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  1. Hi, Im new here at rAthena, is it correct to post GRF related post in this sub forum ? How to hide / simplify the damage shown when attacking normally / combo ( double attack / bolts damage in yellow ) I tried to copy someones .grf at youtube and he add that .grf in Data.INI i tried to make my self DATA.INI since i dont see any on my RO folder, but it doesnt work. This is my Data.Ini ( those are all grf file in my RO folder ) [Data] 0=nodamage.grf 1=rdata.grf 2=sdata.grf 3=gepard.grf 4=tdata.grf 5=tdata_dummies.grf 6=thallo.grf 7=tpalettes.grf 8=tspring.grf 9=txmas.grf Thank you so much.
  2. Hi, is it the correct place to ask this question ? If not, where should i address this question ? Im trying to edit ( size up the script or change the color so its more visible ) some loots sprites, i successfully edit Witherless rose, Crystal Mirror and Blue Herb. But when i tried to edit Cards ( I use Abysmal Knight Card ), Royal Jelly and Mastela Fruit, it prompts error after loots dropped or when i tried to click the icon at vending / NPC. The method that i use to edit those items are the same. But only those 3 items that shown error, is there some limitation on how to edit sprites ? or what could cause the error ? Thank you so much.
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