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Everything posted by AllanEpi

  1. http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-6829-casting-skills/ http://hercules.ws/board/tracker/issue-7255-casting-position-bug/ I need a fix for this bug anyone could help me?. Thanks.
  2. <?php exit('Forbidden'); ?> [2013-08-04 06:27:11] Received notification from (ipn.sandbox.paypal.com) [2013-08-04 06:27:11] Query string: cmd=_notify-validate&mc_gross=5.00&protection_eligibility=Eligible&address_status=confirmed&payer_id=45X3MX2NHDBDA&tax=0.00&address_street=1+Main+Terrace&payment_date=03%3A27%3A51+Aug+04%2C+2013+PDT&payment_status=Completed&charset=windows-1252&address_zip=W12+4LQ&first_name=Allan+Bradley&mc_fee=0.50&address_country_code=GB&address_name=Allan+Bradley+Epifanio&notify_version=3.7&custom=YToyOntzOjExOiJzZXJ2ZXJfbmFtZSI7czo2OiJCZXN0Uk8iO3M6MTA6ImFjY291bnRfaWQiO3M6NzoiMjAwMDAwMCI7fQ%3D%3D&payer_status=verified&business=testerepi2%40gmail.com&address_country=United+Kingdom&address_city=Wolverhampton&quantity=0&verify_sign=AsVpkzzFJGbQdZzjzgC6W2JHuZ0eAQnrKntJj4yKPSwL9oeYDJBPIEX1&payer_email=testerepi1%40gmail.com&txn_id=0WW34529516778619&payment_type=instant&last_name=Epifanio&address_state=West+Midlands&receiver_email=testerepi2%40gmail.com&payment_fee=0.50&receiver_id=27FPFP5EJQZAL&txn_type=web_accept&item_name=Donation+Credits%3A+5+CREDIT%28s%29&mc_currency=USD&item_number=&residence_country=GB&test_ipn=1&transaction_subject=YToyOntzOjExOiJzZXJ2ZXJfbmFtZSI7czo2OiJCZXN0Uk8iO3M6MTA6ImFjY291bnRfaWQiO3M6NzoiMjAwMDAwMCI7fQ%3D%3D&payment_gross=5.00&ipn_track_id=9971b52e48814 [2013-08-04 06:27:11] Establishing connection to PayPal server at www.sandbox.paypal.com:80... [2013-08-04 06:27:11] EPIALLAN [www.sandbox.paypal.com] [2013-08-04 06:27:41] Failed to connect to PayPal server: [110] Connection timed out [2013-08-04 06:27:41] Transaction invalid, aborting. Always failed to connect even if i change sandbox.paypal to ssl://www.sanbox.paypal.com:443. Still Failed. Can anyone help me with it?
  3. <?php exit('Forbidden'); ?> [2013-08-04 06:27:11] Received notification from (ipn.sandbox.paypal.com) [2013-08-04 06:27:11] Query string: cmd=_notify-validate&mc_gross=5.00&protection_eligibility=Eligible&address_status=confirmed&payer_id=45X3MX2NHDBDA&tax=0.00&address_street=1+Main+Terrace&payment_date=03%3A27%3A51+Aug+04%2C+2013+PDT&payment_status=Completed&charset=windows-1252&address_zip=W12+4LQ&first_name=Allan+Bradley&mc_fee=0.50&address_country_code=GB&address_name=Allan+Bradley+Epifanio&notify_version=3.7&custom=YToyOntzOjExOiJzZXJ2ZXJfbmFtZSI7czo2OiJCZXN0Uk8iO3M6MTA6ImFjY291bnRfaWQiO3M6NzoiMjAwMDAwMCI7fQ%3D%3D&payer_status=verified&business=testerepi2%40gmail.com&address_country=United+Kingdom&address_city=Wolverhampton&quantity=0&verify_sign=AsVpkzzFJGbQdZzjzgC6W2JHuZ0eAQnrKntJj4yKPSwL9oeYDJBPIEX1&payer_email=testerepi1%40gmail.com&txn_id=0WW34529516778619&payment_type=instant&last_name=Epifanio&address_state=West+Midlands&receiver_email=testerepi2%40gmail.com&payment_fee=0.50&receiver_id=27FPFP5EJQZAL&txn_type=web_accept&item_name=Donation+Credits%3A+5+CREDIT%28s%29&mc_currency=USD&item_number=&residence_country=GB&test_ipn=1&transaction_subject=YToyOntzOjExOiJzZXJ2ZXJfbmFtZSI7czo2OiJCZXN0Uk8iO3M6MTA6ImFjY291bnRfaWQiO3M6NzoiMjAwMDAwMCI7fQ%3D%3D&payment_gross=5.00&ipn_track_id=9971b52e48814 [2013-08-04 06:27:11] Establishing connection to PayPal server at www.sandbox.paypal.com:80... [2013-08-04 06:27:11] EPIALLAN [www.sandbox.paypal.com] [2013-08-04 06:27:41] Failed to connect to PayPal server: [110] Connection timed out [2013-08-04 06:27:41] Transaction invalid, aborting. Always failed to connect even if i change sandbox.paypal to ssl://www.sanbox.paypal.com:443. Still Failed. Can anyone help me with it?
  4. I need help updating this diff on the latest rathena. can anyone help me?. Help will much be appreciated, Thanks. http://rathena.org/board/topic/62238-manage-skill-damage-21/
  5. I managed to revert back to the old, Devotion with Pally receives all damage taken specially the reflect that the pally is devoting, by reverting to this source, https://trac.paradox...0/trunk/src/map but what happens with this senario, A = Pally B = Champion C = Pally A Devotes B, and C uses Reflect Shield, when B uses Asura on C, It gives reflect damage B doesn't take damage anymore the problem is C also doesn't Receive the damage. Can Anyone help me? Much Help will be appreciated so much, we need to fix our server asap. Thanks. And implement GM-Right Click on giving Event Prize. Thanks
  6. I managed to revert back to the old, Devotion with Pally receives all damage taken specially the reflect that the pally is devoting, by reverting to this source, https://trac.paradox...0/trunk/src/map but what happens with this senario, A = Pally B = Champion C = Pally A Devotes B, and C uses Reflect Shield, when B uses Asura on C, It gives reflect damage B doesn't take damage anymore the problem is C also doesn't Receive the damage. Can Anyone help me? i Attached Both battle.c and skill.c Much Help will be appreciated so much, we need to fix our server asap. Thanks.
  7. I managed to revert back to the old, Devotion with Pally receives all damage taken specially the reflect that the pally is devoting, by reverting to this source, https://trac.paradoxsystems.net/changeset/14410/trunk/src/map but what happens with this senario, A = Pally B = Champion C = Pally A Devotes B, and C uses Reflect Shield, when B uses Asura on C, It gives reflect damage B doesn't take damage anymore the problem is C also doesn't Receive the damage. Can Anyone help me? i Attached Both battle.c and skill.c Much Help will be appreciated so much, we need to fix our server asap. Thanks. map.rar
  8. I am using RE and change both Pre-RE and RE on DB but still no effect on delay all I want is to remove completely the delay (No Cooldown Delay on Skill Icon) on specific skills Like Soul Collect and Explosion Spirit,
  9. tried to ON both of them sir but still its doesn't remove the delay/
  10. Pa help namn gusto ko sanang alisin ung Delay nung CollectSoul at ExplotionSpirit, as in no Delay sya wala din ung Cooldown sa Icon sa Skillbar. Tried alot na pero iniisip ko baka may hard coded na eh, set to 0 nmn yung sa skill_cast_db.txt. skill.conf // The rate of time it takes to cast a spell (Note 2, 0 = No casting time) casting_rate: 100 // Delay time after casting (Note 2) delay_rate: 0 // Does the delay time depend on the caster's DEX and/or AGI? (Note 1) // Note: On Official servers, neither Dex nor Agi affect delay time delay_dependon_dex: no delay_dependon_agi: no // Minimum allowed delay for ANY skills after casting (in miliseconds) (Note 1) // Note: Setting this to anything above 0 can stop speedhacks. min_skill_delay_limit: 0 skill_cast_db.txt //-- MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS 270,0,0,0,180000,0 //-- CH_SOULCOLLECT 401,2000,0,0,600000,0 Thanks po I appreciate.
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