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Everything posted by evilnezt

  1. i get the same error. error with main.sql. the others works fine. and error only with latest rathena. need solution
  2. i get this error importing/executing the main.sql. and only the main.sql, the other works fine. and only the latest rathena give me this error, no problem with last year version of rathena i got. dont know why. any solution?
  3. please guide me tp build a lite client pack for ragexeRE 2010-07-30 for pre-renewal server can anyone help me about what client files (data folder/translation, lua files, and system files, etc) i need and where can i get it been searching this board for pre-renewal files but all i found were renewal well, i found some pre-re topics too but the link given were all down and i never got to try it
  4. aww... seems complicated dont even know what to do with that query i kinda notice that too sometimes, but i thought i just missed it cuz too much item related notice on my chat box now that you mention it, now i know for sure that it isn't accurate
  5. conf/battle/drops.conf#L143 unless you have some sort of custom source mod for it.. Example : 100 ( 1.00% item ) whatever item that drop at 1.00% or below will be announced once it drop by monster... then.. your log config conf/log_athena.conf#L70 you set it to store the log whenever an item with 1.00% or below dropped.. isnt that already fulfilled what you want ?? n then the log will be stored into....picklog? right? n then i'll have to search for... item id / char id.. right? so to perform a search i have to know the char id and item id.. right? sooo... i'll have to do "@who3 <player name> if the player online, and have to go through char table to see the char id if the player is offline. right? after that i have to do @iteminfo <item name> to see the item id, right? i also have to know the type meaning from the picklog too, right? (M,P,L,T,etc) after all that.. i can finally... track a single item of 1 player....... right? so.. let me get back to my earlier post i was referring to the announcement part (player got mob's item chance %) not the item / picklog i think tracking player's rare item would be easier if i there's a log that record the announcement rather than filtering the picklog say if i want to track player001's ghostring card, i just search "player001" or "ghostring card" to see if that player really got the ghostring card from killing a ghostring. well, if there isn't such thing, maybe this can be submitted to the dev team for implementation
  6. answer already given to you ~.~ sorry, maybe i wasn't clear with my question i was referring to the announcement part (player got mob's item chance %) not the item / picklog i think tracking player's rare item would be easier if i there's a log that record the announcement rather than filtering the picklog say if i want to track player001's ghostring card, i just search "player001" or "ghostring card" to see if that player really got the ghostring card from killing a ghostring. well, if there isn't such thing, maybe this can be submitted to the dev team for implementation
  7. yes, i understand tracing a GM given item would take a lotta work that's why i ask r there any logs that records the rare drop announce cuz it would really save work n time for admin to track rare item drop just by searching player name or item name
  8. i tried your script too and all group id can use vip buff no error codes relative to groupid just map not found for caspen map cuz i dont have it edit: it worked fine now first try i just add your script, not replacing the rathena custom healer then i tried replacing rathena healer with your script and it works ok now my bad cmiiw, your script is.. - agi bless for normal - extra magnificat, gloria, angelus, impositio for lv 85 below - extra assumptio + concentrate + soul linker for vip right?
  9. that's picklog configuration right? what i mean is the chat log for the announcement ( player got poring's jellopy chance 1%) the point is to track player's rare item did they realy got it from mob drop, or some bad GM give/sell to them or any other possible illegal way
  10. r there any logs that records every announce made of rare_drop_announce from drop.conf? if not, r there any other way?
  11. hi guys.. im using 3CeaM 732 SQL offline server and im interested with Emistry's Stage Game guild_vs5,50,50,5 script Stage Game 437,{ // Monster ID / Amount Initiating ( Check db/Mob_db.txt || db/Mob_db2.txt ) setarray .Stage[0], 1001,10, // Stage 1 + Amount 1002,12, // Stage 2 + Amount 1004,14, // Stage 3 + Amount 1005,16, // Stage 4 + Amount 1007,18, // etc...... 1008,20, // 1058,30; // Final Stage ( Max. ~64 Rounds ) // Reward ID / Amount Initiating ( Check db/Item_db.txt || db/Item_db2.txt ) setarray .Reward[0], 607,10, // Reward 1 + Amount 608,5, // Reward 2 + Amount 501,3, // etc...... 512,1; // Last Reward 1 ( Max. ~64 Items ) // MapFlags Initiating ( Check db/Cont.txt ) setarray .MapFlags[0],0,1,2,3,4,5,11,13,14,15,22,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,38,41,43,44,47,49; for( set .@mf,0; .@mf < getarraysize( .MapFlags ); set .@mf,.@mf + 1 ) { setmapflag strcharinfo(3),.MapFlags[.@mf]; } if( mobcount( strcharinfo(3),"all" ) > 0 || .Level > 0) { dispbottom "Just Kill All the Monster to Win the Game..."; end; } set .Level,0; announce "[Level "+( (.Level/2)+1 )+"] : [ "+.Stage[.Level+1]+" x "+getmonsterinfo( .Stage[.Level],0)+" ]",bc_all,0x37FDFC; monster strcharinfo(3),0,0,"[Slave] "+getmonsterinfo( .Stage[.Level],0)+"",.Stage[.Level],.Stage[.Level+1],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill"; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Left ["+mobcount( strcharinfo(3),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill" )+"] Monster",0; end; OnMobKill: delwaitingroom; if( mobcount( strcharinfo(3),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill" ) == 0 && .Level < ( getarraysize( .Stage ) - 5 ) ) { set .Level,.Level + 2; waitingroom "["+((( getarraysize( .Stage )/2 ) - .Level/2) - 1)+"] Rounds to Go.",0; for( set .@t,5; .@t > 0; set .@t,.@t - 1 ) { announce "[Level "+( (.Level/2)+1 )+"] in "+.@t+" Seconds",bc_map,0x4EEE94,0,35; sleep2 1000; } announce "[Level "+( (.Level/2)+1 )+"] : [ "+.Stage[.Level+1]+" x "+getmonsterinfo( .Stage[.Level],0)+" ]",bc_all,0x37FDFC; monster strcharinfo(3),0,0,"[Slave] "+getmonsterinfo( .Stage[.Level],0)+"",.Stage[.Level],.Stage[.Level+1],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill"; } if( mobcount( strcharinfo(3),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill" ) == 0 && .Level >= ( getarraysize( .Stage ) - 5 ) ) { set .Level,.Level + 2; announce "BOSS Stage",bc_map,0xFF0000,0,90; specialeffect 563; sleep2 2000; for( set .@t,5; .@t > 0; set .@t,.@t - 1 ) { specialeffect 563; announce "BOSS STAGE in "+.@t+" Seconds",bc_map,0xFF0000,0,60; sleep2 1000; } announce "[Level "+( (.Level/2)+1 )+"] : [ "+.Stage[.Level+1]+" x "+getmonsterinfo( .Stage[.Level],0)+" ]",bc_all,0x37FDFC; monster strcharinfo(3),0,0,"[BOSS] "+getmonsterinfo( .Stage[.Level],0)+"",.Stage[.Level],.Stage[.Level+1],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill"; } delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Left ["+mobcount( strcharinfo(3),strnpcinfo(0)+"::On"+( ( .Level-2 ) > ( getarraysize( .Stage ) - 5 ) ? "BossKill":"MobKill") )+"] Monster",0; end; OnBossKill: delwaitingroom; if( mobcount( strcharinfo(3),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill" ) > 0 ) { waitingroom "Left ["+mobcount( strcharinfo(3),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill")+"] Monster",0; end; }else{ delwaitingroom; waitingroom "REWARD TIME",0; specialeffect 709; announce "Congratulation to Team [ "+getpartyname( getcharid(1) )+" ] who had just finished the Stage Game. ",0; getpartymember getcharid(1),1; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; set @Location$,strcharinfo(3); for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; set .@i, .@i +1 ) { if ( isloggedin($@partymemberaid[.@i]) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if( strcharinfo(3) == @Location$ ) { unittalk getcharid(3),"Yeehaaa !! We Beat ALL the Monster !!!"; unitemote getcharid(3),e_heh; specialeffect2 709; for( set .@a,0; .@a < getarraysize( .Reward ); set .@a,.@a + 2 ) getitem .Reward[.@a],.Reward[.@a+1], $@partymemberaid[.@i]; dispbottom "Gained those items as Reward for Finishing Stage Game"; } } } sleep2 5000; mapwarp strcharinfo(3),"prontera",155,180; set .Level,0; delwaitingroom; } OnInit: waitingroom "Click Me",0; end; } prontera,146,188,5 script Stage Game#Register 794,{ while(1){ mes "Hello, i am ^FF0000Stage Game Manager^000000. How can i help you ?"; mes "^0000FFRegistration Status^000000 : "+( getmapusers(.Map$) > 0 ?"^FF0000OFF":"^00FF00ON")+"^000000"; mes "(^FF0000Only Leader can Register^000000)"; mes ""; mes "It is In ^FF0000BETA Test^000000."; next; switch(select("^00FF00Stage Game Information^000000", ( getmapusers(.Map$) > 0 || getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) )?"":"^0000FFRegister for Stage Game^000000", ( getmapusers(.Map$) < 1 || getgmlevel() < 60 )?"":"^FF0000Reset Stage Game^000000")) { Case 1: mes "^FF0000Stage Game^000000 is a small game that have alot of monster to be kill from round to round."; mes "With every increase or round you manage to reach, the monster could be stronger than before."; next; mes "You could win up some ^0000FFUnique^000000 prize upon you finished the whole ^FF0000Stage Game^000000"; next; mes "In order to ^0000FFRegister^000000 for ^FF0000Stage Game^000000, all your party member must meet the ^0000FFRequirements^000000"; next; mes "[ ^00FF00Requirements^000000 ]"; mes "^0000FFBase Level^000000 : "+.Level+" Level"; mes "^0000FFZeny^000000 : "+.Zeny+" Zeny "; mes "^0000FFParty Members^000000 : "+.PartyMember+" Members"; mes "(^FF0000Level / Zeny only Applied on Leader ^000000 )"; next; break; Case 2: // if( getgmlevel() < 80 ){ // mes "Stage Game is under Debugging Development. Simple Game but Hard "; // close; // } getpartymember getcharid(1),1; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; set @Count,0; for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; set .@i, .@i +1 ){ if ( isloggedin($@partymemberaid[.@i]) ){ set @Count,@Count+1; } } if( @Count < .PartyMember || BaseLevel < .Level || Zeny < .Zeny ){ mes "[ ^00FF00Requirements^000000 ]"; mes "^0000FFBase Level^000000 : "+.Level+" Level"; mes "^0000FFZeny^000000 : "+.Zeny+" Zeny "; mes "^0000FFParty Members^000000 : "+.PartyMember+" Members"; mes "(^FF0000Level / Zeny only Applied on Leader ^000000 )"; close; }else{ set Zeny, Zeny - .Zeny; mes "Your party will now be warped into the Destination to start the Game."; dispbottom "Click on the NPC inside to start the game."; delwaitingroom "Stage Game"; close2; announce "Team [ "+getpartyname( getcharid(1) )+"] has joined STAGE GAME.",0; warpparty .Map$,0,0,getcharid(1); killmonster .Map$,"All"; set getvariableofnpc(.Level,"Stage Game"),0; end; } Case 3: mes "The Game has been Reset."; killmonster .Map$,"All"; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",155,180; announce "A GM has RESET the Stage Game, Sorry for the Incovenience.",0; set getvariableofnpc(.Level,"Stage Game"),0; delwaitingroom "Stage Game"; next; break; } } close; OnInit: waitingroom "NULL",0; OnWhisperGlobal: set .Level,1; set .Zeny,0; set .PartyMember,1; set .Map$,"guild_vs5"; while(sleep2(1000)) { delwaitingroom; waitingroom ( getmapusers(.Map$) > 0 ? " NOT":" " )+" Available",0; } end; } and Annieruru's private MVP branch i'd like to combine these 2 scripts and if it possible to make an instance of it * so there will be 8 branch(room) available for stage game * and in every room i'd like to add time limit and timer inside so there's 2 NPC's inside the game map 1 is the NPC to start the game and d other is NPC with waitingroom "time left"... * the requirement to enter is set like the one in the stage game script (player needs to make a party with defined number of minimum member and they have to bring zeny and item requested) (level, zeny, items applied only on party leader) * party member can re-enter the reserved room when they got out ( only party leader can reserve/start the game, but party member can re-enter the room when they got out ( Died / disconnected/etc) * give a reward for each party member when finishing the game * and set delay after finishing a game to start a new one kindly rewrite the script for i'm a newbie with scripts currently i'm just cutting here n there in those 2 scripts or if there's a simillar script like this please give me link thx in advance
  12. bump can you give more further info about what you want to do? like do you want your stage game monster became MVP? or you just want to combine those script in one map only? i want a stage game NPC with a timer and branch feature like in the Annieruru's private MVP branch or should i say.. i want to use annieruru's private MVP branch script for stage game so instead of only 1 stage game map, there's 8 game branch available for stage game and inside every branch/map there's a timer NPC that shows (waitingroom) how much time left to finish the game before being kicked out bump
  13. can you give more further info about what you want to do? like do you want your stage game monster became MVP? or you just want to combine those script in one map only? i want a stage game NPC with a timer and branch feature like in the Annieruru's private MVP branch or should i say.. i want to use annieruru's private MVP branch script for stage game so instead of only 1 stage game map, there's 8 game branch available for stage game and inside every branch/map there's a timer NPC that shows (waitingroom) how much time left to finish the game before being kicked out
  14. hi guys.. im using 3CeaM 732 Offline TxT server with this stage game script from here and i'd like to add time limit and timer inside the game map like the timer in Annieruru's private MVP branch so there's 2 NPC's inside the game map 1 is the game NPC and d other is NPC with waitingroom "time left"... or even better if you maybe can help me combine those stage game and private MVP branch become 1 stage game with branch and timer
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