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Posts posted by lShinel

  1. Runes

    A simple system of runes, each time you kill a monster there will be a chance to activate one of them:

    1. Double Damage
    2. Regeneration
    3. Movement Speed
    4. Attack Speed
    5. Illusions
    6. Kyrie Eleison
    7. Full Critical


    		set .Duration,60; // Duration of runes
    		set .Chance,7; // Chance to get a rune
    		set .Sounds,0; // Use of custom sounds 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled


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      Placid (lShinel)


  2. @Edit

    found it in doc sample

    leaving an example here if someone wants to use it.

    set .@value,512; //your item id
    mes "Item: ^nItemID^" + .@value; //Returns name from itemInfo.lua
    [512] = {
    		unidentifiedDisplayName = "Applee",
    		unidentifiedResourceName = "»ç°ú",
    		unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "" },
    		identifiedDisplayName = "Fu*** beautiful apple", //<<--------- returns this name
    		identifiedResourceName = "»ç°ú",
    		identifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"A round, edible fruit that, when eaten once a day, keeps the doctor away.",
    			"^0000CCType:^000000 Restaurative",
    			"^0000CCHeal:^000000 16 ~ 22 HP",
    			"^0000CCWeight:^000000 2"
    		slotCount = 0,
    		ClassNum = 0,
    		costume = false


  3. As the title, i want to get the item name by client, if u have an iteminfo which apple is named "gorgeouuus appple" it will display like that
    I've seen the code some months before but forgot how to do it, and didnt find anymore, hope someone can help me

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