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Everything posted by Kurby

  1. How would I add a custom card picture, so when you click "View" on the card it shows the picture?
  2. I think they're both fine, I'm not sure.. It's only when I click on it or try putting it on. I can view description though.
  3. Should've posted here, instead of new post.. Damn Do you by any chance know why I'm not allowed to wear the item? It shows the item, and name correctly, but I still get an error when I wear it
  4. I implemented a custom item, it shows the correct sprite/name, but whenever I try wearing the item or even click on it. My client errors and shuts down.. Any ideas how to fix this?
  5. http://s14.postimage.org/8rww3t4cv/SQL_DB.jpg
  6. Did you make sure to restart the server? o_O I recompiled just incase and restarted the server.. Lol My SQL DB looks like this.. Is there anyway to delete my account? I don't think I can get back on it..
  7. Kurby

    Adding mobs

    Thanks for your help!!
  8. Using FLUXCP, reset your character's "Look" or manually do it in your character table, look for your char, and look for the columns of the headgear section and input 0. I don't have FLUXCP, can I still do this if I get it now? I don't think I have it anyway, not sure You can do it any way you like lol. With Flux, you're gonna be resetting all your char's Dyes, Item equipped, etc. while just doing it in your SQL DB, you'll just be aiming for the equipment attached. ;3 I tried doing the SQL DB, but I'm still receiving the error D:
  9. Using FLUXCP, reset your character's "Look" or manually do it in your character table, look for your char, and look for the columns of the headgear section and input 0. I don't have FLUXCP, can I still do this if I get it now? I don't think I have it anyway, not sure
  10. Thank you! Well, I tried deleting from "inventory" section of the SQL db, but I'm still getting errors?
  11. Kurby

    Adding mobs

    Where would I view the .spr and .act files for pre-existing mobs?
  12. Kurby

    Adding mobs

    Alright.. Umm, I did @monster, then I got an error and my client shut off..? Are you using a different ID as mentioned? o_O Lemme find my old luas. Hold on. Alright, Yes I tried ID 2500. Alright, so for example, what I did was I named my mob "Absol" and placed the .spr and .act into the mob folder. Next, in my jobname.lua, I did: [jobtbl.Absol] = "Absol", and in my npcidentity.lua, I did: ["Absol"] = 2126, Everything must be spelt correctly or you'd error. I'm using a monster "valkyrie" as my monster sprite, all I'm doing is editing it's name/stats/drops. Still getting errors..
  13. Kurby

    Adding mobs

    Alright.. Umm, I did @monster, then I got an error and my client shut off..? Are you using a different ID as mentioned? o_O Lemme find my old luas. Hold on. Alright, Yes I tried ID 2500.
  14. Kurby

    Adding mobs

    Alright.. Umm, I did @monster, then I got an error and my client shut off..?
  15. Kurby

    Adding mobs

    Will these work? jobname.lua [jobtbl.JT_VALKYRIE_N] = "RAWR" npcidentify.lua ["JT_VALKYRIE_N"] = 2400
  16. Kurby

    Adding mobs

    Lol what do you mean? There's no errors? Just making sure you don't have an extra column or anything. Anyways, have you added your mob correctly into your luas? o_O I have not.. Lol, the wiki never mentioned that? ):
  17. Kurby

    Adding mobs

    Lol what do you mean? There's no errors?
  18. I tried implementing a new item, I spawned the item. It showed as apple. I tried wearing it, now I can't log into my account? Anyone know how I can delete the account and characters without logging in or fixing the error?
  19. Kurby

    Adding mobs

    mob_db.txt I used this line, but the mob doesn't drop anything even the drop is 100% and it's not the correct monster sprite? 2400,RAWR,Rawr,Rawr,141,1005000,1,10000,10000,3,2895,6101,588,506,196,131,125,276,267,156,10,12,2,8,86,0x37B5,100,576,576,480,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7539,500,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  20. Ehh, I've gave his script a look. I'm not really into that, was trying to make items need more than 1 ingredient. His script only allows for 1 ingredient per item.
  21. Not sure what you mean..? It doesn't ask for a birthdate to delete the character in game?
  22. What file would the birthdate be?
  23. SHOP NPC: List Banana in shop. Trying to buy banana. Script lists Items needed: Apple. Then, If you don't have apple, you can't buy banana. If you have the apple, you can buy the banana. Any idea how I'd do this?
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