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Posts posted by Vach

  1. I'm pretty sure more specific sprite editing is needed to make classes that don't normally animate with a weapon, do so. Did you edit the sprite to work (act files)? Or just attach the job to it?

    It'd be like putting swords on a mage, it'd just look like they're punching everything unless you make entirely new sprites. I actually don't know which specific file to edit, but I wanted to appraise you of your roadblock.

  2. Yea, you are correct, that is exactly the issue I encountered. So I scrapped the idea.

    Instead, I embedded the Quest UI in with my own quest system. It's cumbersome, but it gets the job done and makes everything look nice, plus adding quests ends up being simplier because I can use "checkquest" functions.

    Well, I guess giving up wasn't so bad in this case.

  3. Hey! That's kind of a low blow there! I've been programming for years I know how to work with negative integers. =(

    I was merely restating my question for clarity and to repropose other alternatives (if any).

    Anyway... In regards to the un-equip restriction, I was thinking of doing just that. Call a function or some other that prevents the item from being unequipped a few seconds after attacking with it. I'm not sure if anything like that exists.

  4. I'm trying to overcome the need to use the in-game Quest UI for hunting missions, without using the OnDeath label - which would make that called every time any monster dies anywhere. With some source modifications I could essentially run event labels that run functions for specific monsters and limit the amount of processing going on serverside.

    I'm not sure if I even need these to do this, but I probably would so I could store the mobs GID and create some kind of switch that shuffles through mobs for players on specific hunting missions attached to them.

    It's probably a lost cause, though.

  5. +1 for AWESOME.


    Hmmm, I could have sworn I posted an additional reply? I suppose it got lost in translation!

    Anyway, in it I had mentioned there was a bug with this fix. When scoring criticals with abilities that have effects, such as spells and things like finger offensive, the effect does not occur and the sprite animation repeats. It acts a little weird when casting on a target and they die mid-attack (with a multi-hitting attack). It sort of makes them "auto target" random stuff until the "attack" animation finishes.

    Also, every hit is a crit if one is... Is there a way to change this so crits are checked for each attack on multi-hitting skills, like thunderbolt?

    I tried messaging goddameit, but no response. :(

  6. I'd rather just go with database edits, it makes things a whole lot easier for assigning values and skill edits. Unfortunately, I may have to go with creating a new weapon group to make the new skills "only work" with shotguns.

    That being said, for now I'll try without a new weapon group.

    So there is a database bBonus that limits range? That makes it easier. What about the un-equip restriction? Is that possible through item script or does that require source editing?

  7. I have some sprites my artist made I can use for this as well as different setups for the item stats and how to add skills for it. My only question is:

    Should I use an item equip command to horribly lower ASPD when the item is equipped, or is there a way to create a "delay before attack again" so someone couldn't just equip and unequip the weapon constantly to get shots back?

    In the database, shotguns will basically be gun items that have very slow attack speed with high damage and splash, but low range.

    Speaking of range, is there a way to limit range with with an equipped ranged weapon with simple item_db editing or does that have to be done with the source?

    I suppose I'll have to edit the source anyway to make a new weapon "type" for the skills to work properly... anyway. :)

    And my apologies if this is in the wrong section. I didn't know if it was request or support at this point.

  8. After upgrading my server to rAthena and getting it to work stabily, I had to upgrade my quest system to function properly with rAthena and while doing so I had an interesting thought.

    My old quest system was completely serverside using NPC conversations through items and other dynamic menus. With the current quest UI and other such things, it tends to be more engaging and have better quest management through the already existing quest system and UI.

    There are many reasons I went with a serverside system: easier updating, no patches for new quests, more control of what is active and what isn't, dynamic quest desriptions. All of that is not possible with the current UI due to part of the quest data being server side.

    So that brings me to my question/requet; would it be possible to manipulate the quest UI serverside? I realize this task is probably difficult and a little ambitious, but if possible, I think it would be really cool and very helpful for hunting missions and cutting back on data storage.

    So, any thoughts? /no1

  9. In that case, I think we should make some kind of repository of text files with different translation sets, or blank commented lines with what could be translated and you could put it in if you want (uncomment the line).

    For now it looks like everything is good with the old dll, so I'll leave it, but in the distant future when we have support for stuff in later months that would be super useful and I wouldn't mind contributing.

    Also, thanks for the new colors! :D

  10. Works like a charm on 2012-04-24, amazing! Can't wait for the other stuff! :)

    As a note of support, anyone know if there is a way to have the custom auras apply for the 3rd Job auras as well?

  11. There's no tab for the map index number, just a space.

    Also, as darristan said, be absolutely sure your original map name is "test_01" or the assets won't know what to look for. Use the mapcache.exe directly in your rAthena folder (the same folder as the server exe's) - it will compile based on the index properly.

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