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Posts posted by Volskis

  1. I already putted on discord, but since no one have answered yet here it goes:
    I've got another question, so, i have tried to replaced RA_ARROWSTORM(Ranger ability) with Meteor Storm(WZ_METEOR) from wizard class, to see what would happen, so i copied all WZ_METEOR stuff from battle.cp, skill.cpp, skill.hpp and status.cpp and replaced with RA_ARROWSTORM, and this is the result https://gyazo.com/8bc05a5427996bdff038f960d74508c1 my character attacks everytime i land a meteor and the skill indicator is small. i can provide more information nedded sorry for my english, not main language :X
    what should i do to get it working , also the animation is not there

  2. i did everything for the creation of the skill now i need to put the animation( .str) witch i already created, but, where you put your str files, i actually cant find the directory that communicate with the str files. i thought it was data\luafiles514\lua files\skillinfoz\skillinfolist.lub, but i was wrong. i can't find anyone talking about this on this forum, can someone enlighteen me ! thx

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