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Posts posted by Lugia

  1. Hello,

    Can I request a script that something like this : https://rathena.org/board/topic/74969-send-mail-via-scriptcommand/


    All are working good, but when I tried to create a new one nothing happens.


    What I wanted is :

    1. If a player reach the level : 10 but not higher than 20 he/she will receive the basic pack 1 (eg. 26000).


    this one's work :

    if((BaseLevel >= 10)&&(BaseLevel <= 20))
    if(.Package==1) end;
    if((BaseLevel >= 10)&&(BaseLevel <= 20))
    set .charid, getcharid(0);
    set .sender$, "Achievement System";
    set .title$, "Basic Starter Pack Lv10-20";
    set .itemid, 26000;
    set .itemamount, 1;
    set .zeny, 10000;
    set .refine, 0;
    set .Package,1;
    set .body$, "You have successfully unlocked the achievement '"+.title$+"'. You have received "+.itemamount+" "+getitemname(.itemid)+"s and "+.zeny+" zennies.";
    sendmail .charid,.sender$,.title$,.body$,.zeny,.itemid,.itemamount,.refine;

    but for the below nothing happens. what script style should I used?


    2. If a player reach the level : 21-40 he/she will receive the adv pack 1 (eg. 26001).

    3. If a player reach the level : 41-70 he/she will receive the rare pack 1 (eg. 26002).

    4. If a player reach the level : 90+ he/she will receive the god pack 1 (eg. 26004).


    Please assist.

  2. Hi,


    I would like to ask about the foods in ragnarok.


    Upon death the foods are gone, can someone help me to make it stay as it, upon time left only.


    Foods wont gone even your not dead, indeed upon the given time span.

  3. Hello,


    I would like to seek some help regarding to this matter.




    My players went to pvp and then when he killed a player and try to character select to return to the main savepoint it fail he still remain where he is (as is)


    I disabled all the configuration at rathena folder because i create a pvp server only so i have create my own config.


    Can someone locate it?


    I tried it but i cant see where part of rathena npc folder.

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