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Posts posted by cassiel

  1. @mhagz please give screenshot about server console.

    @melv0 you're welcome

    @axel13pl have you do this?


    5. Open the loki launcer folder and right-click loki.ini, change this:

    ; Must be on same dir of Loki Exe = "ragexe.exe"




    ; Must be on same dir of Loki Exe = "2013-07-03aRagexe_patched.exe"


    (I change into 2013-07-03aRagexe_patched.exe because I patched my 2013-07-03aRagexe.exe. if you use another ragexe please changed into yours)  


    Save it and move all of file in loki launcher folder
    into your kRO client folder.

  2. @melvo 03/20/2013 kRO update translate by Zerozaku and pic bonus stat by rytech


    Level Limit Break

    Level Limit Break! Ragnarok evolves further! Date: 2013. 03. 20

    • Limit Break Event - Level Expansion
    • Limit Break Event - Special Event
    • Limit Break Event - New Contents

    Base Level Expansion

    • Maximum base level increased from 160 to 175.
    • This update only applies to 3rd job classes. Super Novice and Kagerou/Oboro classes are limited to base level 160.
    • Stat points available for allocation at max level: 3278 (non trans), 3330 (trans)
    • Changed 3rd class's maximum level effect (aura effect) to show at
      level 175 instead of 160 in accordance with base level expansion.
    • Aura effect for Super Novice and Kagerou/Oboro classes will show at base level 160.

    Status Point Expansion

    • Maximum stat increased from 125 to 130.
    • This update only applies to 3rd class jobs. Super Novice and Kagerou/Oboro will still be limited to 125.
    • Maximum stat point for baby 3rd classes increased from 108 to 117.

    Job Level Expansion

    • This update only applies to 3rd class jobs; Maximum job level increased from 50 to 60.
    • Maximum skill points available to 3rd classes increased from 49 to 59.
    • Job bonus stat points


    Important Reminder!

    • Added 10 new skill points.
    • You can spend these new skill points for any 1st, 2nd, trans, 3rd class skills as long as you meet the prerequisite.
    • Prerequisites for skills are subject to change if deemed necessary.
  3. btw it's going to be short tutorial after i saw your ss there /panic


    first you need to register to dns service and you may do dns host to your ip.

    you can register dns service for free at no-ip.com


    you need to change some configuration there on char_athena

    // Login Server IP
    // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address.
    // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    // a machine with multiple interfaces.
    login_ip: <--- this should be your lan ip it will look like 192.168.x.x
    // Login Server IP
    // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address.
    // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    // a machine with multiple interfaces.
    //login_ip: <-- remove the // and change this into your lan ip, it will look like 192.168.x.x
    // Character Server IP
    // The IP address which clients will use to connect.
    // Set this to what your server's public IP address is.
    char_ip: <-- this should be your dns host name you register at no-ip.com it will look like yourdnsname.no-ip.org 

    change your login_athena

    // The login server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    // while using the same ports for each server.
    //bind_ip: <-- remove the // and change this into your lan ip, it will look like 192.168.x.x 

    change your map_athena

    // Character Server IP
    // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address.
    // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    // a machine with multiple interfaces.
    char_ip: <--- this should be your lan ip it will look like 192.168.x.x
    // The map server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    // while using the same ports for each server.
    //bind_ip: <-- remove the // and change this into your lan ip, it will look like 192.168.x.x
    // Map Server IP
    // The IP address which clients will use to connect.
    // Set this to what your server's public IP address is.
    map_ip: <-- this should be your dns host name you register at no-ip.com it will look like yourdnsname.no-ip.org  

    change your subnet_athena

    subnet: <-- this should look like this subnet:

    you may check your lan ip and subnet mask by run cmd and type ipconfig

    search for this:


    IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : <--- this your lan ip which is i write 192.168.x.x
    Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :<-- this your subnet mask


    and change your clientinfo.xml


    <address></address> <--- change this into <address>yourdnsname.no-ip.org</address>


    and for the last thing you need is port fowarding your port for this point it will be different for many people because we are using diferent kind of modem. you may check on this site. make sure you find your modem brand.


    after you do port forwarding you may check whether your port open or not at canyouseeme.org.


    that's all i wish you good luck for your private server.

  4. @mhagz please post mapserv ss error.

    for angle problem, when you diff your ragexe don't check the option 'fix camera angle'

    for word repeatation, when you diff your ragexe check the option 'allow chat flood' and don't forget to fill how many times words can be repeat.


    @melv0 right now 2013 client only suppot aura with new level cap 175/60 which is yellow aura.

    you may change your level cap into 175 for base level and 60 for job level.

    this is how you change your base level:


    open Server\trunk\src\map\map.h with notepad and search Max_level 160 changed into Max_level 175 then save it

    now you must recompile your server since you changed something in src.

    after you recompile your server, open Server\trunk\db\re\job_exp.txt with notepad

    change this 

    //Base - 3rd Jobs, Baby 3rds, Expanded Super Novice, and Kagerou/Oboro
    //Note: (First 98 values [Level 1 - 98] are dummy values (used Adv Jobs values), because 3rd classes start at level 99.)

    change 160 value to 175

    then  change this too

    //Job - 3rd Jobs, Baby 3rds, Expanded Super Novice, and Kagerou/Oboro

    change 50 to 60


    and save it.

    • Upvote 1
  5. i want to know how to find this value '97' for wizardry_staff item in weapontable.lua?

    i mean if i know how to find it, i can fill all of those classnum value for every weapon sprite that changed to default.


    WEAPONTYPE_Wizardy_Staff = 97 <-- this


    waiting for answer.. thx  berfore :)

  6. I'm using the 2013-07-17 client.

    I was able to connect earlier on my GM account, walked around, tested a few things.

    About an hour later, I try again, I can't log in on those characters. I created a new character on my GM account and was able to log in (still can).

    However, my main char on my GM account, I can't log into, it loads to 100% then the client crashes.


    I can log in on a non-gm account, too. Was working fine though, originally.. baffling.


    Edit: I think it has something to do with a custom palette, going to remove it from my GRF.

    Interacting with the stylist causes a crash when changing cloth colors.


    Edit 2: Disabling the aura diff got rid of the above outlined problem.


    However, Female Gender characters cannot log in.

    On selection of a female gender character (at character selection screen), client crashes.

    don't check enable 64k hairstyle

    • Upvote 1
  7. @melv0 do you use rathena server or hercules?


    if you use rathena server what date is your ragexe client?

    have you done this step?


    18. Go to your Server\trunk\db and open file ‘packet_db.txt’ with notepad and add this line in bottom

    //2013-07-03 Ragexe
    packet_ver: 38
    // 0x0363,8 CZ_JOIN_BATTLE_FIELD
    // 0x0436,4 CZ_GANGSI_RANK

    If you choose another date of your ragexe you can find your ‘packet’ in this link

    Just copy and paste it to your ‘packet_db.txt’ like I did.


  8. @reigneil yes i already have it but its not decompile yet and i can't see anything in there, i try to decomplie it but failed :|

    Well if you said it was the same then the problem might be different from my expectation, because i just thought to start change all of those classnum id but i don't know the right value for every weapon item.

    i hope someone may find the best solution for it.


    yap i already know about that structure thats why i change the classnum.

  9. @mhagz you can disable those 4 digit password in Server\trunk\conf\char_athena.conf (open with notepad)

    find this line

    pincode_enabled: yes 

    change to 'no'


    second answer you may change on this Server\trunk\conf\battle\exp.conf (open with notepad)

    // Rate at which exp. is given. (Note 2)
    base_exp_rate: 100
    // Rate at which job exp. is given. (Note 2)
    job_exp_rate: 100 

    Note: Value is in percents (100 means 100%) you can change thos 100 into whatever you want.


    as for GM account open you mySQL workbench, choose 'rathena' and right klik 'login' select rows and change the group id to '99' for gm account.




    @tutzz try to copy the optioninfo.lua in your kRO\system into your kRO\savedata

  10. @bonten and mhagz have you follow step 1 to 5 correctly? you need to put the patched ragexe in the same directory as loki launcher.

    the ragexe you pacth with xdiffpacther must from this link http://http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/


    if you think you follow the step correctly.

    try to put your kRO client folder in C:\ not in C:\Users\user\download\RO


    for mhagz if you using 2012-09-30 you must change your packet data on Server\trunk\src\common\mmo.h and  version in clientinfo.xml.

    i can't help you with any other exe except from this link http://http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/ because the packet data for that exe you found may not be available.

  11. okay here is the issue i've found on this thread http://rathena.org/board/topic/84495-all-weapon-sprite-showing-default/ and this http://rathena.org/board/topic/73980-all-weapon-sprites-default/

    they all talking about the weapon sprites that change to default that occure when using:

    1. kRO client 2013

    2. rathena rev 14007 up to now.

    3. data translation folder from this link https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/client-side-translation/


    after i do some research about this problems, the problem occure in this 3 files:


    1. item_db.txt (Location: Server\Trunk\db\re\)

    2. weapontable.lub (Location: kRO client\data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\)

    3. iteminfo.lua (Location: kRO client\system\)


    the item_db.txt shows this:

    // 2-Handed Staffs
    1472,Staff_Of_Soul,Soul Staff,4,20,,1400,25:200,,1,0,0x00810204,7,2,34,3,73,1,10,{ bonus bInt,5; bonus bAgi,2; },{},{}
    1473,Wizardy_Staff,Wizardry Staff,4,20,,2400,120:200,,1,0,0x00810204,7,2,34,4,90,1,10,{ bonus bInt,6; bonus bDex,2; },{},{} 

    i take example of this 2-Handed Staffs, i marked the red one because it value is to show the sprite in game.


    the problem is in the weapontable.lub those value isn't 10 anymore. the value 10 is for rod.

    WEAPONTYPE_Staff_Of_Soul = 96,
    WEAPONTYPE_Wizardy_Staff = 97 

    the value for item id 1472 and 1473 are 96 and 97.


    and the itemInfo.lua show that the ClassNum for item id 1472 and 1473 are 10

        [1472] = {
            unidentifiedDisplayName = "Rod",
            unidentifiedResourceName = "·Ôµå",
            unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
                "Unknown item",
                "requiring Appraisal.",
                "Can be identified by",
                "using a Magnifier.",
            identifiedDisplayName = "Soul Staff",
            identifiedResourceName = "½ºÅÂÇÁ¿Àºê¼Ò¿ï",
            identifiedDescriptionName = {
                "A high quality,",
                "two-handed staff",
                "that amplifies",
                "psychic power.",
                "Int +5",
                "Agi +2",
                "MATK + 200",
                "Class: ^777777Two-Handed Staff^000000",
                "Attack: ^77777725^000000",
                "Weight: ^777777140^000000",
                "Weapon Level: ^7777773^000000",
                "Required Level: ^77777773^000000",
                "Jobs: ^777777Mage Class and Soul Linker^000000"
            slotCount = 0,
            ClassNum = 10
        [1473] = {
            unidentifiedDisplayName = "Rod",
            unidentifiedResourceName = "·Ôµå",
            unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
                "Unknown item",
                "requiring Appraisal.",
                "Can be identified by",
                "using a Magnifier.",
            identifiedDisplayName = "Wizardry Staff",
            identifiedResourceName = "À§Àڵ帮½ºÅÂÇÁ",
            identifiedDescriptionName = {
                "Rumored to have",
                "been crafted by an",
                "ancient wizard, this",
                "staff contains awesome",
                "Int +6",
                "Dex +2",
                "MATK + 200",
                "Class: ^777777Two-Handed Staff^000000",
                "Attack: ^777777120^000000",
                "Weight: ^777777240^000000",
                "Weapon Level: ^7777774^000000",
                "Required Level: ^77777790^000000",
                "Jobs: ^777777Mage Class and Soul Linker^000000"
            slotCount = 0,
            ClassNum = 10 

    here's what i do to solve the weapon sprite problem that change to default, i simply change the value 10 in item_db.txt and itemInfo.lua to 96 and 97.and it works like a charm.


    what i want to ask here is that okay with that? because if this is the right way to solve this problem then we got to change the item_db.txt and itemInfo.lua and that's will be though. /panic


    waiting for the answer... thx /gawi

  12. 3:15 in the morning now x.x sorry for late respond.. busy with my final exam /panic


    @mrlongshen i've found something about character screen selection problem you have but i haven't try it yet. in your src/common/mmo.h what value you put on this line 

    #define MAX_CHARS

    i've found if you changed this, you must hex your ragexe (i'm not expert at hexing client so i'm sorry can't answer it).


    @mhagz i saw your screenshot about your loki.ini and i found that something wrong because there are 2 line about the rageexe location. do not add the line i put on my tutorial, you must change the 'ragexe.exe' into the name of your patched ragexe which is mine is '2013-07-03aRagexe_patched.exe'

    ; Must be on same dir of Loki
    Exe = "ragexe.exe" <----this one you change into your patched ragexe name.

    don't add this line into your loki.ini

    ; Must be on same dir of Loki
    Exe = "2013-07-03aRagexe_patched.exe" (I change into 2013-07-03aRagexe_patched.exe because I patched my
    2013-07-03aRagexe.exe. if you use another ragexe please changed into yours)

    @tifaro glad you've success create your own ragnarok offline server and sorry for unclear words i made, because english isn't my 1st language, i'll change it now. and for your question here is the answer:


    1. you run rsu-kro-rag-lite.exe

    2. 'rename luatolub.bat.txt into luatolub.bat and double click (to run) it.' yes you are right about it, will add this line to my tutorial.

    3. I couldn’t find DATA.ini so I created it by notepad, with the information above. correct. i forgot to add this too, although in step 6 i put note about clientinfo.xml same with this.

    4. I created new folder ‘trunk’ inside folder ‘Server’. no you don't need to. seems like i put directly link into trunk but now i fix it.

    5. my Subnet Mask is so I changed the subnet: into subnet: ,right? since it offline it's ok to fill it with that. seems like the step i write is for online server hahahaha mybad.

    6. I didn't repeat step 12 like you said. Instead, I double clicked on ‘logs’ schema instead of ‘rathena’ schema,
    then click ‘file’ and choose ‘Open SQL Script’ and go to rAthena\trunk\sql-files and open 'logs.sql' click OPEN and click the
    'Lightning button’. I waited until its done and close my MySQL Workbench and Open it again to refresh.
    it's ok. i write to repeat step 12 just in case the reader unexpectly closed the MySQL Workbench.

    7. After this step, can I close MySQL workbench or just leave it there? you can close it.

    8. I found this:
    #define PACKETVER 20120410
    //#define PACKETVER 20130320
    //#define PACKETVER 20111116
    I only change the first line #define PACKETVER 20120410 into #define PACKETVER 20130703, do I need to change all three lines?
    just change the first line the second and the third is '//' so it won't be necessary.

    9. When I open it with Visual Express, the program ask me to update some components in rAthena-10.sln from Visual 2010 to Visual 2012, I must agree otherwise I can’t ‘build selection’,is it ok? well if you find no problem then it's ok.. because i never found this case before.. i think because you are using visual 2012.

    10. Is ‘Block’ means ‘select’? After doing this step, can I close the Visual Studio? yes 'block' means 'select' and yes you can cloas after you succesfully build your server.

    11. You mean Server\trunk\db? Lol, mybad to write 'rAthena\trunk\db' that's my folder.. and yes it should be 'Server\trunk\db'

    Besides, before adding, I found this at the end of ‘packet_db.txt’:

    Is it ok to add the line your said? I used 2013-07-03aRagexe_patched.exe and 2013-07-03aRagexe_patched.xdiff sure it is ok since the packet i put in there is for that ragexe date.


    @jimwest you can find it in here i already put the link on first post in 10 things you need to download, point number 10.

    edited adding this packet because read your post at shakto thread hahaha... i guess you need vpn to access pastebin.

    //2013-07-03 Ragexe
    packet_ver: 38
    // 0x0363,8 CZ_JOIN_BATTLE_FIELD
    // 0x0436,4 CZ_GANGSI_RANK
    • Upvote 1
  13. @mhagz no problem :) , its my fault not to give common knowledge how to download from repository link. here's the step

    Create new folder and name it ‘Data Folder Translation'
    right-click on ‘Data Folder Translation’ folder and choose ‘SVN checkout…’
    Fill this link https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/client-side-translation/ in “url of repository” and click ok,

    this will download your 'data translation folder' from latest revision.  After complete click ok.


    @luftmore you can try to edit your optioninfo.lua in 'savedata' folder manually.

    change this line:
    OptionInfoList["WIDTH"] = 640 <----- i changed this to 1280 because i use 1280x768
    OptionInfoList["HEIGHT"] = 480 <----- i changed this to 768 because i use 1280x768

    @mrlongshen i'll check it, this week i've got my final exam /wah , when i found it i'll post A.S.A.P /gawi

  14. Thank you for great tutorial, with this new renewal launcher stuff is very dufficult to figure out all steps of launching client.


    btw, two last errors still ramain, but they are not critical and all works perfectly.

    the two last errors because the grf build step is wrong. once again it's my mistake /wah

    now i've been correct it up there, the problem is because the lua we put in grf changed to lub.

    the correct step are like this:


    7. Open your grfbuilder click ‘new’ to create grf, name it to rathena and save it, then choose ‘merge dir’ find your data translation folder you download before. And then choose the folder ‘data’ inside data translation folder then click Ok. wait after complete. click close. Move the rathena.grf you’ve made to kRO client folder.


    8. Now change all lua extension to lub extension in your data translation folder you've download

    place this script in your data translation folder data/luafiles514 folder And run it.

    Script Link:


    After you done. Copy the 'data' and 'system' folder inside the data

    translation foder you've download to your kRO client and replace any

    same files with that.

    @mrlongshen what date is your ragexe? what server do you use? h3rcules or r@thena? it seem i've found this error when i use h3rcules server.

    because you need to edit the src/map/packets.h to add the packet data of your ragexe date and compile it again.

    example i used 2013-07-03aRagexe

    //2013-07-03aRagexe (Cassiel)
    #if PACKETVER >= 20130703
        // packet (0x0363,8); // CZ_JOIN_BATTLE_FIELD
        // packet (0x0436,4); // CZ_GANGSI_RANK
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