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Posts posted by Eirel

  1. Hi guys.

    Here's my problem:

    I've modified some files in my grf, jobname.lua and npcidentity.lua. I've compiled it and recompiled in a new grf that I put in my directory. But when I start the client, I've got this error:

    buf: bad header in precompiled chunk.

    Looking on the net, I found that it's apparently a problem with plateform used to compile/read the lub files, which explain that another client, reading lua before lub, works well.

    Is there a way to correct that? I've compiled the lub file in both win 7 64 and vista 32 bits, but none seems to work...

  2. Hi guys. I've got a little problem with my client.

    Each time a player disconnect on a custom map (eg, the capitale), when he reconnect, he starts on the right top corner of prontera. But the saved map is well saved, no matter what happens, I can't find a solution nor an explanation...

    Anybody ever seen this?

    Thanks by advance

  3. Hi guys,

    I've got a question. We're building a VHR and our mobs (especially mvp) are too weak to be interesting to fight with.

    Is there a possibility to reduce their cast time? I mean, in the mob_skill_db, the casttime is set to 0 but there's still a HUGEEEEE cast, making it too easy to avoid...

    Any idea?

  4. Hey guys! Thanks for all your advice, I'm almost done.

    Here's the last point:

    now I've got the sprite displayed in the inventory, on the ground, and on the equip, but not on the character itself. See:


    That's the last problem. All other has been fixed, but I can't get this to work...Sorry if that's a newb question, once again ^^'

  5. Actually that's a bit different. I mean that the only sprite I didn't see is the "wearing one". Here's another example:


    As you can see, the only sprite that doesn't work is the first one, the "seeing" sprite, while the move and the drop sprite works well.

    Has anybody already seen this?

  6. Hi guys, me again ^^'

    I've got another problem right now, I can have some sprites to work. For example, the MVP Card always appears blank, instead of the red one. Custom hat we've added doesn't a sprite neither. Here's a screen to show you what I mean:


    On the other hand, the item_db.txt is already set to Maya_Card, and the idnum2itemresname is set to MVP_Card (of course, the sprite exists in a grf I've created).

    What can I do then?

  7. Hi guys.

    I've got a little problem with my 2012-04-10 versions. My server is made to be a VHR (yeah I know, that was not only my choice...) and we've boost mvp to create a "copy" of them which will be harder enough to be interesting to fight against in a VHR.

    The problem is:

    each time I kill a mvp, the character which killed it is disconnected and I can no more log on this character. It simply make the client crash.

    Does anybody ever seen something like that?

    Thanks in advance.

  8. Well I've tried all this already. The version I get from the client contains the corresponding lua files version in the grf files, so I don't think I need to match it (nevertheless, your link does not get a corresponding version for 20120618 nor 20120714 ^^')

    I've already made all the confs as you said (except the packet_db_ver, I'll try this this evening). On the other hand, another client I've got, which is 20120618 too, fit with the server's requirement, I can log in, make a char etc. It should be a problem with the client diffing but I can't find an explanation...

    On the other hand, mmo.h, packet_db.txt and packet_ver are correctly configured and/or completed. Some friends of mine told me it should be a lua files problem but I don't understand why it works with the other client and not mine...


    Well I've finally been able to obtained a client that seems to fit my choices. I can launch, log in, create a char and start a session with my 2012-06-18 version (actually it was a problem with my diff it seems) and to log in a select a char with my 2012-07-14.

    Now I've got two differents problems:

    the 2012-07-14 can't go further than the "start" option, once I've choosen a char. Can anybody told me what to put in the db_packet.txt file? I think I'm missing the last entry for this version.

    The 2012-06-18 go a bit further, as I can start a session, but I've got the "Rejected from server" message as soon as I come in. If I get a look to the map server, I've got a packet error which say that the packet is not as expected.

    On each case, can anybody told me what I should put in packet_ver and packet_db_ver plz? I think I should be allright with that.

  9. Hi guys,

    I'm trying to create a custom client using the 2012-07-14 version. I've download the full version and try to launch it after editing the clientinfo.xml and diffing the client to match to what I want.

    But, whatever I do, I can't go further than the very first screen. I've got the "No Msg" error. After editing the msgstringtable.txt with the last english version, I've got the "Do you agree" message and nothing more, whatever I do, the client windows simply clause without saying anything.

    I really need help plz ><

    Thanks in advance.

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