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  1. Can someone talk me what's the use about "timer_add_func_list"? Why need this? Must use this before using "timer_add"? "timer_add" and "delete_timer" must work together? Thanks for answer. PS: sorry for my en.
  2. The encryption within GRF Editor will work perfectly fine, but you're probably having compatibility issues from the client (caused by the protection used on the DLL; only a few version of clients will be able to use this encryption system). There's also a bug that will make it impossible to patch with the current patchers (such as Thor Patcher). So for now, I simply wouldn't use the encryption feature. I'm going to fix this so that it works for any client, but that's going to be in a couple months when I'm not as busy as I am right now. Basically : do not encrypt your files with GRF Editor. OK, thanks for Reply~
  3. Grf encryption in 2013 Ragexe is not working. It can read the grf but can't read correctly. For example, i change the content of clientinfo.xml in a new grf and encrypt it but this grf 's clientinfo.xml not working. It can't read the clientinfo.xml anything content but it can read the clientinfo.xml! Is the 2013 Ragexe problem or else? PS: My cps.dll is year 2002 (the official's) and my en is not good . Thank you for Reply!
  4. Yes! I want it very mach! I can make a player online but i can make he in a map, it has a lot of error! PS: Sorry, my en is not good.
  5. How to set a fake player online with function "clif_parse_WantToConnection"? Please help!
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