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Everything posted by kaka19

  1. thank sir, but it doest work.. L_clear: set $pvp4nA,0; set $pvp4nB,0; set $pvp4nAchar1,0; set $pvp4nBchar1,0; close; end; OnKillEvent: if(strcharinfo(3) == "guild_vs1"){ announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" Won!",0; getitem 501,20; // you can add the reward here! warp "prontera",159,186; close; end; } }
  2. do you know where the problem is, sir? i play together with my friend (same client, same folder) but it just appear in my computer. it happen when i tried addd a npc, there wass no next in menu.. so my computer got "stuck" then i pressd alt+f4. ( i didnot know the right way how to close it )
  3. mmm.. and the question is how can i teleport automatically the player who wins to prontera?
  4. didnot work the rest of player win dindnt teleport automatically
  5. Hello there.. i got a problem. my client RageRE crash after loading 100% bar done.. (after choose char) how can i solve this? thx before here the screen shot
  6. Hello there.. Im creating pvp 1vs1 from a references script, here the script. prontera,161,190,4 script pvp1vs1 91,{ set .@n$,"[^FF0000PVP Manager^000000]"; set .@charid,getcharid(0); mes .@n$; mes "Would you like to register for a 1vs1 PVP Battle?"; next; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_cancel; if(getmapusers("guild_vs1") > 0) { mes .@n$; mes "There appears to be a match currently in session. Check back momentarily."; close; } mes .@n$; mes "Which side of the arena would you like to join?"; next; menu "a ("+$pvp1A+"/1)",L_a,"b ("+$pvp1B+"/1)",L_b,"Cancel",L_cancel,"Clear",L_clear; L_a: if(.@charid == $pvp1Achar1 || .@charid == $pvp1Bchar1 ) { mes .@n$; mes "You may only register once per round."; close; } if($pvp1A < 1) { set $pvp1A,$pvp1A+1; if($pvp1A == 1) { set $pvp1Achar1,getcharid(0); } mes .@n$; mes "You've joined the selected team. Once the other four teams have filled up, you'll automatically be transferred into the PVP arena. If all four teams do not fill up within the next 30 seconds, this session will be cleared."; npctalk strcharinfo(0)+" has entered the round on the North side."; if($pvp1B == 0) { initnpctimer;} else {stopnpctimer; goto L_begin;} close; } else {goto L_full;} L_b: if(.@charid == $pvp1Achar1 || .@charid == $pvp1Bchar1 ) { mes .@n$; mes "You may only register once per round."; close; } if($pvp1B < 1) { set $pvp1B,$pvp1B+1; if($pvp1B == 1) { set $pvp1Bchar1,getcharid(0); } mes .@n$; mes "You've joined the selected team. Once the other four teams have filled up, you'll automatically be transferred into the PVP arena. If all four teams do not fill up within the next 30 seconds, this session will be cleared."; npctalk strcharinfo(0)+" has entered the round on the North side."; if($pvp1A == 0) { initnpctimer;} else {stopnpctimer; goto L_begin;} close; } else {goto L_full;} L_full: mes .@n$; mes "Sorry, but this team is full. Try another team, please."; close; L_begin: npctalk "All four teams have been filled. All participants currently logged in will be transferred to the arena in ten seconds."; set .@x,0; goto L_check; L_check: warpchar "guild_vs1",49,92,$pvp1Achar1; warpchar "guild_vs1",49,92,$pvp1Bchar1; npctalk "A round is now in session."; goto L_clear; L_cancel: mes .@n$; mes "Do come back if you change your mind."; close; OnTimer10000: npctalk "Ten seconds have passed. Entry to the round ends in 20 seconds."; OnTimer20000: npctalk "Twenty seconds have passed. Entry to the round ends in 10 seconds."; OnTimer30000: npctalk "Thirty seconds have passed and thus I have canceled the round."; stopnpctimer; goto L_clear; L_clear: set $pvp1A,0; set $pvp1B,0; set $pvp1Achar1,0; set $pvp1Bchar1,0; close; } they will teleport to area guildvs1, after battle the lose player automatically teleport to prontera. and the question is.. how script for teleport automatically the rest of player win to prontera? thx for your help
  7. Hello Can help me with 3v3 , GvsG , Party vs Party .. thx before
  8. Can i request PVP warper and PVP killing announcer.. if the player kill twice it will say "Double Kill", and "Triple Kill" , "Rampage" like Warcraft thx
  9. there is no OptionInfo.lub/.lua just optioninfo_f.lub .. remove it?
  10. where exactly is it, kyeme? is in luafiles514? is it OptionInfo.lua right? not OptionInfo.lub?
  11. how if i, diff my client with "read data folder first" ? there is another solution for my problem sir? ummm.. in 'data folder'? or..'luafiles514/lua files/' ? i dunno exactly where is it
  12. Im trying to find OptionInfo.lua's problem in my client 2012-05-15a when i saved my configuration, (ex. /noctrl), it saved to savedata folder in my data client. but, when i played it back.. my configuration back to default. i tried to find where the problem.. is my lua file not compatible with my client? or what..? i dunno.. help me
  13. Hello there.. How to set bonus status if i use 2 items or more. its like Morpehous' Set, Sprint Set and any set.. thx before..
  14. thanks sir.. it helped me alot. for 2 questions sir.. 1. why, put "subnet: computer ip:your computer ip" not wan ip in subnet_athena.txt ? 2. and why put " <address>your computer ip<address> " in my clientinfo.xml if i wanna connect to my own server when under the same router? thank before
  15. i created 3 names,.. i tested with my friends outside router. but there was different result, sumtimes 1st and 2nd host worked, sumtimes just 1st workd
  16. Maybe you should contact the help support from no-ip, because no one can ping your zapro.no-ip.info except by yourself. That's why I asked you earlier if no-ip is using dynamic or static IP, you can enable 'ip_sync_interval' if you're using dynamic IP um... try this zapro.zapto.org is that ping able? i enabled 'ip_sync_interval' and i set by default (10). ip_sync_interval = 10
  17. my 3 ports are open now. if check with canyouseeme.org wow, that is diffrent from telnet metode that i used. what next, sir? how bout subnet_athena.conf.. it just put my lan ip? not my wan ip (zapro.no-ip.info)? i just a little bit know bout subneting, if we have <-- my lan ip. so the subnet is if we have <- my wan ip (for the example), so the subnet is ( in this case im using zapro.no-ip.info as my wan) then i put in subnet_athena.conf like these : subnet subnet zapro.no-ip.info:zapro.no-ip.info is that correct sir?
  18. 2. map_athena.conf 3. login_athena.conf 4. subnet_athena.conf 5 my clientinfo.xml so whats wrong with my configuration? try this. it will works. Note! your your computer ip should be just like 192.168.x.x 1. char_athena.conf 2. map_athena.conf 3. subnet_athena.conf 4 my clientinfo.xml if you are using your local computer. you must use. in your clientinfo.xml its work.. but, can client outside my router connect to my server? is there port forwarding or sumthing else? i tried port fowarding, but it always failed. after opened my port 6900,5121,6121 in my router (tp link 8840) i checked it if it available or not with telnet. and it said there was no connection that was for example sir.. i tried my domain (from no-ip) it was ping-able.. is my router problem? port fowarding?
  19. i want my server become online sir.. so i can play with more people. so i change all to how bout port fowarding? if you want your server to be online and played by other players,then you need a host...and you will be using the IP of your host rather than the local ip which is and port forwarding is also included on that... and lastly, is used for test servers...if your planning to host your own server then used your IP and do some port forwarding...you need to learn those,just search and you will be answered.. could you guide me what should i do now i if want my server to be online sir? is that why i asked my problem in this site
  20. i want my server become online sir.. so i can play with more people. so i change all to how bout port fowarding?
  21. didnot work still same and with this error :
  22. Hello.. i get a problem when change my configuration of my server using no-ip my client cannot connect to my server that i create. i dunno what is wrong with my setting 1. char_athena.conf 2. map_athena.conf 3. login_athena.conf 4. subnet_athena.conf 5 my clientinfo.xml so whats wrong with my configuration?
  23. hello there.. how can i create server using no-ip?? i tried but my client didnt connect to my server.. here my clientinfo xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>sakray</servertype> <connection> <display>zakaro Server</display> <balloon>Klik!</balloon> <desc>description</desc> <address>zakaro.zapto.org</address> <port>6900</port> <version>20</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <registrationweb></registrationweb> <aid> <admin>2000000</admin> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin> </aid> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> <image>loading01.jpg</image> </loading> </connection> </clientinfo>
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