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Posts posted by Arcenciel

  1. I have a feeling though there's more to this than replacing the files. Like, I saw the defense of some of these boss monsters, and they are way higher than how they used to be.

    The numbers are higher than they used to be in these monsters because Renewal changed how everything is calculated.

    If you want to fit these monsters into a non-renewal setting, you'd have to adjust the numbers yourself as you see fit.

    yea meaning you need renewal mechanics or the server won't really be "right". rAthena svn has renewal mechanics i believe? Also bRathena has it too pretty much completed.

    She doesn't want Renewal Mechanics.

  2. I haven't seen 3CeAM's files but try checking mod_db2 maybe they stuck them there. If not, try searching eA's forums if anyone has shared database info about them. If you can't find anything, then you'd have to enter it yourself.

  3. *Edit* Also, I am not going to "Bash" and say someone cannot release something simply based on their script level.

    If the script itself works... Then it IS a valid script, simple as it may be, it functions.

    Maybe someone doesn't need all the bells and whistles of an advanced script? maybe someone just wants something to do a simplistic task.

    Just because the version Player A released was not as advanced as say the version Player B released, does not mean Player A's script should no longer be valid...

    This is so true. A script is still a script however simplistic it might be.

    We all started not knowing anything once. Everyone should be given a fair chance to develop their skills.

    Maybe if anything, Script Release could possibly be divided into sub-categories like

    - PvP and GVG (PvP Rankins, Guild Rankings, etc..)

    - WOE (WoE Controllers, WoE Modifications...)

    - Utilities (Heals, Buffers, Refiners...etc)

    - Quests (Headgear Quests, other quests)

    - Mini-games (Kill the Poring!, Dice, Stop the Clock...etc)

    - Collections (Collections of scripts from a specific person)

    - Others (If it doesn't fit anywhere else.)

  4. Wouldn't it be too easy to get the Contributor title if just by sharing something you'll already get the badge?

    I think Contributor should be reserved to those who have massively helped in the forums and previous staff members.

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  5. S4 League

    - Quick and easy third-person shooter. Anime style. Kinda like Gunz

    Heroes of Newerth,

    Infinite Aion,

    - Aion Private Server, playing on Greed as a Sorcerer


    - Tactics turn by turn game that features quirky and unique character classes. Has a government system, economy system, basically the players has a huge influence on the game work. Kinda ehh right now though. Waiting for more players/Beta to end.

  6. I've been out of the RO scene/Scripting scene for a very long time and these videos are really helpful as a refresher. They're really easy to understand.

    I'm hoping to see this whole thing through. Keep up the good work!

    Couple of suggestions:

    - mes command has been updated.

    To display multiple lines of message while only using a single mes; command,
    use the script command in the following format:
    mes "Line 1", "Line 2", "Line 3";
    This will display 3 different lines while only consuming a single line in
    the relevant script file.


    - I feel that changing the color of the text in game inside an NPC window should be covered as an extension of some sort to Chapter 1. It's something basic.

    - Terms that could be defined as I'm assuming not everyone knows it

    -- String

    -- Integer

    - I think you should speak up more if not just increase the gain on your microphone settings. I have to set the volume of my computer to the max in order to hear you clearly. =/

    I'm considering replacing the basic scripting guide in the wiki with a transcripted version of this series.

  7. As far as it goes for Ragray itself, the only issue with it was that the patcher could no longer sync with the kRO and kRO-RE patchers (something was put in, as far as I'm aware, that blocked it). Ancyker said that he'd be making an updated version to bypass it, but that was, what... six months ago? They're pretty much dead.

    I've recently installed kRO and RE. There is now a patcher called RSU or something like that the keeps up with it.

  8. If you look at Markyeel's other 'rates' on peoples topics you'll see that they give low rates and no explinations, no point in asking them why cause they most likely won't tell you.

    Now, I have to agree its a little bland. But, at least it's clean and the colors all match, I've seen far worse. Since it's a personal site, I assume not an RO one, I couldn't tell you much to do with it because I have no idea what you are aiming for.

    Yeah, I did that and you're most likely right bout him

    It is a personal site. I was aiming for a minimalistic blog-like design, good combination of different shades of blue, and different depths through the layering of the colors.

    I'm pretty much done with the design. I'm content with it, just wanted feedback. So thanks!

    nice color combination



  9. Here's an old web design that I made for what is supposed to be a personal site. Sadly, it never got coded since I lack the skills to do the slicing and coding of it.

    I posted it in eA a long time ago but barely got any comments so I thought I'd post it again.


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  10. It'll be great if you can do that. I'm currently using RMS for setting up my files and somehow something is messing my client up.

    Where do people download the client now anyways considering Ragray is off?

  11. I tried diffing my own client. No luck either. The window is still small.


    Fixed it. There was something or something missing in installation of kRO and RE from RMS that was causing the issue.

    Thanks to those who tried to help.

  12. I'm trying to set-up a test server and got to the point where I'm fixing up client side stuff. (which is way harder now compared to when people were still actively keeping up with it.)

    I tried using this


    But somehow, my window appears like this. I've experimented with all my Setup stuff but still the same results.


    Does anyone know how to fix this or can point me in the right direction in how you'd make an up to date client side?

  13. They're pretty well done for a first sprite.I think the shading is done fairly well as it gives the illusion that the bag bulges out compared to it just being flat.

    I'm not sure if it's just me but the Poring and Drops seems to be one or two shades off from the original monster color. Can anyone else see this?

    I think the wings along with the halo can be improved upon. For the wings, may I suggest looking over the wings on the Angeling hat. I think that would be a good reference.

    Congrats! Another skill soon to be added to your repertoire

  14. Welcome to rAthena's board! I believe I saw you around in the sections you have helped a lot with back at eAthena. Good luck with college, and hopefully, when you have more spare time, you can come back and help some more =D. You're an amazing guy based on your posts from the other board.

    Thanks a lot!

    <3. +1 to this.


    I'd have to relearn/rediscover everything I've known from before. haha

    I might give it a try this winter break..I'll see what happens with that.

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