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Posts posted by Winz

  1. Deleting the old server and downloading the new one, recompile, setting up (including DB) is not a good idea, I know.

    The only way to fix the problem is to run the sql upgrade files.

    On 11/18/2016 at 8:07 PM, Anime s2 said:

    Items are disappearing when i use @item after updating the database sql files

    Wait, what did you upgrade? the database or the server?

    If you upgraded the database, then you need to upgrade the server (and vice versa).

    Which to run? umm.. your last revision (or build date) to today (one by one)


    If you just upgraded your server files, you may drop all of your database's tables and re run the sql files like you installed a new one. Be reminded that all of your data will be deleted (logins, chars, items)

  2. 1. either your lua or lub files are not compatible with your client. i see the "Data translation Folder" is git-controlled.. is it the latest version? and are you using the client it supports? what's your client date? (http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/lubs/ ) but I can't find more than 2012-04-18 lub files.


    2. some "launchers" are just.. having problems. I forget, if loki does or doesn't have a problem. If you want, you can fix this by diff-ing another client, but with (damn i forget what the patch name is) checked.


    Restore login window or something it is..


    2. alt: you can also create a shortcut to your .exe and open properties and add this line:

     -1rag1 /account:clientinfo.xml -t:YOURPASSWORD YOURUSERID server

    to the left of your "target" box.


    remember that it is case sensitive. and YOURUSERID may be changed to Gimj if it needs. also your password, make it unencrypted.

    or i think, you can try using loki but with MD5 always off (even if your server turns MD5 on). anything sent to client (as password) will be converted to md5 automatically if needed

  3. Git created patches are meant to be applied with Git tools. Use

    git apply <patch>

    If the patch is not created with Git, then just use a patch program 'behind the back' of Git. Often this is the program 'patch':

    patch <patch>

    After applying the patch, add and commit in Git as usual.

  4. langtype 0 is set for Korea while langtype 15 is for Vietnam. also, try to edit your script and save it using notepad++. windows notepad follows system encoding. if system is English, then all characters (including vietnamese characters) will be ANSII and will be read not-correctly. (well, as for me, a still-windows 7 user)

    • Upvote 1
  5.  prontera,162,186,5    script    Warper#toasty    3059,{

    will result this:



    try this:



    if you want to clone the look of a specific char to be a NPC.. then... i only came up with Clone


    first, make the NPC had no sprite (3296) or 111

    clone "prontera",<150>,<151>,,<char id>,<master_id>,64;

    will make the clone to be a plant. IDK if it can be attacked or not.



    for another thing...


    oh and idk if player can click the npc to start basic NPC interactions or not

  6. seriously guys. please post any message of login-server or char-server or map-server instead of "help me please I need immediate HELP"
    it's just the same if you go to the hospital and kept shouting "HELP I DON'T FEEL GOOD HELP HELP HELP I'M DYING"
    i don't know if you're talking about this or not:

    hmm. seems like it's fixed? try updating it.
    another had posted this on the bug tracker. he's using centos as well.

    take a look at the bottom of the page "Fixed #193 by reverting some changes from a075324."

    i don't think so

  7. iteminfo holds the description and sprite definition right?

    itemdb holds the PROPERTIES (name, jname, atk, def, level, type,...) right?

    how are you going to sync both of them?


    even if you see the word "atk: xx, def: xx, weight: xx" on the item description, it does not affect anything since those properties are set in the itemdb.


    oh I get it... you want to extract those properties and put them in iteminfo?

    if that is, i haven't heard of such things.


    you can try https://rathena.org/board/topic/56376-rathena-database-editor/to see the props better.

  8. 1. login to your SQL database, use workbench, probably

    2. open or create 'ragnarok' database. select it (double click)

    3. load sql-files/main.sql and sql-files/logs.sql

    4. open the "login" table

    5. set the administrator (server communication) ID and Password with the accountID of 1 and sex of S.

    6. the next account ID will be 2000000 i guess.

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