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Everything posted by KazuyaX93

  1. Hey Guys, everytime when I relog into my server, all my Items are lost. what can I do?
  2. I use "rathena-trunk-r16113-win32" Which one should I use?
  3. Hey guys, I've a problem. I want to play with friends on my server, but the map "Izlude" and the warp in the Swordman'S Guild. Here's a video. I can't walk correctly through the City. Anyone know how I can fix it?
  4. Nabend, Das Problem hatte ich auch, bis ich die Einstellungen geändert habe. Du wirst sicherlich "opensetup.exe" oder "Setup.exe" in deinem, Ragnarok-Ordner haben, oder? Öffne beide (wenn du nur eines hast, eines) und stelle da deine Grafikkarte ein.
  5. Hallöchen Leute, ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Guide (am besten in deutsch), mit dem ich einen eigenen Patcher für meinen Server herstellen kann. Ich habe es mit THOR und einem englischen Guide probiert, jedoch erhalte ich dort Fehler wie "Failes to communicate with server". würde mich freuen wenn wer da ein paar tipps hätte
  6. I've found the problem^^ I have to change "" to my Serverip^^
  7. Hey Guys, I've a problem. I want to join my server, but I get only the error: "Can't connect to server". I use the SVN "rathena-trunk-r16113-win32". I Downloaded the Game "Ragnarok 2012-07-04" I use the "Basic RAthena Client" from here: http://rathena.org/board/topic/54190-release-basic-rathena-client/ (2011-03-15aRagexeRE.exe) I can login into my Account and when I try to select my server, I'll get "Please wait..." first and then "Can't connect to server". My clientinfo.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <desc>Ragnarok Client Information</desc> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>sakray</servertype> <extendedslot></extendedslot> <readfolder></readfolder> <connection> <display>Triagnarok</display> <desc>none</desc> <balloon>Rate:10/10/10</balloon> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>30</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <registrationweb>Web site</registrationweb> <aid> <admin></admin> </aid> </connection> </clientinfo> My mmo.h entry Here's a short video to this. (sorry, the voice is the voice from one ofmy friends in skype xD ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aLsGtXQGaI&feature=player_embedded
  8. Hey Guys. I want to start my Client, but everytime, I get a empty error-window. Anyone who can help me with this? I want to make a server with "rathena-trunk-r16113-win32" I've configurated the server, but when I try to start my Client, I'll get an error. Could you tell me, where I can find a working client with data-folder and all this, what I need?
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