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Posts posted by GypsumHong

  1. hello...saya mengalami problem yang besar ! tolong saya /hum

    pertama kali saya compile server file, ada 2 success 2 fail.....

    dan ini lah topic saya mengenai problem itu http://rathena.org/board/topic/69956-help-about-compiling/

    beberapa bulan kemudia,saya compile sekali lagi,ia tidak ada error ! 4 success 0 fail

    apabila saya edit mmo.h , kene recompile , problem balik sekali lagi ! 2 success 2 fail !!!!!!!!!! = = help me !!!!!!!!!!! arhhhhhh

    boleh guna software lain untuk compile itu server file ? sebab saya guna c++ 2010 sebelum ini !

  2. no 4 ...

    your problem is...your client doesnt read from your GRF / data folder ...depend on the configuration you select when you diff your clients.

    but most of us are using GRF instead of data folder.

    and ensure the contents inside data.ini is correct ....

    Example :


    sir...mine one is like this



  3. hello semua.... saya baru hendak belajar buat RO..... saya ada beberapa soalan yang bodoh...tolobglah saya menyelesaikan /whisp

    1)apabila saya diff patcher, saya mengunakan 2012-08-14bRagexeRE,


    dekat sana tidak ada pilihan untuk (allow chat flow ,always slecet korea and bla bla bla bla bla) tetapi hanya ada use rangarok icon.....

    2) apakah ragnarok folder yang saya perlu download ? dan boleh bagi link ?

    sorry if i write wrong word ...... please hlep me fix it...thank you /no1

  4. Please try to open rAthena-10.sln with Visual C++ 2010

    sir...it work...but when finish build project...it got error...

    1>------ Build started: Project: map-server_sql, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
    2>------ Build started: Project: login-server_sql, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
    3>------ Build started: Project: char-server_sql, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
    4>------ Build started: Project: mapcache, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
    1>  grammar.c
    2>  grammar.c
    1>  libconfig.c
    1>  scanctx.c
    1>  scanner.c
    2>  libconfig.c
    2>  scanctx.c
    2>  scanner.c
    3>  grammar.c
    3>  libconfig.c
    3>  scanctx.c
    3>  scanner.c
    4>  core.c
    4>  des.c
    4>  grfio.c
    4>  malloc.c
    4>  showmsg.c
    4>  strlib.c
    1>  strbuf.c
    2>  strbuf.c
    3>  strbuf.c
    3>  mt19937ar.c
    2>  mempool.c
    1>  mt19937ar.c
    1>  conf.c
    3>  core.c
    4>  utils.c
    2>  mutex.c
    3>  db.c
    1>  core.c
    4>  mapcache.c
    3>  ers.c
    2>  raconf.c
    3>  malloc.c
    1>  db.c
    1>  des.c
    3>  mapindex.c
    3>  mempool.c
    2>  thread.c
    1>  ers.c
    2>  account_sql.c
    1>  grfio.c
    3>  mutex.c
    2>  ipban_sql.c
    1>  malloc.c
    3>  nullpo.c
    2>  login.c
    1>  mapindex.c
    3>  raconf.c
    1>  md5calc.c
    1>  mempool.c
    2>  loginlog_sql.c
    3>  random.c
    1>  mutex.c
    1>  nullpo.c
    3>  showmsg.c
    1>  raconf.c
    1>  random.c
    2>  core.c
    3>  socket.c
    2>  db.c
    3>  sql.c
    4>  Generating code
    3>  strlib.c
    1>  showmsg.c
    2>  ers.c
    1>  socket.c
    4>  Finished generating code
    2>  malloc.c
    3>  thread.c
    2>  md5calc.c
    1>  sql.c
    2>  nullpo.c
    1>  strlib.c
    2>  random.c
    2>  showmsg.c
    3>  timer.c
    2>  socket.c
    2>  sql.c
    3>  utils.c
    1>  thread.c
    1>  timer.c
    3>  char.c
    1>  utils.c
    1>  atcommand.c
    2>  strlib.c
    3>  int_auction.c
    1>  battle.c
    2>  timer.c
    2>  utils.c
    3>  int_elemental.c
    3>  int_guild.c
    1>  battleground.c
    2>  mt19937ar.c
    1>  buyingstore.c
    3>  int_homun.c
    3>  int_mail.c
    3>  int_mercenary.c
    3>  int_party.c
    1>  chat.c
    4>  mapcache.vcxproj -> F:\RO\rAThena\vcproj-10\..\mapcache.exe
    1>  chrif.c
    1>  clif.c
    3>  int_pet.c
    3>  int_quest.c
    2>  Generating code
    3>  int_storage.c
    3>  inter.c
    1>  date.c
    1>  duel.c
    1>  elemental.c
    1>  guild.c
    1>  intif.c
    1>  itemdb.c
    1>  log.c
    1>  mail.c
    1>  map.c
    1>  mapreg_sql.c
    1>  homunculus.c
    1>  instance.c
    1>  mercenary.c
    3>  Generating code
    1>  mob.c
    1>  npc.c
    1>  npc_chat.c
    1>  party.c
    2>  Finished generating code
    1>  path.c
    1>  pc.c
    1>  pc_groups.c
    1>  pet.c
    1>  quest.c
    2>  login-server_sql.vcxproj -> F:\RO\rAThena\vcproj-10\..\login-server_sql.exe
    1>  script.c
    1>  searchstore.c
    1>  skill.c
    1>..\src\map\skill.c(784): warning C4819: The file contains a character that cannot be represented in the current code page (936). Save the file in Unicode format to prevent data loss
    1>  status.c
    1>  storage.c
    1>  trade.c
    1>  unit.c
    1>  vending.c
    1>  Generating code
    3>  Finished generating code
    3>  char-server_sql.vcxproj -> F:\RO\rAThena\vcproj-10\..\char-server_sql.exe
    2>mt.exe : general error c101008d: Failed to write the updated manifest to the resource of file "..\login-server_sql.exe". The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
    1>  Finished generating code
    1>  map-server_sql.vcxproj -> F:\RO\rAThena\vcproj-10\..\map-server_sql.exe
    1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(562,5): error MSB6006: "mt.exe" exited with code 31.
    ========== Build: 2 succeeded, 2 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

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