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  1. Hi All can i seek for your assistance why my enchant NPC will not allow me to proceed after i choose the costume that i want to enchant by the way "30004" is the itemid i set for the transaction. update : I was able to enchant top mid and low headgear costume but for garment it doesnt work here's my script //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Costume Enchanter //===== By =================================================== //= llchrisll //===== Version ============================================== //= 1.0 - Initial Version //= 1.1 - Added support for all costume slots // - Added forgotten "Reset Enchantment" menu option //= 1.2 - Added support to use an price to enchant // - Removed the unecessary variable for Reset Enchantment // - Modified the menu creation //===== Tested With ========================================== //= rAthena 03/26/2018 Revision //= GIT Hash: 333f0dddc8353663eacba0423751988c9bc38e34 //===== Description ========================================== //= This NPC allows players to enchant Costumes. //= Selectable Enchants and reseting the Enchantments. //===== Request ============================================= //= by Vegas (https://rathena.org/board/profile/53497-vegas/) //= Topic: https://rathena.org/board/topic/115174-runen-enchanter-npc-for-custom-upper-middle-lower/ //============================================================ prontera,151,171,4 script Costume Enchanter 101,{ disable_items; mes .n$; mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "If you like I can enchant your costume equipment with any enchantment I have in store"; mes ( (.exchange_cost[0] > 0)?"in exchange for "+.enchant_cost[1]+"x "+getitemname(.enchant_cost[0]):"for free")+"."; mes "I can also reset an Enchantment "+ ((.enchant_reset[0] > 0)?", but I require "+.enchant_reset[1]+"x "+getitemname(.enchant_reset[0]):"for free")+"."; next; switch(select("- Enchant Costumes:- Reset Enchantment:- Nevermind")) { case 1: mes .n$; mes "Please select the Costume you want me to enchant:"; for ( set .@s,0; .@s < getarraysize(.enchant_slot); set .@s,.@s + 1) { switch(.enchant_slot[.@s]) { case EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP: set .@c_slot$,"Top Headgear"; break; case EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID: set .@c_slot$,"Mid Headgear"; break; case EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW: set .@c_slot$,"Low Headgear"; break; case EQI_COSTUME_GARMENT: set .@c_slot$,"Garment"; break; case EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR: set .@c_slot$,"Armor"; break; case EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON: set .@c_slot$,"Weapon"; break; case EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD: set .@c_slot$,"Shield"; break; case EQI_SHADOW_SHOES: set .@c_slot$,"Shoes"; break; case EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R: set .@c_slot$,"Accessory Right"; break; case EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L: set .@c_slot$,"Accessory Left"; break; } set .@c_m$,.@c_m$ + ((getequipid(.enchant_slot[.@s]) != -1)?.@c_slot$ + " - "+getitemname(getequipid(.enchant_slot[.@s])):"") + ( (.enchant_slot[.@s+1] != 0)?":":""); } set .@c_m$,.@c_m$ + ":- Cancel"; set .@c,select(.@c_m$); if(.@c >= getarraysize(.enchant_slot)) close; set .@part,.enchant_slot[.@c-1]; next; mes .n$; if(getequipid(.@part) == -1) { mes "It looks like you don't have any costume equipped on there."; close; } set .@hg,getequipid(.@part); // Saving Item ID set .@ref,getequiprefinerycnt(.@part); // Saving Refine Level, if there is one set .@card1,getequipcardid(.@part,0); // Save Item ID of Card Slot 1 mes "Selected Costume: "+getitemname(getequipid(.@part)); if(getequipcardid(.@part,3) != 0) { mes "But it looks like you already have an enchantment in this costume."; close; } mes "Now please select the Enchantment:"; next; for ( set .@e,0; .@e < getarraysize(.enchant_id); set .@e,.@e + 1) set .@e_m$,.@e_m$ + "> "+getitemname(.enchant_id[.@e])+ ( (.enchant_id[.@e+1] != 0)?":":""); set .@rune,select(.@e_m$) - 1; mes .n$; mes "Selected Enchantment: "+getitemname(.enchant_id[.@rune]); if(.enchant_cost[0] > 0 && countitem(.enchant_cost[0]) < .enchant_cost[1]) { mes "But it looks like you don't have enough "+getitemname(.enchant_cost[0])+"!"; close; } mes "Proceed?"; if(select("- Yes:- No") - 1) close; next; if(.enchant_cost[0] > 0) delitem .enchant_cost[0],.enchant_cost[1]; delequip .@part; getitem2 .@hg,1,1,.@ref,0,.@card1,0,0,.enchant_id[.@rune]; equip .@hg; mes .n$; mes "The enchantment was a success."; mes "See ya next time."; enable_items; break; case 2: mes .n$; mes "Please select the Costume you want me to reset the enchantment!"; for ( set .@s,0; .@s < getarraysize(.enchant_slot); set .@s,.@s + 1) { switch(.enchant_slot[.@s]) { case EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP: set .@c_slot$,"Top Headgear"; break; case EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID: set .@c_slot$,"Mid Headgear"; break; case EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW: set .@c_slot$,"Low Headgear"; break; case EQI_COSTUME_GARMENT: set .@c_slot$,"Garment"; break; case EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR: set .@c_slot$,"Armor"; break; case EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON: set .@c_slot$,"Weapon"; break; case EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD: set .@c_slot$,"Shield"; break; case EQI_SHADOW_SHOES: set .@c_slot$,"Shoes"; break; case EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R: set .@c_slot$,"Accessory Right"; break; case EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L: set .@c_slot$,"Accessory Left"; break; } set .@c_m$,.@c_m$ + ((getequipid(.enchant_slot[.@s]) != -1)?.@c_slot$ + " - "+getitemname(getequipid(.enchant_slot[.@s])):"") + ( (.enchant_slot[.@s+1] != 0)?":":""); } set .@c_m$,.@c_m$ + ":- Cancel"; set .@c,select(.@c_m$); if(.@c >= getarraysize(.enchant_slot)) close; set .@part,.enchant_slot[.@c-1]; next; mes .n$; if(getequipcardid(.@part,3) == 0) { mes "It looks like you don't have any enchantment in this costume."; close; } set .@hg,getequipid(.@part); // Saving Item ID set .@ref,getequiprefinerycnt(.@part); // Saving Refine Level, if there is one set .@card1,getequipcardid(.@part,0); // Save Item ID of Card Slot 1 mes "Selected Costume: "+getitemname(getequipid(.@part)); if(.enchant_reset[0] > 0 && countitem(.enchant_reset[0]) < .enchant_reset[1]) { mes "But you don't have the required Items to reset the enchantment!"; close; } mes "Proceed?"; if(select("- Yes:- No") - 1) close; next; if(.enchant_reset[0]) delitem .enchant_reset[0],.enchant_reset[1]; delequip .@part; getitem2 .@hg,1,1,.@ref,0,.@card1,0,0,0; equip .@hg; mes .n$; mes "The enchantment has been reseted."; mes "See ya next time."; break; case 3: break; } end; OnInit: set .n$,"[Costume Enchanter]"; // Enter here every Costume Slot, which you want to be enchantable // Valid Entries: // - EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP // - EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID // - EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW // - EQI_COSTUME_GARMENT // - EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR // - EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON // - EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD // - EQI_SHADOW_SHOES // - EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R // - EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L setarray .enchant_slot[0],EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP,EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID,EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW,EQI_COSTUME_GARMENT; // Enchantment ID's setarray .enchant_id[0],4720,4721; // Price for enchanting: // To disable the price, put 0 as values setarray .enchant_cost[0],30004,100; // Item ID,Amount // Price for reseting: // To disable the price, put 0 as values setarray .enchant_reset[0],30004,100; // Item ID,Amount end; }
  2. Hi , Paano po gawin random ang end time ng KOE? Thanks,
  3. Hi All, Can i ask a question regarding koe how to make the end time random. Between 45mins to 60 mins. here's our current script for koe //===== Hercules Script =========================================== //= King of Emperium Hill //===== By: ======================================================= //= AnnieRuru //===== Current Version: ========================================== //= 1.2 //===== Compatible With: ========================================== //= hercules & rathena 2018-04-08 //===== Description: ============================================== //= defends the emperium in the middle of the map until times up //===== Topic ===================================================== //= http://hercules.ws/board/topic/4495-gvg-king-of-emperium-hill/ //===== Additional Comments: ====================================== //= Finally there is a topic for this ! //================================================================= - script KoE FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: disablenpc "The King#KoE"; disablenpc "Exit#KoE"; bindatcmd "koe", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnCommand", 99,100; end; OnCommand: if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "on" ) ) goto L_start; else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "off" ) ) goto L_end; else { dispbottom "type - '@koe on' to start the event"; dispbottom "type - '@koe off' to end the event"; } end; L_start: OnClock2000: // everyday 8pm starts if ( .start ) end; gvgon "guild_vs1"; announce "The King of Emperium Hill has begun!", bc_all; .start = true; enablenpc "The King#KoE"; disablenpc "Exit#KoE"; $koegid = 0; donpcevent "::OnRevKoE"; maprespawnguildid "guild_vs1", $koegid, 3; killmonster "guild_vs1", "KoE::OnEmpDead"; monster "guild_vs1",49,49, "EMPERIUM", 1288, 1, "KoE::OnEmpDead"; end; L_end: OnClock2030: // everyday 8:30pm ends gvgoff "guild_vs1"; announce "The King of Emperium Hill is over!", bc_all; .start = 0; enablenpc "Exit#KoE"; disablenpc "The King#KoE"; killmonster "guild_vs1", "KoE::OnEmpDead"; // maprespawnguildid "guild_vs1", $koegid, 2; // uncomment this line to kick non-owner off the map when event ends //Auto Reward to Master Guild - Coded by Krieg if ($koegid) { .@aid = getguildmasterid($koegid); if (.@aid && isloggedin(.@aid)) { getitem 30004, 150, .@aid; } } end; OnEmpDead: $koegid = getcharid(2); announce "The current King of Emperium Hill is the ["+ strcharinfo(2) +"] guild.", bc_all; donpcevent "::OnRevKoE"; maprespawnguildid "guild_vs1", $koegid, 2; killmonster "guild_vs1", "KoE::OnEmpDead"; sleep 500; if ( .start ) monster "guild_vs1",49,49, "EMPERIUM", 1288, 1, "KoE::OnEmpDead"; end; } // KoE Entrance prontera,155,172,4 script The King#KoE 1_M_MERCHANT,{ mes "[The King]"; if ( !getcharid(2) ) { mes "You must have a guild to participate in the ^FF0000King of Emperium Hill Tournament^000000."; close; } mes "Hello."; mes "Would you like to participate in the ^FF0000King of Emperium Hill Tournament^000000?"; if ( select ( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; if ( !getvariableofnpc( .start, "KoE" ) ) close; switch( rand(1,4) ){ case 1: warp "guild_vs1", 50, 88; end; case 2: warp "guild_vs1", 88, 50; end; case 3: warp "guild_vs1", 50, 11; end; case 4: warp "guild_vs1", 11, 50; end; } } // KoE Exit guild_vs1,49,56,5 script Exit#KoE 1_M_BARD,{ mes "[Exit]"; mes "See ya."; close2; warp "Save",0,0; //if ( getcharid(2) == $koegid ) //getitem 30004, 150; // configure prize here - Poring Coin end; } // Flags guild_vs1,49,38,4 script King of Emperium Hill#1::koe_flag GUILD_FLAG,{ if ( !$koegid ) end; mes "[King of Emperium Hill]"; mes "The Current King of Emperium Hill is the ["+ getguildname($koegid) +"] guild."; close; //OnInit: // Uncomment this line to make the emblem stay after @reloadscript OnRevKoE: flagemblem $koegid; end; } guild_vs1,61,49,6 duplicate(koe_flag) King of Emperium Hill#2 GUILD_FLAG guild_vs1,38,49,2 duplicate(koe_flag) King of Emperium Hill#3 GUILD_FLAG guild_vs1,49,61,0 duplicate(koe_flag) King of Emperium Hill#4 GUILD_FLAG guild_vs1 mapflag nobranch guild_vs1 mapflag nomemo guild_vs1 mapflag nopenalty guild_vs1 mapflag noreturn guild_vs1 mapflag nosave SavePoint guild_vs1 mapflag noteleport guild_vs1 mapflag gvg_noparty guild_vs1 mapflag nowarp guild_vs1 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs1 mapflag guildlock guild_vs1 mapflag noicewall
  4. Please Help me how can i resolved this error Screenshot Attached
  5. what files i need for mid rate no custom items and no 3rd jobs thanks for the answer
  6. hello i would to ask some suggestions or advise from all of you cause i am going to create a ragnarok online server i am going to ask which is the best server files and client to be downloaded .. Current i am usong rathena - Revision 16815: /trunk and 2011-03-15aRagexeRE Thanks
  7. Can someone Help be about port forwarding Please if you have time you can access my pc using team viewer please about to build my own server
  8. Can you please help me on my server T_T kahit teamviewer po payag me actually nkaset na po yung server hindi me mkapasok ksi gngwa ko sya online please sana my maka2long po
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