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Everything posted by nickyb

  1. Thanks, these were the original settings which I have reverted back to as suggested, but the issue still persists. Very strange that it's only effecting ribbons as far as I can tell.
  2. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kXgmcnUX0npP_Aq9qG9Lsnsb9b7Eh3CQPhV1gg63Rh4/edit?usp=sharing
  3. Should be the latest version and configured for pre-re. Compiled it all less than two weeks ago. Haven't come across this error with any other equipment yet other than slotted and unslotted ribbons (2208 & 2209).
  4. For some reason I can't seem to make it so slotted ribbons can be equipped - item 2209. The server is configured for pre-re and the item should available to all classes at any level. I also updated 'job_all' and 'equip_level_min' from null to 1 in item_db. The server has also been fully restarted since these changes and I still cannot equip this item on the few classes I have tested. Overall this is very strange and if anyone has an idea as to how to resolve this it would be appreciated.
  5. Thank you very much, works perfectly!
  6. Thanks, still autolooting everything, but I'll continue to work on it. There may be a bug in the custom command as well.
  7. I'm trying to add an additional loot command to only autoloot if an item does not have a drop effect set in the DB. I still haven't gotten this new command filter to work correctly because it's still looting everything. If anyone spots where I'm going wrong it would be greatly appreciated. /*========================================== * @lootcommon - autoloots common items and drops most rares with drop effects. * Made by Moobs/NickyB *------------------------------------------*/ ACMD_FUNC(lootcommon) { int rate; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if (sd->state.autoloot) rate = 0; else rate = 10000; sd->state.autoloot = rate; if (sd->state.autoloot) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "Autoloot common loot is now enabled."); sd->state.lootcommon = 1; }else{ clif_displaymessage(fd, "Autoloot common loot is now disabled."); // Autoloot is now off. sd->state.lootcommon = 0; } return 0; } pc.cpp /** * Check if player is autolooting given itemID. */ bool pc_isautolooting(struct map_session_data *sd, t_itemid nameid) { uint8 i = 0; std::shared_ptr<item_data> item_data; item_data = item_db.find(nameid); //add lootcommon if (sd->state.lootcommon && item_data->flag.dropEffect != 0) return false; if (sd->state.autoloottype && sd->state.autoloottype&(1<<itemdb_type(nameid))) return true; if (!sd->state.autolooting) return false; if (sd->state.autolooting) ARR_FIND(0, AUTOLOOTITEM_SIZE, i, sd->state.autolootid[i] == nameid); return (i != AUTOLOOTITEM_SIZE); }
  8. Since everything is hosted locally I was able to resolve this by adding an option in sql.ccp to disable ssl. Sql* Sql_Malloc(void) { Sql* self; CREATE(self, Sql, 1); mysql_init(&self->handle); StringBuf_Init(&self->buf); self->lengths = NULL; self->result = NULL; self->keepalive = INVALID_TIMER; my_bool reconnect = 1; int sslmode = 1; mysql_options(&self->handle, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect); mysql_options(&self->handle, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE, &sslmode); return self; }
  9. For some reason I can’t get rathena to connect to the MySQL server I configured using either localhost or I don’t have any issues connecting to the ragnarok DB locally or remotely from another pc using workbench with the same credentials that are set in the conf files. Rathena is setup on a dedicated windows server 2016 and I’m using the latest MySQL version 8.x. [01:43 AM][SQL]: SSL connection error: unknown error number [01:43 AM][Error]: Couldn't connect with uname='xxxxx',host='',port='3306',database='ragnarok' Update: I've since reconfigured the MySQL server to allow for legacy authentication for 5.x compatibility. I also tried to force as well as remove SSL connection requirements, but regardless I'm still getting the same error on all three servers. Update #2: Still have not resolved this issue or determined the cause of the communication error. By all accounts there is no issue with the sql server as I am able to connect to it both locally and remotely with the same credentials via workbench. As previously mentioned I ensured there was also backwards compatibility to 5.x and tried enabling/disabling SSL. At this point I'm beginning to review how the servers establish a connection to the MySQL server: sql.ccp /** * Establishes a connection to schema * @param self : sql handle * @param user : username to access * @param passwd : password * @param host : hostname * @param port : port * @param db : schema name * @return */ int Sql_Connect(Sql* self, const char* user, const char* passwd, const char* host, uint16 port, const char* db) { if( self == NULL ) return SQL_ERROR; StringBuf_Clear(&self->buf); if( !mysql_real_connect(&self->handle, host, user, passwd, db, (unsigned int)port, NULL/*unix_socket*/, 0/*clientflag*/) ) { ShowSQL("%s\n", mysql_error(&self->handle)); return SQL_ERROR; } self->keepalive = Sql_P_Keepalive(self); if( self->keepalive == INVALID_TIMER ) { ShowSQL("Failed to establish keepalive for DB connection!\n"); return SQL_ERROR; } return SQL_SUCCESS; }
  10. I'm trying to help my server's admin coordinate a move from some outdated emulator to rAthena, but before we do so we'd just like to know how far a long the project is. Do all 3rd classes and character mechanics function as intended, or is the team still hard at work trying to accomplish this? What are some key things that the development team is working on, or needs to work on to further development? Is rAthena currently viable to support a community of a few hundred people?
  11. Resolved I took what i had and added it to the shops.txt file making it uniform to the rest of the code and it worked. Thanks for all the help and suggestions.
  12. I just have it like the rest of my scripts: npc: npc/custom/vendor.txt I even tried changing the cords and sprite just to see if it would produce something, but no dice.
  13. Weird, the file is located in the npc/custom folder and I did spell the name of the file i'm calling correctly.
  14. The vendor isn't in the game at the designated cords.
  15. So I created my first shop for vendoring potions: prontera,154,198,4<TAB>shop<TAB>Tall Boy Vendor<TAB>910,717:0,501:0,502:0,503:0,504:0,505:0 I saved this as vendor.txt. I then added the following line to scripts_custom.txt npc: npc/custom/vendor.txt But for some reason the script is not working. I have no problem getting regular npc scripts to work, but this is my first shop. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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