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Fresh prince

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Posts posted by Fresh prince

  1. Hello i am requesting for a commad that will hide top,mid,low view sprites globally “From the user”.


    example: Player A, Player B, Player C, all wearing sakkat, blinker, pipe.


    Player A uses “@hidehg” He wont see Player B and Player C’s headgears but he can see his.


    Thank you Rathena!


  2. On 1/6/2021 at 8:41 AM, Chasewalk said:

    need to update of source

    can i send you a message?



    my source is updated, now i fixed this error by applying the fix in “issue 4018”. However, i can not edit the default db/soul_link.yml.


    On 1/6/2021 at 9:05 AM, Fresh prince said:


    my source is updated, now i fixed this error by applying the fix in “issue 4018”. However, i can not edit the default db/soul_link.yml.

    disregard this it’s been working. I’m testing it with the wrong item. sorry


  3. Is it possible to equip 4 costumes with all item sprites showing?

    Eqi costume head
    Eqi costume mid
    Eqi costume low
    Eqi costume garment (equipment)

    If it is, please show an image if possible. Help me go through on making it work on my end also thanks!!!

    This is what I'm talking about guys.


    See below:





    This is just photoshoped obviosly, but can i make all 4 item sprites show at the same time? Can i just use 8192 to any item or i have to through this guide to

    get an robe costume? refer to link below please.



     I'm actually interested of the robe costume sprite.


    Thank you in advance!

    Possible to have 4 different costume equipments and equip all at the same time?

    Would the costume robe show if i just pick a random headgear and change the location to "8192"? Mine did not :(

  4. Hello rathena,

    Requesting a npc that will tell you the account ids that has 400+ items on their storage.

    Example is when you click a npc, it will say







    Has more than 400 items on their storage.


    This is for only a game master's use ofcourse. Thanks you!

    Little help here please? :(

  5. Theres a newer version of that woe setter(1.5 i think) that gives the solely the guild leader a reward after woe.

    As for agit controllers, you have to remove both because The woe setter replaces it. The announcements for breakers can be found in agit_main.txt not there

  6. Tried Sir Emistry edit but threw me an error and Still gave me prize. What about if there is an @afk command and used it? how can we prevent them receiving rewards after woe? 


    Thanks you rathena

  7. Thank you!!!

    //===== eAthena Script =======================================
    //= Item Rewards NPC
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= Euphy
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.8
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= Useful for event rewards, when a player is not necessarily online.
    //= Logging is available, if needed (holds 128 names).
    //= Note: Unclaimed rewards are limited to 64 at a time.
    prontera,156,195,6 script Item Rewards 836,{
    // --------------------- Config ---------------------
    // Package format is "ID1,Count1,ID2,Count2,..."
    // GM Access: Level required to open the GM menu.
    // GM Delete: Level required to erase entries.
    // GM Logging: Level required to manage logs.
    set .GMAccess,60;
    set .GMDelete,80;
    set .GMLogging,99;
    set .PackageCount,3;
    setarray .Package1[0],501,1,502,2,503,3;
    setarray .Package2[0],601,5,602,10;
    setarray .Package3[0],607,10;
    // --------------------------------------------------
    if (getgmlevel() >= .GMAccess) goto GM_Menu;
    mes "[Item Rewards]";
    set .@i,0;
    while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) {
    if (strcharinfo(0) == $itemreward$[.@i]) goto GetReward;
    set .@i, .@i+2; }
    mes "You have no rewards pending.";
    if (((Weight*100)/MaxWeight) > 49) {
    mes "You are over the weight limit."; close; }
    if (!checkweight(5055,getarraysize(getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1])))) {
    mes "Clear space in your inventory."; close; }
    set .@j,0;
    while (.@j < getarraysize(getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]))) {
    getitem getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]+"["+.@j+"]"),getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]+"["+(.@j+1)+"]");
    set .@j, .@j+2; }
    specialeffect2 248;
    deletearray $itemreward$[.@i],2;
    mes "Here you go!";
    if (!getarraysize($itemreward$)) end;
    set .@i,0;
    while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) {
    message $itemreward$[.@i],"[You have a reward pending.  See the Item Rewards NPC.]";
    sleep 10;
    set .@i, .@i+2; }
    mes "[Item Rewards]";
    mes "What would you like to do?";
    switch(select(" ~ ^FF55FFPackage information^000000: ~ ^FF55FFList unclaimed rewards^000000: ~ ^00D900Give a reward^000000: ~ "+((getgmlevel()<.GMDelete)?"^777777":"^DE0000")+"Delete a reward^000000: ~ "+((getgmlevel()<.GMDelete)?"^777777":"^DE0000")+"Delete all unclaimed rewards^000000: ~ "+((getgmlevel()<.GMLogging)?"^777777":"^55AAFF")+"Manage logs^000000: ~ [Close]")) {
    case 1:
    mes "[Item Rewards]";
    set .@j,1;
    while (getd(".Package"+.@j)) {
    mes "^660099Package " + .@j + ":^000000";
    set .@i,0;
    while (.@i < getarraysize(getd(".Package"+.@j))) {
    mes " ~ " + getd(".Package"+.@j+"["+(.@i+1)+"]") + "x " + getitemname(getd(".Package"+.@j+"["+(.@i)+"]"));
    set .@i, .@i+2; }
    set .@j, .@j+1; }
    goto GM_Menu;
    case 2:
    mes "[Item Rewards]";
    mes "Used space: ^F52887" + (getarraysize($itemreward$)/2) + "^000000/64";
    mes "--------------------------------";
    set .@i,0;
    while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) {
    mes "^B041FF" + $itemreward$[.@i] + "^000000: package #" + $itemreward$[.@i+1];
    set .@i, .@i+2; }
    goto GM_Menu;
    case 3:
    mes "[Item Rewards]";
    if (getarraysize($itemreward$) > 127) {
    mes "No more names can be stored.";
    mes "Delete some values and try again.";
    goto GM_Menu; }
    mes "Input a name, then a package number.";
    input .@name$;
    query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '"+.@name$+"'",.@charid;
    if (!.@charid) { mes "The name is invalid."; next; goto GM_Menu; }
    else set .@charid,0;
    input .@package,1,.PackageCount;
    mes "[Item Rewards]";
    mes "Player: ^B041FF" + .@name$ + "^000000";
    mes "Package: ^B041FF#" + .@package + "^000000";
    mes " ";
    mes "Are you sure?";
    if (select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "Request cancelled."; next; goto GM_Menu; }
    setarray $itemreward$[getarraysize($itemreward$)],.@name$,.@package;
    message .@name$,"[You have a reward pending.  See the Item Rewards NPC.]";
    if ($itemlog) {
    if (getarraysize($itemlog1$) > 127) {
    deletearray $itemlog1$[0],1;
    deletearray $itemlog2$[0],1; }
    setarray $itemlog1$[getarraysize($itemlog1$)],strcharinfo(0);
    setarray $itemlog2$[getarraysize($itemlog2$)],.@name$; }
    mes "Reward added.";
    goto GM_Menu;
    case 4:
    mes "[Item Rewards]";
    if (getgmlevel() < .GMDelete) {
    mes "You are not permitted to delete entries."; next; goto GM_Menu; }
    mes "Input a name to cancel a reward.";
    input .@name$;
    set .@i,0;
    while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) {
    if ($itemreward$[.@i] == .@name$) {
    deletearray $itemreward$[.@i],2;
    mes "Name cleared."; next; goto GM_Menu; }
    set .@i, .@i+2; }
    mes "The name is invalid.";
    goto GM_Menu;
    case 5:
    mes "[Item Rewards]";
    if (getgmlevel() < .GMDelete) {
    mes "You are not permitted to delete entries."; next; goto GM_Menu; }
    mes "^FF0000This action cannot be undone.^000000";
    mes "Are you sure?";
    mes " ";
    if (select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "Request cancelled."; next; goto GM_Menu; }
    deletearray $itemreward$[0],getarraysize($itemreward$);
    mes "All entries cleared.";
    goto GM_Menu;
    case 6:
    mes "[Item Rewards]";
    if (getgmlevel() < .GMLogging) {
    mes "You are not permitted to manage logs."; next; goto GM_Menu; }
    mes "Logs are currently "+(($itemlog)?"^00D900enabled^000000":"^FF0000disabled^000000")+".";
    switch(select(" ~ ^55AAFFView Logs^000000: ~ "+((!$itemlog)?"^00D900Enable":"^777777Disable")+" logging^000000: ~ ^DE0000Delete all logs^000000: ~ [Go back]")) {
    case 1:
    mes "[Item Rewards]";
    mes "Used space: ^F52887" + (getarraysize($itemlog1$)) + "^000000/128";
    mes "--------------------------------";
    set .@i,0;
    while (.@i < getarraysize($itemlog1$)) {
    mes "^B041FF" + $itemlog1$[.@i] + "^000000: sent to ^55AAFF" + $itemlog2$[.@i] + "^000000";
    set .@i, .@i+1; }
    goto Log_Menu;
    case 2:
    set $itemlog, ((!$itemlog)?1:0);
    goto Log_Menu;
    case 3:
    mes "[Item Rewards]";
    mes "^FF0000This action cannot be undone.^000000";
    mes "Are you sure?";
    mes " ";
    if (select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "Request cancelled."; next; goto Log_Menu; }
    deletearray $itemlog1$[0],getarraysize($itemlog1$);
    deletearray $itemlog2$[0],getarraysize($itemlog2$);
    mes "Logs cleared.";
    goto Log_Menu;
    case 4:
    goto GM_Menu;
    case 7:
  8. try this:


    conf > battle > status.conf


    // Will certain skill status-changes be removed on logout?
    // This mimics official servers, where Extremity Fist's no SP regen,
    // Strip Equipment, and some other buffs are removed when you logout. Setting is:
    // 0 = remove nothing.
    // 1 = remove negative buffs (stripping, EF)
    // 2 = remove positive buffs (maximize power, steel body...)
    // 3 = remove both negative and positive buffs.
    debuff_on_logout: 0
  9. What rental box? Custom or official?

    What item was rented?

    I assume that you dont have a sprite for the rented item.

    Things you can do:

    1. Figure out what item was rented and its box if theres any

    2. Wait until the rental timer is over or;

    3. Go to you cp and look for that item if you've successfullt done #1.

    4. Edit the rental item that makes your client crash and make it, say, a red potion 504.


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