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Posts posted by megaoka

  1. I believe 2012+ clients only read .lub files. You will have to rename the extension, and it should work.

    Keep in mind, some of the files now go in the SYSTEM folder, not the DATA folder. The System files will also be overwritten any time people patch, so make sure you hex edit the pointers.

    Edit: For example, "itemInfo.lub" goes into System folder. If you rename it to "1temInfo.lub" and point it there in the client with a hex editor, you should get your desired results. :)

  2. To fix your 'answer' problem,


    query_sql "INSERT INTO `request` (`account_id`, `char_name`, `time`, `type`, `message`) " +
    "VALUES ("+getcharid(3)+", '"+strcharinfo(0)+"', '"+gettimestr("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",21)+"', 'Ingame Question', '"+.@requestinput$+"')";


    query_sql "INSERT INTO `request` (`account_id`, `char_name`, `time`, `type`, `message`,`answer`) " +
    "VALUES ("+getcharid(3)+", '"+strcharinfo(0)+"', '"+gettimestr("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",21)+"', 'Ingame Question', '"+.@requestinput$+"', 'Not Yet Answered')";

    The problem is when the INSERT query is called, the `answer` field is not being filled in. (It is Null)

    I suggest in the future revisions, `answer` should be able to be left null.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Hello, my name is Steve. I'm coming from a long history of working with eAthena, but things don't seem to be working too smoothly over there so I thought I'd check out rAthena.

    Anyone else transfer from eA to rA that could tell me the differences between the two platforms? I will be downloading the SVN shortly. I look forward to coding with you all!

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