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Everything posted by John

  1. @Annie, it's to 'unrefine' the item, for exemple, +25 to +0.
  2. Hello guys, I'm using this refiner +25 and I wonder if at the end of the npc script, he added a restriction to that item could not be negotiated, or remain attached to the player's account...
  3. 1 - Você pode utilizar algum ticket que não é muito utilizado no seu servidor e modificar apenas seu nome e descrição para Ticket Vip e claro, depois procurar o id na item_db e configurar o seu ticket. 2 - A tabela, você pode utilizar : ALTER TABLE `login` ADD `diasvip` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; Espero ter ajudado, Abraços, John. ###################################################################################################### 1 - You can use any ticket which is not much used in your server and modify only their name and description for VIP Ticket and, of course, after looking at the id item_db and configure your ticket. 2 - The table, you can use: ALTER TABLE `login` ADD `diasvip` INT (11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0 '; Hope this helps, Hugs, John.
  4. John

    RAM Problem

    Cydh, I tried to compile the emulator after making certain changes in the SOURCE folder, more specifically the mmo.h, map.h and renewal.h and realized that this is a problem that has increased by 180 MB memory ...
  5. John

    RAM Problem

    Cydh, how can i do this??
  6. John

    RAM Problem

    Okay, Pain! Thank you! I will search on the putty.
  7. John

    RAM Problem

    754 mb of 768 mb.
  8. John

    RAM Problem

    Hello people! I started my project in rAthena, and I was very happy with the quality of the emulator, very good, loved it. I had just one problem, he is shutting down because the RAM it is giving a host overload, making the map server hang ALL TIME, and when I installed it on the same host, he was overwhelmed, passing gives maximum accepted .. . What can I do to reduce this space? Thanks in advance!
  9. Olá povo! Iniciei meus projetos no rAthena, e fiquei muito contente com a qualidade do emulador, muito bom, adorei. Tive apenas um problema, ele está desligando pois a Memória RAM dele, está dando um overload no host, fazendo o map-server cair TODA HORA, e quando eu instalei no host mesmo, ele já estava sobrecarregado, passando dá quantidade máxima aceita... O que eu posso fazer para diminuir esse espaço? Obrigado desde já!
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