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  1. Chaos92's post in Deprecated emoticons was marked as the answer   
    Its actually just a warning. Btw you can use the new constant as stated there since your custom script which you added are using that deprecated constant.
    Example, change 'E_SRY' to 'ET_SORRY'.
  2. Chaos92's post in Instances - Pre Renewal was marked as the answer   
    Do you mean instances for pre-renewal that rathena has ?

    Have you check in npc/instances/ folder ?
  3. Chaos92's post in Skill Tree Error was marked as the answer   
    then use the correct lua files.
    Im suggesting you using this : https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE
    Please read the instruction and Wiki in that github.
  4. Chaos92's post in Revert old version Guild Emblem was marked as the answer   
    use older client , such as 20180620 or older.
    or else use the PR https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/5731 for 2020 and latest
  5. Chaos92's post in GET ALL Costume Item on item_db_re was marked as the answer   
    SELECT * FROM `item_db_re` WHERE `name_aegis` LIKE '%costume%'
    Most of costume have 'costume' or 'C_' word in its name in item_db_re_equip.sql
  6. Chaos92's post in @giveitem not working properly was marked as the answer   
    getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,0,.@name$[.@i] ); try change 0 to BL_PC
    getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,BL_PC,.@name$[.@i] );
  7. Chaos92's post in How to fix this korean chars was marked as the answer   
    are you sure you're using the nemo profiles given in Chris Translation ? Because the file path might be different compare to default.
  8. Chaos92's post in How to put RE item in PRE-RE was marked as the answer   
    as it said, non existent item 'item id'. Make sure that itemid  is exist.
  9. Chaos92's post in R>Headgears (http://nn.ai4rei.net/dev/viewlist/) was marked as the answer   
    You might be interested by ClientSpriteCollection by Chris here : https://github.com/llchrisll/ClientSpriteCollection
  10. Chaos92's post in script problem was marked as the answer   
    your script doesnt have check requirements. I didnt give it a try, but u can see this post and implement it 
  11. Chaos92's post in [RESOLVED] adding more maps on "set" was marked as the answer   
    "guild_vs1","guild_vs2","guild_vs3", "guild_vs4";
  12. Chaos92's post in Latest Sprite/Collection/Item Folder was marked as the answer   
    Renewal English Translation Project (Client 2018 & above) : https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE
    Sprite Collection : https://github.com/llchrisll/ClientSpriteCollection
  13. Chaos92's post in Anyone has data folder for 2015-11-04 was marked as the answer   
    Pre RE : https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishPRE
    RE : https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE
    2018 and above RE : https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE
  14. Chaos92's post in Can't compile Server was marked as the answer   
    As in the error list, Visual Studio older than 2015 are not supported anymore.

    Download latest Visual Studio Community : https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/
  15. Chaos92's post in Something Error When Change Job into Gunslinger or Rebellion was marked as the answer   
    that is not RE.
    RagexeRE is for RE
    Maybe u can try download :

  16. Chaos92's post in Skipping idnum2item was marked as the answer   
    no issue. only old clients use that. iteminfo.lua for newer clients.
  17. Chaos92's post in Two servers on a single ip/vps was marked as the answer   
    make sure the database access are correct. And make sure the port for both servers are different.
  18. Chaos92's post in Fluxcp - Equipment Reset Feature was marked as the answer   
    But headgear sprite also affected by reset look.
  19. Chaos92's post in pvp warper name announce. was marked as the answer   
    announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" entered PVP ROOM !",bc_all;
  20. Chaos92's post in MVP Listed drops not working was marked as the answer   
    Ive asked about this in rAthena github before and here it is :
    And here the explanation about regarding MVP item drop mode that has been added.
    - Added a new configuration setting "item_drop_mvp_mode" * By default "item_drop_mvp_mode" is set to official order (0) which is always starting at first, then going to the second if the first didn't drop and only checking the third if the second didn't drop either * @mobinfo will now properly consider this and display the effective chance, so if the MVP has 3 MVP item drops at 50%, the first item will display the chance 50%, the second 25% and the third 12.5%, this should help a lot against drop rate confusion (e.g. players wondering why always only the first item drops when all three are displayed at 100%); this only applies to official order (0) * When "item_drop_mvp_mode" is set to random order (1), MVP item drops are checked in random order, but if one MVP item drops, the process will be canceled, so you will never get more than one MVP item no matter how high the drop rate is * When "item_drop_mvp_mode" is set to all items (2), all MVP item drops are checked and have a chance to drop, regardless of other MVP items already being dropped or not (i.e. there is a chance that the player gets all 3 MVP items)  
  21. Chaos92's post in AndRO Crash after login was marked as the answer   
    ragnarokheoes.roserver.net means theres typo there. see the spelling.
  22. Chaos92's post in how to fix izlude map some tiles unwalkable was marked as the answer   
    insert your high priority GRF loaded izlude map.
  23. Chaos92's post in How to put DOTA PVP SQL TABLE? was marked as the answer   
    if you have phpmyadmin.. it has query tab so paste it in 'ragnarok' database and execute.
  24. Chaos92's post in How to edit register texts in login menu? was marked as the answer   
    I dont know what translation are you using.

    But should have msgstringtable.txt in data folder.

    Example : https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE/tree/master/Ragnarok/data in https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE.git
    Example : https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/tree/master/Ragnarok/data in https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE
  25. Chaos92's post in Item que só tenha efeito em GvG was marked as the answer   
    By using item_noequip.txt.
    // Forbidden Items Database // Defines restrictions on equipment, items, and cards in map types and zones. // // Structure of Database: // ItemID,Flag // // Legend for 'Flag' field (bitmask): // 1 - restricted in normal maps // 2 - restricted in PVP // 4 - restricted in GVG // 8 - restricted in Battlegrounds // 16 - restricted in WOE:TE castles // Restricted zones - configured by 'restricted <number>' mapflag // 32 - restricted in zone 1 // 64 - restricted in zone 2 // 128 - restricted in zone 3 // 256 - restricted in zone 4 // 512 - restricted in zone 5 // 1024 - restricted in zone 6 // 2048 - restricted in zone 7 // 4096 - restricted in zone 8 // // Passing negative value as flag will unset the flag instead. // // Examples: // 1201,1 // Knife can't be worn on normal maps // 608,4 // Yggdrasil Seed can't be consumed in both GvG and WoE Castles // 4174,6 // Deviling Card has no effect in every PVP or GVG map, and during WoE // 501,32 // Red Potion can't be consumed on maps marked as 'restricted zone 1' // 519,322 // Milk can't be consumed in PVP and maps marked as 'restricted zone 2' or 'restricted zone 4' (256+64+2) // 519,-2 // Unset `restricted in PVP` flag from Milk. Making it usable in PVP again.  
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