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Everything posted by Sovane

  1. Thank you so much! it actually wont go down to two players as there is only 5 rounds and they vote 4 of the 5 and maybe 20 players thank you!
  2. Ok so ive done some research on how i would make this happen, i haven't gotten far but this is what i got. if i put everyone in a party then use Getpartymember to make the array and put this into a menu the players can choose who they vote for by menu I dont think this will really work tho for a number of reason. They could leave the event and not get kicked from party, idk how to program it to kick the player after they are selected in the menu. and a few other things... Can i get some help, im stuck! lol
  3. Alright so i need a script to add to my event, the event is kinda like DS but after each wave of monsters the players inside must vote to kick someone out. So i need a script that will make a dialog box pop up that tells them they need to vote someone out. They will chose only 1 person. Anyone with more than three votes gets kicked and the voting process will last 30 seconds anyone who does not vote also gets kicked. Hope this isnt too much to ask for Thank you!
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