece of standard equipment, it is much easier to the 'getnameditem' function instead. You will need to keep these values if you want to destroy and then perfectly recreate a named item, for this see 'getinventorylist'. If you still want to try creating a named item with this command because 'getnameditem' won't do it for you cause it's too limited, you can do it like this. Careful, minor magic ahead. // First, let's get an ID of a character who's name will be on the item. // Only an existing character's name may be there. // Let's assume our character is 'Adam' and find his ID. @charid = getcharid(0,"Adam"); // Now we split the character ID number into two portions with a binary // shift operation. If you don't understand what this does, just copy it. @card3 = @charid & 65535; @card4 = @charid >> 16; // If you're inscribing non-equipment, @card1 must be 254. // Arrows are also not equipment. @card1 = 254; // For named equipment, card2 means the Star Crumbs and elemental // crystals used to make this equipment. For everything else, it's 0. @card2 = 0; // Now, let's give the character who invoked the script some // Adam's Apples: getitem2 512,1,1,0,0,@card1,@card2,@card3,@card4; This wasn't tested with all possible items, so I can't give any promises, experiment first before relying on it. To create equipment, continue this example it like this: // We've already have card3 and card4 loaded with correct // values so we'll just set up card1 and card2 with data // for an Ice Stiletto. // If you're inscribing equipment, @card1 must be 255. @card1 = 255; // That's the number of star crumbs in a weapon. @sc = 2; // That's the number of elemental property of the weapon. @ele = 1; // And that's the wacky formula that makes them into // a single number. @card2 = @ele+((@sc*5)<<8); // That will make us an Adam's +2 VVS Ice Stiletto: getitem2 1216,1,1,2,0,@card1,@card2,@card3,@card4; Experiment with the number of star crumbs - I'm not certain just how much will work most and what it depends on. The valid element numbers are: 1 - Ice, 2 - Earth 3 - Fire 4 - Wind. You can, apparently, even create duplicates of the same pet egg with this command, creating a pet which is the same, but simultaneously exists in two eggs, and may hatch from either, although, I'm not sure what kind of a mess will this really cause. ---------------------------------------
  23. Stolao's post in Q> Drop Rate was marked as the answer   
    Yes fail rate is multiplitive
  24. Stolao's post in strcharinfo question was marked as the answer   
    Needs to be if(strcharinfo(3) == "prontera")
    But yes will work
  25. Stolao's post in How to correctly make a check for... ? was marked as the answer   
    So you want a random number of variables set to a random number from a given array correct, without any repeating values from said given array?
    try this
        setarray .array_list[0], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;     set .random_variable, rand( 1,4 );     copyarray .@temp_list[0],.array_list[0],getarraysize( .array_list);     for( set .@a, 0; .@a < .random_variable; set .@a, .@a + 1 ) {         .@i = rand( getarraysize( .@temp_list) )         setd( "Variable_" + .@a ), .@temp_list[ .@i ];         deletearray .@temp_list[.@i],1;         mes .@a + ": " + getd( "Variable_" + .@a ) + "";     } Edit2: This Should Work
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