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Get Backers

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Everything posted by Get Backers

  1. Hello, who knows how to fix it. I trying to @summon phreeoni in prontera, the boss showing percent of full life. after I go to the mvp room the boss doesn't show the hp thanks everyone!! PS: First picture is @monster phreeoni show HP Second Picture i go to the mvp room but the hp not showing This is conf/monster.conf // Display some mob info next to their name? (add as needed) // (does not works on guardian or Emperium) // 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format) // 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format) // 4: Display mob's level show_mob_info: 2
  2. i forgot to edit /conf/script_athena.conf input_max_value: 2000000000 solved~
  3. i am using this bank script npc https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/custom/etc/bank.txt and why only max 10m can deposit instead 2B max thanks
  4. Hello guys i have question anyone knows how to do this, I want to put in the daily quest of the view id but I do not know what script,
  5. Hello, there when I enter the gold room my zeny will not reduce and even without my zeny I can get inside the gold room thanks if (.@txt$ != .@str$) { mes "[ ^C6A518Bot Checker^000000 ]"; mes "You have not inputted Correct."; mes "Captcha"; next; atcommand "@kick "+ strcharinfo(0); close2; cutin "",255; end; } if (gettimetick(0) < #GOLDROOM_CD) { mes "[ ^C6A518Gold Room Assistant^000000 ]"; mes "You can only re-enter after "+(#GOLDROOM_CD - gettimetick(0))+" seconds."; close2; cutin "",255; end; } else if ( Zeny < .zeny_cost ) { mes "[ ^C6A518Gold Room Assistant^000000 ]"; mes "Sorry, but you can't enter the room."; close2; cutin "",255; end; } else { #GOLDROOM_CD = gettimetick(0) + (12 * 60 * 60); // 12 hours cooldown. Zeny -= .zeny_cost; deltimer strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKick"; addtimer (300 * 60 * 1000), strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKick"; warp "ordeal_1-2",151,154; } close;
  6. Sorry late reply Thank you so much Poring King and Cookie-rae Solved~
  7. Hi Cookie-rae nothing changed. still not removed close on message callshop "EmpBreakerShop", 4; mes "[ ^C6A518WoE Points Staff^000000 ]"; mes "Every and of the month the shop"; mes "Will have a new headgears manually"; mes "picked by the Players!"; mes " "; mes "^FF0000NOTE^000000: Please choose wisely"; break; case 2: mes "[ ^C6A518WoE Points Staff^000000 ]"; mes "Thats good to hear!"; close2; cutin "",255; end; } close;
  8. Hello, thanks to those who replied but I mean like this please look at the difference of two npc video and even open shop can walk player this a script sorry for my bad english thank you guys!! guildhall,95,72,3 script Breaker Points Shop 512,{ query_sql("SELECT `count` FROM `breaker_ladder` WHERE `char_id` = "+ getcharid(0), .@count); cutin "woe_2020",2; mes "[ ^C6A518WoE Points Staff^000000 ]"; mes "Hey sir!"; mes " "; mes "Breaker Points: ^1DCE63 "+#EMPBREAKERPTS+" Points^000000 "; mes "Did you enjoy the WoE today?, Hows your day?"; next; switch(select("I want to check shop","I'm good thank you..")) { case 1: callshop "EmpBreakerShop", 4; mes "[ ^C6A518WoE Points Staff^000000 ]"; mes "Every and of the month the shop"; mes "Will have a new headgears manually"; mes "picked by the Players!"; mes " "; mes "^FF0000NOTE^000000: Please choose wisely"; end; case 2: mes "[ ^C6A518WoE Points Staff^000000 ]"; mes "Thats good to hear!"; close2; cutin "",255; end; } close; OnInit: // how much points gained per emp break? $@empbreakpoints = 1; query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `breaker_ladder` (`char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY ( `char_id` )) ENGINE=InnoDB"); } - pointshop EmpBreakerShop -1,#EMPBREAKERPTS,12202:1,12203:1,12207:1,12206:1,12205:1,12204:1,13517:1,14004:2 guildhall mapflag loadevent bandicam 2021-01-14 10-08-21-358.mp4
  9. Hello there, any idea how to remove ---> close; thanks you for the help! ps: see the picture prontera,95,72,3 script Breaker Points Shop 512,{ query_sql("SELECT `count` FROM `breaker_ladder` WHERE `char_id` = "+ getcharid(0), .@count); cutin "woe_2020",2; mes "[ ^C6A518WoE Points Staff^000000 ]"; mes "Hey sir!"; mes " "; mes "WoE Points: ^1DCE63 "+#EMPBREAKERPTS+" Points^000000 "; mes "Did you enjoy the WoE today?, Hows your day?"; next; switch(select("I want to check shop","I'm good thank you..",(getgmlevel()> 60) ? "~ [GM MENU] Reset data":"")) { case 1: callshop "EmpBreakerShop",4; mes "[ ^C6A518WoE Points Staff^000000 ]"; mes "Every and of the month the shop"; mes "Will have a new headgears manually"; mes "picked by the Players!"; mes " "; mes "^FF0000NOTE^000000: Please choose wisely"; break;
  10. Sorry for the late reply Haruka Mayumi it's that correct?
  11. anyone how to change rgb color? ty
  12. Hi, anyone can help me, this source is color of yellow but i want to change color into RGB Thanks!! PS: i want to change this color ^C6A518 but i dont know where can put clif_messagecolor(&sd->bl, color_table[COLOR_YELLOW], atcmd_output, false, SELF);
  13. Sorry Haruka Mayumi EHEHE! by the way thank you so much problem solved dead branch and bloody branch! 604,Branch_Of_Dead_Tree,Dead Branch,2,50,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if( compare(strcharinfo(3),"dbroom") || compare(strcharinfo(3),"06guild_")) { delitem 604,1; monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1,1,""; } else dispbottom "This item cannot be used within this are. please use the db room!"; },{},{} 12103,Bloody_Dead_Branch,Bloody Branch,2,10000,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if( compare(strcharinfo(3),"dbroom") || compare(strcharinfo(3),"06guild_")) { delitem 12103,1; monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-3,1,""; } else dispbottom "This item cannot be used within this are. please use the db room!"; },{},{}
  14. not solved sorry ahaha! i can't use bloody branch on map 06_guild01 to 06_guild08
  15. Hello, anyone how to fix this error thank you!! [Error]: itemdb_readdb: Invalid format (Script column) in line 111 of "db/pre-re/item_db.txt" (item with id 604), skipping. [Error]: itemdb_readdb: Insufficient columns in line 112 of "db/pre-re/item_db.txt" (item with id 0), skipping. 604,Branch_Of_Dead_Tree,Dead Branch,2,50,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if( strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom1" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom2" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom3" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom4" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom5" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom6" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom7" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom8" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom9" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom10" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom11" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom12" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom13" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom14" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom15" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom16" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom17" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom18" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom19" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom20" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_01" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_02" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_03" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_04" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_05" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_06" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_07" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_08" ) { delitem 604,1; monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1,1,""; } else dispbottom "This item cannot be used within this are. please use the db room!"; },{},{}
  16. Hi sorry for the very late reply can u send me a whole script for working thanks happy new year!! 604,Branch_Of_Dead_Tree,Dead Branch,2,50,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if( strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom1" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom2" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom3" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom4" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom5" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom6" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom7" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom8" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom9" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom10" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom11" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom12" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom13" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom14" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom15" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom16" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom17" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom18" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom19" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom20" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_01" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_02" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_03" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_04" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_05" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_06" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_07" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_08" ) { delitem 604,1; monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1,1,""; } else dispbottom "This item cannot be used within this are. please use the db room!"; },{},{}
  17. Hello, anyone can help me I added a map 06_guild01 06_guild02 06_guild03 06_guild04 06_guild05 06_guild06 06_guild07 and 06guild_08 to the dead branch script but an error appears in map-server [Error]: itemdb_readdb: Invalid format (Script column) in line 111 of "db/pre-re/item_db.txt" (item with id 604), skipping. [Error]: itemdb_readdb: Insufficient columns in line 112 of "db/pre-re/item_db.txt" (item with id 0), skipping. 604,Branch_Of_Dead_Tree,Dead Branch,2,50,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if( strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom1" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom2" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom3" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom4" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom5" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom6" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom7" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom8" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom9" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom10" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom11" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom12" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom13" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom14" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom15" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom16" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom17" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom18" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom19" || strcharinfo(3) == "dbroom20" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_01" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_02" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_03" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_04" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_05" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_06" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_07" || strcharinfo(3) == "06guild_08" ) { delitem 604,1; monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1,1,""; } else dispbottom "This item cannot be used within this are. please use the db room!"; },{},{}
  18. Hi, Anyone can u help me how to fix this error "error C3861: 'clif_market_msg': identifier not found" code: { clif_market_msg(pl_sd, mes, strtol("0X87CEEB", (char **)NULL, 0), msg_len); }
  19. Hi, guys can i request fixed this my script not working OnClaimReward: set #hourly_timer, gettimetick(2) + 3600; addtimer .countdown *1000, strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME) +"::OnClaimReward"; close2; cutin "",255; end; OnClaimReward: dispbottom "You have been online 1 hour. Talk to Hourly Reward NPC to get your rewards!"; I have a hourly reward npc how to do if in about an hour will appear in the chat box example if it is close to one hour someone will appear in the chat box say "You have been online 1 hour. Talk to Hourly Reward NPC to get your rewards!"
  20. Hi bro its not working : ( i think the problem is OnPCLoadMapEvent: can you put it on this script add to OnPCLoginEvent: OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == strnpcinfo(4) ) showevent 1,1;end;}prontera mapflag loadevent
  21. anyone how to fix this? no problem with script every time the character select will it appears on map-server and all my npc i put showevent thanks to all OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == strnpcinfo(4) ) showevent 1,1; end; } prontera mapflag loadevent
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