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Everything posted by NicoAFV1212

  1. I think that I am not expressing myself well, the icon if I know how my problem is removed is the mouse that right in the center of the map becomes a balloon chat. It's almost as if an npc is there. That's why I put it in the script section, I know that it is an npc that makes that happen but I do not see it nor can I interact with it
  2. I dont understand what happend here!. It appears to me as if I had a npc, before there was a kafra but I moved it and the balloon kept coming out
  3. now if it worked for me when saving it in 24 bits I think my error was when modifying the tb_cashshop_banner.lub
  4. Well my error is quite simple, when changing the banner image it throws me that error, I was concerned that the image would weigh less than the 3 images weighed, after that they will weigh more but in none of the cases it worked for me. What's my error?
  5. Is there any sql table that records how many mvps a character has killed, that I want to make a mvp ranking for the web page
  6. I already have those files for a long time, the problem is that I don't know what to do with them Thanks !!! fixed the maps ?
  7. My problem is that the IZLUDE map is bug, I read many posts on the subject with very vague and little explanatory solutions. I would like someone to solve this problem for me clearly, since I am new and do not understand much about the subject. I am pre-renewal. I would like to know where to download the old izlude map and what to do with those files once I have them. If someone is very kind to answer me in detail, I would appreciate it PD: I only have bad the map, the wards and the rest are fine. The cell movement is bad because I understand that it is configured with the new renewal izlude and my server is pre-renewal, so it gives an error
  8. 2018-06-20eRagexeRE_patched Any equivalent to this client? Download the last one and it didn't work for me either
  9. I put the script and I get that. in that line the npc ends with} Nope NidManager.txt What is wrong?
  10. I could only deactivate the event but I can't get the button and its link out // Roulette (Note 1) // Requires: 2014-10-22bRagexe or later feature.roulette: off
  11. I need help with this script, In this script the event // OnClock<hour><minute>: donpcevent "<npc_name>::OnStart"; OnClock0000: donpcevent "Event_1::OnStart"; end; OnClock0400: donpcevent "Event_2::OnStart"; end; OnClock0800: donpcevent "Event_3::OnStart"; end; OnClock1200: donpcevent "Event_4::OnStart"; end; OnClock1600: donpcevent "Event_5::OnStart"; end; OnClock2000: donpcevent "Event_6::OnStart"; end; This script is programmed so that each event starts at the specified time, my problem is that they are not random. I want 1 of those 6 events to start at 00:00 and so on at all hours
  12. Is there any way to make it faster or do I have to block one by one in the skillinfoz
  13. When I enter the game and see the skill tree, I get too many errors but I'm doing fine. My server is supposed to be pre-renewal and the skills that give me error are renewal if I'm not mistaken Can you help me? PLZZZ
  14. Se que existe pero no lo logro encontrar, necesito una guia de como instalar un actualizador automatico del cliente. Que actualice en forma mas precisa el GRF. En resumen, necesito una guia para instalar un actualizador en mi juego de ragnarok.
  15. Have 150 dex and more but dont have free cast. rathena / src / custom / define_pre.h -> Have write #define PRERE My conf/battle/skill.conf
  16. I need to kwon where i configure the cash shop and the roulette of luck. I enter the items in the db_roulette but nothing happends. Can help me with those two questions
  17. Tengo un problema el cual me sale asi, me sale ese cofre sin ningun npc. Mi duda es, Primero hay alguna forma de sacar ese cofre que esta flotando, a que npc le pertenece?. Segundo hay algun comando para ver la ubicacion del npc, me refiero a su ruta dentro del juego. EJEMPLO: el npc guide, como puedo saber su ubicacion dentro de mis archivos de npc sin buscar uno por uno dentro de todos los textos, existe un comando que te diga lo que estoy pidiendo?
  19. Lo pege dentro de la carpeta skillinfo pero no me funciono. El juego sige crasheando cuando apreto ALT + S, no sera el exe que uso?
  20. What do I do with those files, should i paste them in a specific folder, should i link them with the exe? i paste in system folder of ragnarok and dont worked
  21. Hola, quiero comentarle mis problemas para ver si pueden ayudarme a solucionarlos. Actualmente estoy en un proyecto de servidor de ragnarok, ya tengo el servidor montado, me falta solo configurar el exe con mi emulador rathenea. Resulta que segui una guia actualizada de esta pagina la cual me recomendo el 2018-06-20eRagexeRE_patched el cual use. Mi problema es el siguiente, al momento de entrar al RO todo bien, pero al apretar ALT + S (Comando para abrir el arbol de skill) o al abrirlo diractamente con el boton, el juego se me crashea y se me cierra, no me sale mensaje ni nada, solo se cierra. Este problema yo lo asocio al exe que estoy utilizando pero no logro solucionarlo. Agradeceria su ayuda = /
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