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Posts posted by PottScilgrim

  1. On 8/9/2020 at 6:27 AM, behemothcze said:

    can it change to only paying if they change into trans i mean 99/50 to high novice thanks 

    Try this ?

    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= Job Master
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= A fully functional job changer.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.0 Initial script. [Euphy]
    //= 1.1 Fixed reset on Baby job change.
    //= 1.2 Added Expanded Super Novice support and initial Kagerou/Oboro support.
    //= 1.3 Kagerou/Oboro added.
    //= 1.4 Rebellion added.
    //= 1.5 Added option to disable RebirthClass. [mazvi]
    //= 1.6 Added option to get job related equipment on change. [Braniff]
    //= 1.7 Readability changes. Also added BabyExpanded and BabySummoner classes. [Jey]
    //= 1.8 Added option to disable Baby Novice Only but Baby Class can be Enabled [mazvi]
    //= 1.9 Migrate/Integrate to Global Functions Platinum Skills. [mazvi]
    prontera,153,193,6	script	Job Master	123,{
    function Get_Job_Equip;
    // Checks if the Player has the required level.
    // closes if not, returns if yes
    function    Require_Level    {
        if (BaseLevel < getarg(0) || JobLevel < getarg(1)) {
            .@blvl = getarg(0) - BaseLevel;
            .@jlvl = getarg(1) - JobLevel;
            mes "Level requirement:";
            mes ((getarg(0)>1)? 
                "^bb0000"+getarg(0)+"^000000 (^bb0000Base^000000) / ":"")+"^00bb00"+
                getarg(1)+"^000000 (^00bb00Job^000000)";
            mes "You need " +
                ((.@blvl > 0) ? "^bb0000"+.@blvl+"^000000 more base levels " + 
                    ((.@jlvl > 0) ? "and " : "") : "") +
                ((.@jlvl > 0) ? "^00bb00"+.@jlvl+"^000000 more job levels " : "") +
                "to continue.";
    // Checks if the given eac is a baby class
    function Is_Baby    {
        return ((getarg(0, eaclass())&EAJL_BABY)>0);
    // Checks if the player can change to third class.
    // Note: This does not include the level checks.
    function    Can_Change_Third    {
        // To change to third class you either need to be:
        // * Second Class
        // * Transcendent Second Class
        // * Baby Second Class
        if( !.ThirdClass )
            return false; // Third job change disabled
        if( !(eaclass()&EAJL_2) )
            return false; // Not second Class
        if( eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD )
            return false; // Already Third Class
        if( roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD) < 0 )
            return false; // Job has no third Class
        if( (eaclass()&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE )
            return false; // Exp. Super Novice equals 3rd Cls, but has it's own case
        if( Is_Baby() && (!.BabyClass || !.BabyThird) )
            return false; // No Baby (Third) change allowed
        return true;
    function    Can_Rebirth    {
        // To rebirth, you need to be:
        // * Second Class
        if( !.RebirthClass )
            return false; // Rebirth disabled
        if( !(eaclass()&EAJL_2) )
            return false; // Not second Class
        if( eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER )
            return false; // Already Rebirthed
        if( roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_UPPER) < 0 )
            return false; // Job has no transcended class
        if( Is_Baby() && !.BabyClass )
            return false; // No Baby changes allowed
        return true;
    // Checks if the given eac is a first class
    function    Is_First_Cls    {
        return (getarg(0) <= EAJ_TAEKWON);
    function    Check_Riding    {
        // Note: Why we should always check for Riding:
        // Mounts are considered as another class, which
        // would make this NPC bigger just to handle with
        // those special cases.
        if (checkfalcon() || checkcart() || checkriding() || ismounting()) {
            mes "Please remove your " +
                ((checkfalcon()) ? "falcon" : "") +
                ((checkcart()) ? "cart" : "") +
                ((checkriding()) ? "Peco" : "") +
                ((ismounting()) ? "mount" : "") +
                " before proceeding.";
    function    Check_SkillPoints    {
        if (.SkillPointCheck && SkillPoint) {
            mes "Please use all your skill points before proceeding.";
    // addJobOptions is essentially the same like
    // setarray .@array[getarraysize(.@array)],opt1,opt2,...;
    // It's just easier to read, since we're using it very often
    function    Job_Options    {
        .@argcount = getargcount();
        .@arr_size = getarraysize(getarg(0));
        for( .@i = 1; .@i < .@argcount; .@i++) {
            setarray getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@arr_size++),getarg(.@i);
    // Begin of the NPC
        mes .NPCName$;
        // initialisation
        deletearray .@job_opt[0],getarraysize(.@job_opt);
        .@eac = eaclass();
        .@third_possible = Can_Change_Third();
        .@rebirth_possible = Can_Rebirth();
        .@first_eac = .@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK;
        .@second_eac = .@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK;
        // Note: These are already set in pc.cpp
        // BaseClass = roclass(.@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) which is the players First Class
        // BaseJob = roclass(.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) which is the players Second Class
        //dispbottom "Debug: eac ("+.@eac+"), third ("+.@third_possible+"), rebirth("+.@rebirth_possible+"), BaseClass ("+BaseClass+"), BaseJob ("+BaseJob+")";
        // From here on the jobmaster checks the current class
        // and fills the the array `.@job_opt` with possible
        // job options for the player.
        if( .@rebirth_possible ) {
            // Rebirth option (displayed on the top of the menu)
            Require_Level(.Req_Rebirth[0], .Req_Rebirth[1]);
            Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Novice_High);
        if( .@third_possible ) {
            // Third Job change (displayed below rebirth)
            Require_Level(.Req_Third[0], .Req_Third[1]);
            Job_Options(.@job_opt, roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD));
        if (.SecondExpanded && 
           (.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE && // is Super Novice
           !(eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD) ) {                     // not already Expanded SN
            // (Baby) Super Novice to Expanded (Baby) Super Novice
               if( !Is_Baby(.@eac) || (.BabyClass && .BabyExpanded) ) {
                // .BabyClass & .BabyExpanded must be enabled if the is a baby
                Require_Level(.Req_Exp_SNOVI[0], .Req_Exp_SNOVI[1]);
                Job_Options(.@job_opt,roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD)); // Expanded SN is "third" cls
        if (.SecondExpanded && 
            ((.@eac&(~EAJL_BABY)) == EAJ_NINJA ||         // is (Baby) Ninja
            (.@eac&(~EAJL_BABY)) == EAJ_GUNSLINGER)) {    // is (Baby) Gunslinger
            // (Baby) Ninja to (Baby) Kagerou / Oboro
            // (Baby) Gunslinger to (Baby) Rebellion
            if( !Is_Baby(.@eac) || (.BabyClass && .BabyExpanded) ) {
                // .BabyClass & .BabyExpanded must be enabled if the is a baby
                Require_Level(.Req_Exp_NJ_GS[0], .Req_Exp_NJ_GS[1]);
                // Kagerou, Oboro, Rebellion are considered as a 2-1 class
                Job_Options(.@job_opt, roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1));
        // Player is Job_Novice, Job_Novice_High or Job_Baby
        if (.@first_eac == EAJ_NOVICE && .@second_eac != EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE) {
            Require_Level(.Req_First[0], .Req_First[1]);
            switch(Class) {
                case Job_Novice:
                    // First job change
                        Job_Mage, Job_Archer, Job_Acolyte, Job_Merchant, Job_Thief,
                        Job_Super_Novice, Job_Taekwon, Job_Gunslinger, Job_Ninja);
                    if( .BabyNovice )
                        Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Baby);
                case Job_Novice_High:
                    // Job change after rebirth
                    if( .LastJob && lastJob )
                            Job_Swordman_High, Job_Mage_High, Job_Archer_High,
                            Job_Acolyte_High, Job_Merchant_High, Job_Thief_High);
                case Job_Baby:
                    if( !.BabyClass )
                    // First job change as a baby
                    Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Baby_Swordman, Job_Baby_Mage,
                        Job_Baby_Archer,Job_Baby_Acolyte, Job_Baby_Merchant,
                    if( .BabyExpanded )
                        Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Super_Baby, Job_Baby_Taekwon,
                            Job_Baby_Gunslinger, Job_Baby_Ninja);
                    if( .BabySummoner )
                        Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Baby_Summoner);
                    mes "An error has occurred.";
        } else if( Is_First_Cls(.@eac) ||                 // First Class
                   Is_First_Cls(.@eac&(~EAJL_UPPER)) ||    // Trans. First Cls
                   (.BabyClass && Is_First_Cls(.@eac&(~EAJL_BABY))) ) {    // Baby First Cls
            // Player is First Class (not Novice)
            // most jobs should have two options here  (2-1 and 2-2)
            .@class1 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1); // 2-1
            .@class2 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_2); // 2-2
            // dispbottom "Debug: Classes: class1 ("+.@class1+"), class2 ("+.@class2+")";
            if(.LastJob && lastJob && (.@eac&EAJL_UPPER)) {
                // Player is rebirth Cls and linear class changes are enforced
                Require_Level(.Req_Second[0], .Req_Second[1]);
                Job_Options(.@job_opt, lastJob + Job_Novice_High);
            } else {
                // Class is not enforced, player can decide.
                if( .@class1 > 0 ) { // 2-1
                    Require_Level(.Req_Second[0], .Req_Second[1]);
                    Job_Options(.@job_opt, .@class1);
                if( .@class2 > 0 ) { // 2-2
                    Require_Level(.Req_Second[0], .Req_Second[1]);
                    Job_Options(.@job_opt, .@class2);
        // Displaying the Job Menu defined by .@job_opt.
        // .@job_opt should not be changed below this line.
        function Job_Menu;
    // Displays the job menu
    function    Job_Menu    {
        // getarg(0) is the .@job_opt array holding all available job changes.
        function Confirm_Change;
        while(true) {
            .@opt_cnt =  getarraysize(getarg(0));
            if( .@opt_cnt <= 0 ) {
                mes "No more jobs are available.";
            .@selected = 0; // Just a single job class given, no select needed
            if (.@opt_cnt > 1) {
                // Multiple job classes given. Select one and save it to .@class
                // After that confirm .@class
                mes "Select a job.";
                .@menu$ = "";
                for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@opt_cnt; .@i++) {
                    if( getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@i) == Job_Novice_High)
                        .@jobname$ = "^0055FFRebirth^000000";
                        .@jobname$ = jobname(getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@i));
                    .@menu$ = .@menu$ + " ~ " + .@jobname$ + ":";
                .@menu$ = .@menu$+" ~ ^777777Cancel^000000";
                .@selected = select(.@menu$) - 1;
                if( .@selected < 0 || .@selected >= .@opt_cnt )
                mes .NPCName$;
            .@class = getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@selected);
            if ((.@class == Job_Super_Novice || .@class == Job_Super_Baby) &&
                    BaseLevel < .SNovice) {
                // Special Level Requirement because Super Novice and
                // Super Baby can both be selected in one of the first class
                // changes. That's why the Level Requirement is after and not before
                // the selection.
                mes "A base level of " + .SNovice +
                    " is required to turn into a " + jobname(.@class) + ".";
            // Confirm the Class
            Confirm_Change(.@class, .@opt_cnt > 1);
            mes .NPCName$;
    // Executes the actual jobchange and closes.
    function    Job_Change    {
        .@to_cls = getarg(0);
        mes .NPCName$;
        mes "You are now " + callfunc("F_InsertArticle", jobname(.@to_cls)) + "!";
        if (.@to_cls == Job_Novice_High && .LastJob)
            lastJob = Class; // Saves the lastJob for rebirth
        jobchange .@to_cls;
        if (.@to_cls == Job_Novice_High)
        else if (.@to_cls == Job_Baby) {
            set SkillPoint,0;
        specialeffect2 EF_ANGEL2;
        specialeffect2 EF_ELECTRIC;
        if (.Platinum)
            callfunc "F_GetPlatinumSkills";
        if (.GetJobEquip)
        close; // Always closes after the change
    function    Confirm_Change    {
        // Player confirms he want to change into .@class
        .@class = getarg(0, -1);
        .@back = getarg(1, false);
        if( .@class < 0 ) {
            mes "Unknown Class Error.";
    	if(.ZCost != 0 && .@class == Job_Novice_High) { 
    		mes "Do you want to rebirth?"; 
    		mes "This will cost "+callfunc("F_InsertComma",.ZCost)+"z"; 	// Adds Zeny Cost message if ZCost is enabled
     		.@job_option$ = " ~ ^0055FFRebirth^000000 - ("+callfunc("F_InsertComma",.ZCost)+"z)"; 
    	} else { 
    		 mes "Do you want to change into ^0055FF"+jobname(.@class)+"^000000 class?";
    		.@job_option$ = " ~ Change into ^0055FF"+jobname(.@class)+"^000000 class"; 
        // if( .@class == Job_Novice_High)
        //     .@job_option$ = " ~ ^0055FFRebirth^000000";
        if (select(.@job_option$+": ~ ^777777" + 
                ((.@back) ?"Go back" : "Cancel") + "^000000") == 1) {
    		if(Zeny < .ZCost && .@class == Job_Novice_High) { clear; mes .NPCName$; mes "You are lacking "+callfunc("F_InsertComma",(.ZCost - Zeny))+" zeny."; close; }
    		if(.@class == Job_Novice_High) Zeny = Zeny-.ZCost;
        if (!.@back)
            close; // "Cancel" pressed
    // Function which gives a job related item to the player
    // the items are the rewards from the original job change quests
    function    Get_Job_Equip    {
        // Note: The item is dropping, when the player can't hold it.
        // But that's better than not giving the item at all.
        .@eac = eaclass();
        if( .@eac&EAJL_THIRD ) {
            // Third Class Items
            getitem 2795,1;    //    Green Apple Ring for every 3rd Class
            switch(BaseJob) {
                // BaseJob of Third Cls
                // For Normal Third, Baby Third and Transcended Third Cls
                case Job_Knight:
                    getitem 5746,1;    break;    //    Rune Circlet [1]
                case Job_Wizard:
                    getitem 5753,1;    break;    //    Magic Stone Hat [1]
                case Job_Hunter:
                    getitem 5748,1;    break;    //    Sniper Goggle [1]
                case Job_Priest:
                    getitem 5747,1;    break;    //    Mitra [1]
                case Job_Blacksmith:
                    getitem 5749,1;    break;    //    Driver Band [1]
                case Job_Assassin:
                    getitem 5755,1;    break;    //    Silent Executor [1]
                case Job_Crusader:
                    getitem 5757,1;    break;    //    Dip Schmidt Helm [1]
                case Job_Sage:
                    getitem 5756,1;    break;    //    Wind Whisper [1]
                case Job_Bard:
                    getitem 5751,1;    break;    //    Maestro Song's Hat [1]
                case Job_Dancer:
                    getitem 5758,1;    break;    //    Dying Swan [1]
                case Job_Monk:
                    getitem 5754,1;    break;    //    Blazing Soul [1]
                case Job_Alchemist:
                    getitem 5752,1;    break;    //    Midas Whisper[1]
                case Job_Rogue:
                    getitem 5750,1;         //    Shadow Handicraft [1]
                    getitem 6121,1;            //    Makeover Brush
                    getitem 6122,1;    break;    //    Paint Brush
        } else if (.@eac&EAJL_2) {
            // Second Class (And not Third Class)
            switch(BaseJob) {
                // Second Class
                case Job_Knight:
                    getitem 1163,1;    break;    //    Claymore [0]
                case Job_Priest:
                    getitem 1522,1;    break;    //    Stunner [0]
                case Job_Wizard:
                    getitem 1617,1;    break;    //    Survivor's Rod [0]
                case Job_Blacksmith:
                    getitem 1360,1;    break;    //    Two-Handed-Axe [1]
                case Job_Hunter:
                    getitem 1718,1;    break;    //    Hunter Bow [0]
                case Job_Assassin:
                    getitem 1254,1;    break;    //    Jamadhar [0]
                case Job_Crusader:
                    getitem 1410,1;    break;    //    Lance [0]
                case Job_Monk:
                    getitem 1807,1;    break;    //    Fist [0]
                case Job_Sage:
                    getitem 1550,1;    break;    //    Book [3]
                case Job_Rogue:
                    getitem 1222,1;    break;    //    Damascus [1]
                case Job_Alchemist:
                    getitem 1126,1;    break;    //    Saber [2]
                case Job_Bard:
                    getitem 1907,1;    break;    //    Guitar [0]
                case Job_Dancer:
                    getitem 1960,1;    break;    //    Whip [1]
                case Job_Super_Novice:
                    getitem 1208,1;    break;    //    Main Gauche [4]
                case Job_Star_Gladiator:
                    getitem 1550,1;    break;    //    Book [3]
                case Job_Soul_Linker:
                    getitem 1617,1;    break;    //    Survivor's Rod [0]
        } else {
            // Neither Second or Third Cls
            // => First Cls or not covered by the switch
            switch(BaseClass) {
                // First Class
                case Job_Swordman:
                    getitem 1108,1;    break;    //    Blade [4]
                case Job_Mage:
                    getitem 1602,1;    break;    //    Rod [4]
                case Job_Archer:
                    getitem 1705,1;    break;    //    Composite Bow [4]
                case Job_Acolyte:
                    getitem 1505,1;    break;    //    Mace [4]
                case Job_Merchant:
                    getitem 1302,1;    break;    //    Axe [4]
                case Job_Thief:
                    getitem 1208,1;    break;    //    Main Gauche [4]
                case Job_Gunslinger:
                    getitem 13101,1; break;    //    Six Shooter [2]
                case Job_Ninja:
                    getitem 13010,1; break;    //    Asura [2]
        // Initialisation, do not edit these
        .NPCName$ = "[Job Master]";
    	.ZCost = 25000;	// Zeny cost per job change. Change to 0 to disable.
        // Settings
        .ThirdClass = false;            // Enable third classes?
        .RebirthClass = true;            // Enable rebirth classes?
        .SecondExpanded = false;        // Enable new expanded second classes: Ex. Super Novice, Kagerou/Oboro, Rebellion?
        .BabyNovice = false;    // Enable Baby novice classes? Disable it if you like player must have parent to get job baby.
        .BabyClass = false;                // Enable Baby classes?
        .BabyThird = false;                // Enable Baby third classes?
        .BabyExpanded = false;            // Enable Baby Expanded classes: Ex. Baby Ninja, Baby Taekwon, etc.
        .BabySummoner = false;            // Enable Baby Summoner?
        .LastJob = true;                // Enforce linear class changes?
        .SkillPointCheck = true;        // Force player to use up all skill points?
        .Platinum = true;                // Get platinum skills automatically?
        .GetJobEquip = false;            // Get job equipment (mostly weapons) on job change?
        // Level Requirements
        setarray .Req_First[0],1,10;         // Minimum base level, job level to turn into 1st class
        setarray .Req_Second[0],1,40;         // Minimum base level, job level to turn into 2nd class
        setarray .Req_Rebirth[0],99,50;        // Minimum base level, job level to rebirth
        setarray .Req_Third[0],99,50;        // Minimum base level, job level to change to third class
        setarray .Req_Exp_NJ_GS[0],99,70;     // Minimum base level, job level to turn into Expanded Ninja and Gunslinger
        setarray .Req_Exp_SNOVI[0],99,99;     // Minimum base level, job level to turn into Expanded Super Novice
        .SNovice = 45;                        // Minimum base level to turn into Super Novice
        // Setting adjustments by PACKETVER
        if( PACKETVER < 20161207 ) {
            if( .BabyExpanded )
                debugmes "jobmaster: BabyExpanded is disabled due to outdated PACKETVER.";
            if( .BabySummoner )
                debugmes "jobmaster: BabySummoner is disabled due to outdated PACKETVER.";
            .BabyExpanded = false;
            .BabySummoner = false;


    • Upvote 1
  2. Not sure if it's the source of the issue, but it might be worth a try.

    The array is a string type array, and the script is attempting to store both strings and integers into it. Also, the script ends after the 3rd line of data, because of the ';'. 


    Try this.

    setarray .@data$[0],
    		"6908", "4807", "ASPD+1 only",	// ASPDStone_Robe	Atk_Speed1
    		"6963", "4992", "Absorption 1% of damage dealt to enemy into HP with 1% chance",	// HPdrainStone_Robe	HPdrain1
    		"6964", "4993", "Absorption 1% of damage dealt to enemy into SP with 1% chance",	// SPdrainStone_Robe	SPdrain1
    		"25067", "29056", "Fixed Cast Time -0.5s",	// CastingStone_Robe	FixedCasting05
    		"25170", "29154", "Fixed Cast Time -0.3s",	// MinorCastingStone_Robe	FixedCasting03
    		"25302", "29362", "Double Attack",		// DoubleAttack_Stone	DoubleAttack
    		"25303", "29361", "Critical Damage +20%",		// Critical_Stone_Robe	Fatal_Robe
    		"25306", "29358", "Variable Cast Time -20%";	// CastStone_Robe	Casting_Robe


  3. Try this:

    You'll need to modify the settings in "OnInit" with the mob ID's of the bosses you want to use, the map(s) you'd like to use for the event, and the prize item ID's and amounts.


    //	World Boss Script
    //	Created by PottScilgrim
    -	script	WorldBossEvent	-1,{ 
    //	Change the "OnClock" times to be when you want the event to begin
    	if(.WBMAPS$[1] == "") { 
    		if(.WBMOBID[1] == 0){
    			monster .WBMAPS$[0],0,0,"[World Boss]",.WBMOBID[0],1,"WorldBossEvent::OnWBDead",2;
    		} else {
    			monster .WBMAPS$[0],0,0,"[World Boss]",.WBMOBID[rand(getarraysize(.WBMOBID))],1,"WorldBossEvent::OnWBDead",2;
    	} else {
    		if(.WBMOBID[1] == 0){
    			monster .WBMAPS$[rand(getarraysize(.WBMAPS$))],0,0,"[World Boss]",.WBMOBID[0],1,"WorldBossEvent::OnWBDead",2;
    		} else {
    			monster .WBMAPS$[rand(getarraysize(.WBMAPS$))],0,0,"[World Boss]",.WBMOBID[rand(getarraysize(.WBMOBID))],1,"WorldBossEvent::OnWBDead",2;
    	announce "[World Boss]: The world boss has spawned!",bc_all;
    //	This event fires off when the world boss is killed
    	announce "[World Boss]: "+ strcharinfo(0)+" landed the final blow against the world boss!",bc_all;
    	getitem .sprize,.sprizeamt; // Gives only the winning player this prize
    	addrid 1,0;	// Attaches all players on the current map 
    	getitem .mprize,.mprizeamt;	// Gives all players a prize
    //	These are the NPC settings
    	// Add your world boss mob ID's here. If you only need one, just put one.
    	setarray .WBMOBID, 1002,1003;
    	// Add the maps for your world boss event here. If you only want one, just add one.
    	setarray .WBMAPS$,"prontera","geffen";
    	// This is the special prize for the player that lands the final hit.
    	.sprize = 512;
    	.sprizeamt = 1;
    	// This is the prize that gets given to all players on the event map when it is killed
    	.mprize = 513;
    	.mprizeamt = 1;


  4. Try this.

    //	Happy Hour Script
    //	Created by PottScilgrim
    -	script	HappyHourScript	-1,{ 
    //	Hourly Triggers
    	setbattleflag "base_exp_rate",1800,true;
    	setbattleflag "job_exp_rate",1800,true;
    	announce "[EVENT]: Happy hour has now begun, exp rates are now 18x!",bc_all,0xc4ff5e;
    	setbattleflag "base_exp_rate",1500,true;
    	setbattleflag "job_exp_rate",1500,true;
    	announce "[EVENT]: Happy hour has ended, exp rates have returned to normal",bc_all,0xc4ff5e;


  5. Try this:

    Modify this line (Line 459) to set the Zeny cost.

    .ZCost = 25000;	// Zeny cost per job change. Change to 0 to disable.
    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= Job Master
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= A fully functional job changer.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.0 Initial script. [Euphy]
    //= 1.1 Fixed reset on Baby job change.
    //= 1.2 Added Expanded Super Novice support and initial Kagerou/Oboro support.
    //= 1.3 Kagerou/Oboro added.
    //= 1.4 Rebellion added.
    //= 1.5 Added option to disable RebirthClass. [mazvi]
    //= 1.6 Added option to get job related equipment on change. [Braniff]
    //= 1.7 Readability changes. Also added BabyExpanded and BabySummoner classes. [Jey]
    //= 1.8 Added option to disable Baby Novice Only but Baby Class can be Enabled [mazvi]
    //= 1.9 Migrate/Integrate to Global Functions Platinum Skills. [mazvi]
    prontera,153,193,6	script	Job Master	123,{
    function Get_Job_Equip;
    // Checks if the Player has the required level.
    // closes if not, returns if yes
    function    Require_Level    {
        if (BaseLevel < getarg(0) || JobLevel < getarg(1)) {
            .@blvl = getarg(0) - BaseLevel;
            .@jlvl = getarg(1) - JobLevel;
            mes "Level requirement:";
            mes ((getarg(0)>1)? 
                "^bb0000"+getarg(0)+"^000000 (^bb0000Base^000000) / ":"")+"^00bb00"+
                getarg(1)+"^000000 (^00bb00Job^000000)";
            mes "You need " +
                ((.@blvl > 0) ? "^bb0000"+.@blvl+"^000000 more base levels " + 
                    ((.@jlvl > 0) ? "and " : "") : "") +
                ((.@jlvl > 0) ? "^00bb00"+.@jlvl+"^000000 more job levels " : "") +
                "to continue.";
    // Checks if the given eac is a baby class
    function Is_Baby    {
        return ((getarg(0, eaclass())&EAJL_BABY)>0);
    // Checks if the player can change to third class.
    // Note: This does not include the level checks.
    function    Can_Change_Third    {
        // To change to third class you either need to be:
        // * Second Class
        // * Transcendent Second Class
        // * Baby Second Class
        if( !.ThirdClass )
            return false; // Third job change disabled
        if( !(eaclass()&EAJL_2) )
            return false; // Not second Class
        if( eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD )
            return false; // Already Third Class
        if( roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD) < 0 )
            return false; // Job has no third Class
        if( (eaclass()&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE )
            return false; // Exp. Super Novice equals 3rd Cls, but has it's own case
        if( Is_Baby() && (!.BabyClass || !.BabyThird) )
            return false; // No Baby (Third) change allowed
        return true;
    function    Can_Rebirth    {
        // To rebirth, you need to be:
        // * Second Class
        if( !.RebirthClass )
            return false; // Rebirth disabled
        if( !(eaclass()&EAJL_2) )
            return false; // Not second Class
        if( eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER )
            return false; // Already Rebirthed
        if( roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_UPPER) < 0 )
            return false; // Job has no transcended class
        if( Is_Baby() && !.BabyClass )
            return false; // No Baby changes allowed
        return true;
    // Checks if the given eac is a first class
    function    Is_First_Cls    {
        return (getarg(0) <= EAJ_TAEKWON);
    function    Check_Riding    {
        // Note: Why we should always check for Riding:
        // Mounts are considered as another class, which
        // would make this NPC bigger just to handle with
        // those special cases.
        if (checkfalcon() || checkcart() || checkriding() || ismounting()) {
            mes "Please remove your " +
                ((checkfalcon()) ? "falcon" : "") +
                ((checkcart()) ? "cart" : "") +
                ((checkriding()) ? "Peco" : "") +
                ((ismounting()) ? "mount" : "") +
                " before proceeding.";
    function    Check_SkillPoints    {
        if (.SkillPointCheck && SkillPoint) {
            mes "Please use all your skill points before proceeding.";
    // addJobOptions is essentially the same like
    // setarray .@array[getarraysize(.@array)],opt1,opt2,...;
    // It's just easier to read, since we're using it very often
    function    Job_Options    {
        .@argcount = getargcount();
        .@arr_size = getarraysize(getarg(0));
        for( .@i = 1; .@i < .@argcount; .@i++) {
            setarray getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@arr_size++),getarg(.@i);
    // Begin of the NPC
        mes .NPCName$;
        // initialisation
        deletearray .@job_opt[0],getarraysize(.@job_opt);
        .@eac = eaclass();
        .@third_possible = Can_Change_Third();
        .@rebirth_possible = Can_Rebirth();
        .@first_eac = .@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK;
        .@second_eac = .@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK;
        // Note: These are already set in pc.cpp
        // BaseClass = roclass(.@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) which is the players First Class
        // BaseJob = roclass(.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) which is the players Second Class
        //dispbottom "Debug: eac ("+.@eac+"), third ("+.@third_possible+"), rebirth("+.@rebirth_possible+"), BaseClass ("+BaseClass+"), BaseJob ("+BaseJob+")";
        // From here on the jobmaster checks the current class
        // and fills the the array `.@job_opt` with possible
        // job options for the player.
        if( .@rebirth_possible ) {
            // Rebirth option (displayed on the top of the menu)
            Require_Level(.Req_Rebirth[0], .Req_Rebirth[1]);
            Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Novice_High);
        if( .@third_possible ) {
            // Third Job change (displayed below rebirth)
            Require_Level(.Req_Third[0], .Req_Third[1]);
            Job_Options(.@job_opt, roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD));
        if (.SecondExpanded && 
           (.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE && // is Super Novice
           !(eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD) ) {                     // not already Expanded SN
            // (Baby) Super Novice to Expanded (Baby) Super Novice
               if( !Is_Baby(.@eac) || (.BabyClass && .BabyExpanded) ) {
                // .BabyClass & .BabyExpanded must be enabled if the is a baby
                Require_Level(.Req_Exp_SNOVI[0], .Req_Exp_SNOVI[1]);
                Job_Options(.@job_opt,roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD)); // Expanded SN is "third" cls
        if (.SecondExpanded && 
            ((.@eac&(~EAJL_BABY)) == EAJ_NINJA ||         // is (Baby) Ninja
            (.@eac&(~EAJL_BABY)) == EAJ_GUNSLINGER)) {    // is (Baby) Gunslinger
            // (Baby) Ninja to (Baby) Kagerou / Oboro
            // (Baby) Gunslinger to (Baby) Rebellion
            if( !Is_Baby(.@eac) || (.BabyClass && .BabyExpanded) ) {
                // .BabyClass & .BabyExpanded must be enabled if the is a baby
                Require_Level(.Req_Exp_NJ_GS[0], .Req_Exp_NJ_GS[1]);
                // Kagerou, Oboro, Rebellion are considered as a 2-1 class
                Job_Options(.@job_opt, roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1));
        // Player is Job_Novice, Job_Novice_High or Job_Baby
        if (.@first_eac == EAJ_NOVICE && .@second_eac != EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE) {
            Require_Level(.Req_First[0], .Req_First[1]);
            switch(Class) {
                case Job_Novice:
                    // First job change
                        Job_Mage, Job_Archer, Job_Acolyte, Job_Merchant, Job_Thief,
                        Job_Super_Novice, Job_Taekwon, Job_Gunslinger, Job_Ninja);
                    if( .BabyNovice )
                        Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Baby);
                case Job_Novice_High:
                    // Job change after rebirth
                    if( .LastJob && lastJob )
                            Job_Swordman_High, Job_Mage_High, Job_Archer_High,
                            Job_Acolyte_High, Job_Merchant_High, Job_Thief_High);
                case Job_Baby:
                    if( !.BabyClass )
                    // First job change as a baby
                    Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Baby_Swordman, Job_Baby_Mage,
                        Job_Baby_Archer,Job_Baby_Acolyte, Job_Baby_Merchant,
                    if( .BabyExpanded )
                        Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Super_Baby, Job_Baby_Taekwon,
                            Job_Baby_Gunslinger, Job_Baby_Ninja);
                    if( .BabySummoner )
                        Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Baby_Summoner);
                    mes "An error has occurred.";
        } else if( Is_First_Cls(.@eac) ||                 // First Class
                   Is_First_Cls(.@eac&(~EAJL_UPPER)) ||    // Trans. First Cls
                   (.BabyClass && Is_First_Cls(.@eac&(~EAJL_BABY))) ) {    // Baby First Cls
            // Player is First Class (not Novice)
            // most jobs should have two options here  (2-1 and 2-2)
            .@class1 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1); // 2-1
            .@class2 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_2); // 2-2
            // dispbottom "Debug: Classes: class1 ("+.@class1+"), class2 ("+.@class2+")";
            if(.LastJob && lastJob && (.@eac&EAJL_UPPER)) {
                // Player is rebirth Cls and linear class changes are enforced
                Require_Level(.Req_Second[0], .Req_Second[1]);
                Job_Options(.@job_opt, lastJob + Job_Novice_High);
            } else {
                // Class is not enforced, player can decide.
                if( .@class1 > 0 ) { // 2-1
                    Require_Level(.Req_Second[0], .Req_Second[1]);
                    Job_Options(.@job_opt, .@class1);
                if( .@class2 > 0 ) { // 2-2
                    Require_Level(.Req_Second[0], .Req_Second[1]);
                    Job_Options(.@job_opt, .@class2);
        // Displaying the Job Menu defined by .@job_opt.
        // .@job_opt should not be changed below this line.
        function Job_Menu;
    // Displays the job menu
    function    Job_Menu    {
        // getarg(0) is the .@job_opt array holding all available job changes.
        function Confirm_Change;
        while(true) {
            .@opt_cnt =  getarraysize(getarg(0));
            if( .@opt_cnt <= 0 ) {
                mes "No more jobs are available.";
            .@selected = 0; // Just a single job class given, no select needed
            if (.@opt_cnt > 1) {
                // Multiple job classes given. Select one and save it to .@class
                // After that confirm .@class
                mes "Select a job.";
                .@menu$ = "";
                for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@opt_cnt; .@i++) {
                    if( getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@i) == Job_Novice_High)
                        .@jobname$ = "^0055FFRebirth^000000";
                        .@jobname$ = jobname(getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@i));
                    .@menu$ = .@menu$ + " ~ " + .@jobname$ + ":";
                .@menu$ = .@menu$+" ~ ^777777Cancel^000000";
                .@selected = select(.@menu$) - 1;
                if( .@selected < 0 || .@selected >= .@opt_cnt )
                mes .NPCName$;
            .@class = getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@selected);
            if ((.@class == Job_Super_Novice || .@class == Job_Super_Baby) &&
                    BaseLevel < .SNovice) {
                // Special Level Requirement because Super Novice and
                // Super Baby can both be selected in one of the first class
                // changes. That's why the Level Requirement is after and not before
                // the selection.
                mes "A base level of " + .SNovice +
                    " is required to turn into a " + jobname(.@class) + ".";
            // Confirm the Class
            Confirm_Change(.@class, .@opt_cnt > 1);
            mes .NPCName$;
    // Executes the actual jobchange and closes.
    function    Job_Change    {
        .@to_cls = getarg(0);
        mes .NPCName$;
        mes "You are now " + callfunc("F_InsertArticle", jobname(.@to_cls)) + "!";
        if (.@to_cls == Job_Novice_High && .LastJob)
            lastJob = Class; // Saves the lastJob for rebirth
        jobchange .@to_cls;
        if (.@to_cls == Job_Novice_High)
        else if (.@to_cls == Job_Baby) {
            set SkillPoint,0;
        specialeffect2 EF_ANGEL2;
        specialeffect2 EF_ELECTRIC;
        if (.Platinum)
            callfunc "F_GetPlatinumSkills";
        if (.GetJobEquip)
        close; // Always closes after the change
    function    Confirm_Change    {
        // Player confirms he want to change into .@class
        .@class = getarg(0, -1);
        .@back = getarg(1, false);
        if( .@class < 0 ) {
            mes "Unknown Class Error.";
        mes "Do you want to change into ^0055FF"+jobname(.@class)+"^000000 class?";
    	if(.ZCost) { mes "This will cost "+callfunc("F_InsertComma",.ZCost)+"z"; }	// Adds Zeny Cost message if ZCost is enabled
        if(.ZCost) { .@job_option$ = " ~ Change into ^0055FF"+jobname(.@class)+"^000000 class - ("+callfunc("F_InsertComma",.ZCost)+"z)"; } 
    		else { .@job_option$ = " ~ Change into ^0055FF"+jobname(.@class)+"^000000 class"; }
        if( .@class == Job_Novice_High)
            .@job_option$ = " ~ ^0055FFRebirth^000000";
        if (select(.@job_option$+": ~ ^777777" + 
                ((.@back) ?"Go back" : "Cancel") + "^000000") == 1) {
    		if(Zeny < .ZCost) { clear; mes .NPCName$; mes "You are lacking "+callfunc("F_InsertComma",(.ZCost - Zeny))+" zeny."; close; }
    		Zeny = Zeny-.ZCost;
        if (!.@back)
            close; // "Cancel" pressed
    // Function which gives a job related item to the player
    // the items are the rewards from the original job change quests
    function    Get_Job_Equip    {
        // Note: The item is dropping, when the player can't hold it.
        // But that's better than not giving the item at all.
        .@eac = eaclass();
        if( .@eac&EAJL_THIRD ) {
            // Third Class Items
            getitem 2795,1;    //    Green Apple Ring for every 3rd Class
            switch(BaseJob) {
                // BaseJob of Third Cls
                // For Normal Third, Baby Third and Transcended Third Cls
                case Job_Knight:
                    getitem 5746,1;    break;    //    Rune Circlet [1]
                case Job_Wizard:
                    getitem 5753,1;    break;    //    Magic Stone Hat [1]
                case Job_Hunter:
                    getitem 5748,1;    break;    //    Sniper Goggle [1]
                case Job_Priest:
                    getitem 5747,1;    break;    //    Mitra [1]
                case Job_Blacksmith:
                    getitem 5749,1;    break;    //    Driver Band [1]
                case Job_Assassin:
                    getitem 5755,1;    break;    //    Silent Executor [1]
                case Job_Crusader:
                    getitem 5757,1;    break;    //    Dip Schmidt Helm [1]
                case Job_Sage:
                    getitem 5756,1;    break;    //    Wind Whisper [1]
                case Job_Bard:
                    getitem 5751,1;    break;    //    Maestro Song's Hat [1]
                case Job_Dancer:
                    getitem 5758,1;    break;    //    Dying Swan [1]
                case Job_Monk:
                    getitem 5754,1;    break;    //    Blazing Soul [1]
                case Job_Alchemist:
                    getitem 5752,1;    break;    //    Midas Whisper[1]
                case Job_Rogue:
                    getitem 5750,1;         //    Shadow Handicraft [1]
                    getitem 6121,1;            //    Makeover Brush
                    getitem 6122,1;    break;    //    Paint Brush
        } else if (.@eac&EAJL_2) {
            // Second Class (And not Third Class)
            switch(BaseJob) {
                // Second Class
                case Job_Knight:
                    getitem 1163,1;    break;    //    Claymore [0]
                case Job_Priest:
                    getitem 1522,1;    break;    //    Stunner [0]
                case Job_Wizard:
                    getitem 1617,1;    break;    //    Survivor's Rod [0]
                case Job_Blacksmith:
                    getitem 1360,1;    break;    //    Two-Handed-Axe [1]
                case Job_Hunter:
                    getitem 1718,1;    break;    //    Hunter Bow [0]
                case Job_Assassin:
                    getitem 1254,1;    break;    //    Jamadhar [0]
                case Job_Crusader:
                    getitem 1410,1;    break;    //    Lance [0]
                case Job_Monk:
                    getitem 1807,1;    break;    //    Fist [0]
                case Job_Sage:
                    getitem 1550,1;    break;    //    Book [3]
                case Job_Rogue:
                    getitem 1222,1;    break;    //    Damascus [1]
                case Job_Alchemist:
                    getitem 1126,1;    break;    //    Saber [2]
                case Job_Bard:
                    getitem 1907,1;    break;    //    Guitar [0]
                case Job_Dancer:
                    getitem 1960,1;    break;    //    Whip [1]
                case Job_Super_Novice:
                    getitem 1208,1;    break;    //    Main Gauche [4]
                case Job_Star_Gladiator:
                    getitem 1550,1;    break;    //    Book [3]
                case Job_Soul_Linker:
                    getitem 1617,1;    break;    //    Survivor's Rod [0]
        } else {
            // Neither Second or Third Cls
            // => First Cls or not covered by the switch
            switch(BaseClass) {
                // First Class
                case Job_Swordman:
                    getitem 1108,1;    break;    //    Blade [4]
                case Job_Mage:
                    getitem 1602,1;    break;    //    Rod [4]
                case Job_Archer:
                    getitem 1705,1;    break;    //    Composite Bow [4]
                case Job_Acolyte:
                    getitem 1505,1;    break;    //    Mace [4]
                case Job_Merchant:
                    getitem 1302,1;    break;    //    Axe [4]
                case Job_Thief:
                    getitem 1208,1;    break;    //    Main Gauche [4]
                case Job_Gunslinger:
                    getitem 13101,1; break;    //    Six Shooter [2]
                case Job_Ninja:
                    getitem 13010,1; break;    //    Asura [2]
        // Initialisation, do not edit these
        .NPCName$ = "[Job Master]";
    	.ZCost = 25000;	// Zeny cost per job change. Change to 0 to disable.
        // Settings
        .ThirdClass = false;            // Enable third classes?
        .RebirthClass = true;            // Enable rebirth classes?
        .SecondExpanded = false;        // Enable new expanded second classes: Ex. Super Novice, Kagerou/Oboro, Rebellion?
        .BabyNovice = false;    // Enable Baby novice classes? Disable it if you like player must have parent to get job baby.
        .BabyClass = false;                // Enable Baby classes?
        .BabyThird = false;                // Enable Baby third classes?
        .BabyExpanded = false;            // Enable Baby Expanded classes: Ex. Baby Ninja, Baby Taekwon, etc.
        .BabySummoner = false;            // Enable Baby Summoner?
        .LastJob = true;                // Enforce linear class changes?
        .SkillPointCheck = true;        // Force player to use up all skill points?
        .Platinum = true;                // Get platinum skills automatically?
        .GetJobEquip = false;            // Get job equipment (mostly weapons) on job change?
        // Level Requirements
        setarray .Req_First[0],1,10;         // Minimum base level, job level to turn into 1st class
        setarray .Req_Second[0],1,40;         // Minimum base level, job level to turn into 2nd class
        setarray .Req_Rebirth[0],99,50;        // Minimum base level, job level to rebirth
        setarray .Req_Third[0],99,50;        // Minimum base level, job level to change to third class
        setarray .Req_Exp_NJ_GS[0],99,70;     // Minimum base level, job level to turn into Expanded Ninja and Gunslinger
        setarray .Req_Exp_SNOVI[0],99,99;     // Minimum base level, job level to turn into Expanded Super Novice
        .SNovice = 45;                        // Minimum base level to turn into Super Novice
        // Setting adjustments by PACKETVER
        if( PACKETVER < 20161207 ) {
            if( .BabyExpanded )
                debugmes "jobmaster: BabyExpanded is disabled due to outdated PACKETVER.";
            if( .BabySummoner )
                debugmes "jobmaster: BabySummoner is disabled due to outdated PACKETVER.";
            .BabyExpanded = false;
            .BabySummoner = false;


  6. It's pretty basic, but I've got a pagination function (based on Chris' found here: Click) that I use for my unlockable warper NPC. You should be able to use it in the same way.


    This is the syntax for use:

    @menuoption = callfunc("F_MPages",implode(@MENU_T$,":"));

    @menuoption will return the array location. 

    @MENU_T$ is the array containing all of the menu items.


    Change .@pg_max to the number of options you'd like on each page. 

    function	script	F_MPages	{
    	.@debug = 0;
    	.@pg_max = 20;
    	explode(.@pg_array$,getarg(0),":"); // Re-Saving string into Array
    	.@as = getarraysize(.@pg_array$);
    	if(.@debug == 1){debugmes ".@as = "+.@as;}
    	if(getarraysize(.@pg_array$) < .@pg_max){ 
    		.@pg_count = 1;
    		if(.@debug == 1){debugmes "Defaulting to 1 page";} 
    	} else { 
    		.@pg_count = 1;
    		while(.@as > .@pg_max){
    			.@pg_count = .@pg_count+1;
    			.@as = .@as - .@pg_max;
    		@pg_count = (.@as/.@pg_max); // Calculating max pages based on .@pg_max
    		if(.@debug == 1){debugmes "Setting "+.@pg_count+" pages";}  
    	set .@cur_pg,1;
    	if(.@debug == 1){
    		debugmes ".@pg_max = "+.@pg_max;
    		debugmes ".@cur_pg = "+.@cur_pg;
    		debugmes "Array size = "+getarraysize(.@pg_array$);
    		if(.@debug == 1){debugmes "Current Page ["+.@cur_pg+"]";}
    		.@menu$ = "";
    		for(.@i=.@q; .@i < (.@q+.@pg_max); .@i++){
    				.@menu$ = .@menu$+.@pg_array$[.@i]+":";
    		if(.@cur_pg == .@pg_count){
    			.@menu$ = .@menu$+"[^FF0000Cancel^000000]";
    		} else if(.@cur_pg < .@pg_count){
    			.@menu$ = .@menu$+"[^008722Next Page^000000]";
    		.@choice = select(.@menu$);
    		if(.@debug == 1){debugmes ".@choice = "+.@choice;}
    		if(.@choice > .@pg_max){ 
    			if(.@cur_pg == .@pg_count) { callfunc "close3"; } 
    			else if(.@cur_pg < .@pg_count) { .@cur_pg = .@cur_pg+1; .@q = .@q+.@pg_max; goto MAIN; }
    if(.@cur_pg == 1){ .@return = .@choice-1; }
    else { .@return = (.@choice-1)+((.@cur_pg-1)*.@pg_max);  }
    if(.@debug == 1){debugmes "return = "+.@return;}
    return .@return;


  7. { .@rNum = rand(1,100); if(.@rNum < 20) percentheal -100,0; if(.r@Num >= 20) getitem 501,1; },{},{}

    This currently has a 20% chance to kill the player, and 80% chance to reward them with an item.

    Change the 20 to whatever percent you'd like the cutoff to be for death vs item. Change the item from 501 to whatever you want the item to be.

  8. Try this


    //	Monthly rotation shop
    // Written by PottScilgrim
    //	Main NPC:
    //		- 	Switches the month and creates an array
    //		-	Sets the shop contents as the array
    //	Options:
    //		- Modify ".customPrice" to 1 if you want to use custom prices for items
    //			Edit the .MONTHLYPRICE arrays with your desired prices
    prontera,154,179,3	script	Monthly Shop#1	10180,{
    	mes .name$;
    	mes "Now opening the monthly shop";
    	close2; callshop "S_MONTHLYSHOP",1; end;
    	.customPrice = 0;	// Modify this to 1 if you want to use custom buy prices for items
    	.name$ = "[^FF0000 Monthly Shop ^000000]";
    	$monthint = gettime(DT_MONTH);
    		case 1:	// January
    			setarray .MONTHLYSHOP[0],512,909,984;
    			if(.customPrice) { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],10,10,10; } else { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[0],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[1],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[2],0); }
    		case 2:	// February
    			setarray .MONTHLYSHOP[0],985,1010,1201;
    			if(.customPrice) { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],10,10,10; } else { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[0],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[1],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[2],0); }
    		case 3:	// March
    			setarray .MONTHLYSHOP[0],512,512,512;
    			if(.customPrice) { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],10,10,10; } else { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[0],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[1],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[2],0); }
    		case 4:	// April
    			setarray .MONTHLYSHOP[0],512,512,512;
    			if(.customPrice) { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],10,10,10; } else { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[0],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[1],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[2],0); }
    		case 5:	// May
    			setarray .MONTHLYSHOP[0],512,512,512;
    			if(.customPrice) { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],10,10,10; } else { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[0],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[1],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[2],0); }
    		case 6:	// June
    			setarray .MONTHLYSHOP[0],512,512,512;
    			if(.customPrice) { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],10,10,10; } else { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[0],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[1],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[2],0); }
    		case 7:	// July
    			setarray .MONTHLYSHOP[0],985,512,512;
    			if(.customPrice) { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],10,10,10; } else { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[0],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[1],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[2],0); }
    		case 8:	// August
    			setarray .MONTHLYSHOP[0],512,512,512;
    			if(.customPrice) { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],10,10,10; } else { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[0],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[1],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[2],0); }
    		case 9:	// September
    			setarray .MONTHLYSHOP[0],512,512,512;
    			if(.customPrice) { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],10,10,10; } else { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[0],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[1],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[2],0); }
    		case 10:	// October
    			setarray .MONTHLYSHOP[0],512,512,512;
    			if(.customPrice) { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],10,10,10; } else { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[0],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[1],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[2],0); }
    		case 11:	// November
    			setarray .MONTHLYSHOP[0],512,512,512;
    			if(.customPrice) { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],10,10,10; } else { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[0],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[1],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[2],0); }
    		case 12:	// December
    			setarray .MONTHLYSHOP[0],512,512,512;
    			if(.customPrice) { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],10,10,10; } else { setarray .MONTHLYPRICE[0],getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[0],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[1],0),getiteminfo(.MONTHLYSHOP[2],0); }
    	npcshopdelitem "S_MONTHLYSHOP",501;
    	npcshopadditem "S_MONTHLYSHOP",	.MONTHLYSHOP[0],.MONTHLYPRICE[0],
    //	Shop NPC. Don't touch this.
    -	shop	S_MONTHLYSHOP		-1,501:-1;


    • Love 1
  9. z_agit,16,108,6    script    Claw Machine    563,{
    .@npcName$ = "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]";
    mes .@npcName$;
    mes "Hello, for 75 War Badge you have a chance to obtain one of these items :";
    for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.items); .@i++) {
            mes "^008000~ " + getitemname(.items[.@i]) + "^000000";
    switch(select("Gamble!:Leave")) {
            case 1:
                    if (Zeny < .zenyCost) {
                            mes .@npcName$;
                            mes "I'm afraid you don't have enough to gamble.";
                    Zeny -= .zenyCost;
                    .@rand = rand(1,100);
                    for (.@i = 0 ; .@i < getarraysize(.items) ; .@i++) {
                            if (.@rand <= .percents[.@i]) { getitem .items[.@i],1 ; dispbottom "Congrats! You won 1 "+getitemname(.items[.@i])+" !"  ; .@won = 1; }
                    if (!.@won) dispbottom "You lost !";
                    mes .@npcName$;
                    mes "There you go!";
            case 2:
    	.zenyCost = 1000000;	// Change to what you want the zeny cost to be
    	setarray .items,7773,671;
    	setarray .percents,50,20;


    You just want the zeny cost to be different? Try this.

    Modify the integer after .zenyCost in the OnInit section and it will change.

  10. This should do it.


    Modify settings on the "OnInit:" section to make permanent changes, otherwise GMs over gm lvl 60 can modify the settings live, but these aren't permanent changes and will only last till the script is reloaded again.

    prontera,155,186,4	script	Skillpoint Trader#pront	4W_M_01,{
    	.name$ = "[^FF0000 Skillpoint Trader ^000000]";
    	if(getgmlevel() > .minGM){
    		mes .name$;
    		mes "Hi GM "+strcharinfo(0)+"!";
    		switch(select("~ Change Settings:~ Show player menu:~ ^FF0000Cancel^000000")){
    			case 1:
    					mes .name$;
    					mes "Zeny per point: ^57b017"+callfunc("F_InsertComma",.zeny)+"^000000";
    					mes "Trans classes only: "+(.onlytrans ? "^57b017Enabled^000000":"^8b8b8bDisabled^000000");
    					mes "Level required: "+(.minlvl ? "^57b017"+.minlvl+"^000000":"^8b8b8bDisabled^000000");
    					mes "This changes will only last until the next restart/reloadscript. Recommend changing in the script for permanent changes.";
    					switch(select("~ Set Zeny:~ Set Trans Restriction:~ Set Lvl Restriction:~ ^FF0000Cancel^000000")){
    						case 1: input .zeny; break;
    						case 2: if(.onlytrans == 1){.onlytrans=0;}else{.onlytrans=1;} break;
    						case 3: clear; mes .name$; mes "Input level required to sell points. 0 to disable"; input .minlvl; break;
    						default: close;
    			case 2: clear; break;
    			default: close;
    	mes .name$;
    	mes "Hi "+strcharinfo(0)+", I can buy your spare skill points for zeny!";
    	mes "----";
    	mes "Current Exchange Rate:";
    	mes "1pt = ^d19a24"+callfunc("F_InsertComma",.zeny)+"^000000z";
    	switch(select("~ Sell Skill Points:~ ^FF0000Cancel^000000")){
    		case 1:
    			mes .name$;
    			emotion ET_BEST;
    			mes "Ok, see you next time!";
    	if(BaseLevel < .minlvl){
    		mes .name$;
    		mes "You are too low level to use this feature, please speak to me once you've hit level "+.minlvl;
    		if(Class >= 4008 && Class <= 4022){
    			goto L_SELL;
    				} else if(Class >= 4054 && Class <= 4087){
    					goto L_SELL;
    					} else { 
    						mes .name$;
    						mes "Only Transcendence classes can use this feature!";
    	mes .name$;
    	mes "You have "+SkillPoint+" skill points available!";
    	switch(select("~ Sell One:~ Sell Multiple:~ Sell All:~ ^FF0000Cancel^000000")){
    		case 1:
    			.@sellamt = 1; break;
    		case 2:
    			mes "Please input the amount of skill points you would like to sell.";
    			input .@sellamt; 
    			if(.@sellamt > SkillPoint) { .@sellamt = SkillPoint; } else if(.@sellamt < 0){ .@sellamt = 1; } break;
    		case 3:
    			.@sellamt = SkillPoint; break;
    			mes .name$;
    			emotion ET_BEST;
    			mes "Ok, see you next time!";
    	mes .name$;
    	mes "You want to sell ^57b017"+.@sellamt+"^000000 pts for";
    	mes "^d19a24"+callfunc("F_InsertComma",(.zeny*.@sellamt))+"^000000z?";
    	switch(select("~ Yes:~ ^FF0000Cancel^000000")){
    		case 1:
    			SkillPoint = SkillPoint - .@sellamt;
    			Zeny = Zeny + (.zeny*.@sellamt);
    			mes .name$;
    			mes "I've just credited ^d19a24"+callfunc("F_InsertComma",(.zeny*.@sellamt))+"^000000z into your account!";
    			mes .name$;
    			emotion ET_BEST;
    			mes "Ok, see you next time!";
    	.zeny = 100000;	// change to however many zeny you want per skill point
    	.onlytrans = 1;	// change to 0 to allow any class to trade skill points
    	.minlvl = 0;	// change to your max level to only allow max level chars to trade points. 0 to disable.
    	.minGM = 60;	// change to the minimum GM level required to access the GM settings.


    • Love 1
  11. Try this:


    prontera,154,179,3	script	Oca#cards	4W_M_01,{ 
    //GroupID do usuário
    	set .@groupid_user, 1;
    	// Quantidade Oridecon Enriquecidos entregue
    	set .@qtd_oridecon, 1;
    	// Quantidade cartas obrigatórias
    	set .@qtd_item, 10;
    	// Site no qual será indicado ao jogador para se tornar um Usuário VIP.
    	.@WebSite$ = "https://google.com.br";
    	if( getgroupid() >= .@groupid_user) {
    		mes "Deseja trocar carta por Oridecon Enriquecidos?";
    		switch( select("Sim", "Não")){
    			case 1:
    				mes "Ok, irei verificar os requisitos.";
    				for( .@i=0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++){
    					if(getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[.@i],2) ==  6 && @inventorylist_id[.@i] >= 4001 && @inventorylist_id[.@i] <= 4453 ){
    						dispbottom "Item Count: ["+getitemname(@inventorylist_id[.@i])+"] - "+countitem(@inventorylist_id[.@i]);
    						if(countitem(@inventorylist_id[.@i]) > 1){
    							if((countitem(@inventorylist_id[.@i])+.@k) >= 9){ .@c = (9-.@k); } else { .@c = countitem(@inventorylist_id[.@i]); }
    							dispbottom ".@c = "+.@c;
    							for(.@j=0; .@j < .@c; .@j++){
    								.@cardsale[.@k] = @inventorylist_id[.@i];
    								dispbottom ".@cardsale["+.@k+"] = "+.@cardsale[.@k];
    						} else {
    							.@cardsale[.@k] = @inventorylist_id[.@i];
    							dispbottom ".@cardsale["+.@k+"] = "+.@cardsale[.@k];
    						if(.@k == 10){
    							for(.@e=0; .@e < 10; .@e++){
    								if(.@cardsale[.@e] != .@cardsale[.@e+1]){
    									.@cid = .@cardsale[.@e];
    									mes "- ^bf7c0f"+getitemname(.@cid)+"^000000 x"+countinarray(.@cardsale[0], .@cid);
    							switch(select("~ Trade:~ ^FF0000Cancel^000000")){
    								case 1:
    									for(.@r=0; .@r < 10; .@r++){
    										delitem .@cardsale[.@r],1;
    									mes "Aqui está seu item.";
    									getitem 7620,1;
    								case 2:
    				mes "...";
    				mes "verifique os requisitos";
    			case 2:
    				mes "até mais";
    	} else {
    		mes "Somente VIP pode usar meus serviços. Para se tornar um usuário VIP, acesse nosso site:";
    		mes "^0000FF" + .@WebSite$ + "^000000";


  12. Junk Seller

    Junk Seller will scan your inventory and sell everything at the same time. 
    The list of items will display in a window so the player has a chance to confirm. 
    If the player has the skill "Overcharge" it will add zeny to the sale amount accordingly. 



    Player Adjustable Settings:

    1. Modify minimum drop-rate of items to auto-sell
    2. Modify item type to auto-sell
      • Usable
      • Equipment
      • Etc
    3. Add / Remove items from personal blacklist




    Known quirks of the system:

    1. Items that flag up as "This item can only be bought from stores" will never be sold. 
    2. Cards are intentionally ignored as to prevent unwanted accidents.



    1. SQL DB required for personal blacklist, run this command to create the necessary table in your DB:

    CREATE TABLE `junkerblacklist` (
      `char_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
      `item_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
      `item_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL

    2. Add junkseller.txt to whichever directory you store your NPCs, and update scripts_custom.conf. 

    3. Modify this array at line 54 to configure your permanent global blacklist. 

    setarray @Blacklist[0],

    4. Uncomment / Comment the code at lines 541 and 544 if you would like the script to include Cards. 

    // Checks if item is an Etc item (3)
    // Comment this line and uncomment the line below if you want Cards to be included
    if(getiteminfo(.@iid,2) ==  3){
    // Comment the above line and uncomment this line if you want Cards to be included
    //if(getiteminfo(.@iid,2) ==  3 || getiteminfo(.@iid,2) ==  6){

    5. Modify .@showbl to 0 at line 39 if you don't want the message displaying how many items were removed by the blacklist system. 

    .@showbl = 1;	// Shows how many items were removed by the blacklist system.



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