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  1. Love this idea, hoping to make this a reality for my test server and be able to share the nostalgia of RO with friends over Chrome
  2. Has anyone tested the latest rAthena code on Debian 64-bit and confirmed it working? I've compiled successfully multiple times, and tried configuring with and without the options above and the result is always the same issue related to the map server above. git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: conf/char_athena.conf modified: conf/inter_athena.conf modified: conf/login_athena.conf modified: conf/map_athena.conf modified: conf/subnet_athena.conf no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") If anyone knows which git commit is stable for 2012 or 2010 client, please share. Thank you in advance.
  3. Hi Everyone! I'm in need of some assistance getting the map server running. I've been able to compile, configure, and run the server for pre-re but I'm facing multiple errors related to the map server. Currently the client has no issue connecting to the Login server, but will be "rejected from server" before hitting char select screen. Server is running on Debian 64-bit configured using options for 64bit, prere, with packetver matching the client date: sudo ./configure --enable-64bit --enable-prere=yes —enable-packetver=20151104 I followed the wiki guide for debian in it's entirety to import the .sql files in sql-files dir (except tools/upgrades folders) ~/rAthena/sql-files$ ls -la total 7328 drwxr-xr-x 4 aero aero 4096 Apr 4 23:11 . drwxr-xr-x 12 aero aero 4096 Apr 6 00:55 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 246 Apr 4 23:11 item_cash_db2.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 244 Apr 4 23:11 item_cash_db.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 9741 Apr 4 23:11 item_db2_re.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 9608 Apr 4 23:11 item_db2.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 2468173 Apr 4 23:11 item_db_re.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 1184328 Apr 4 23:11 item_db.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 6991 Apr 4 23:11 logs.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 39921 Apr 4 23:11 main.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 10244 Apr 4 23:11 mob_db2_re.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 10162 Apr 4 23:11 mob_db2.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 546047 Apr 4 23:11 mob_db_re.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 261205 Apr 4 23:11 mob_db.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 16147 Apr 4 23:11 mob_skill_db2_re.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 15916 Apr 4 23:11 mob_skill_db2.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 1948685 Apr 4 23:11 mob_skill_db_re.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 919481 Apr 4 23:11 mob_skill_db.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 aero aero 5263 Apr 4 23:11 roulette_default_data.sql drwxr-xr-x 2 aero aero 4096 Apr 4 23:11 tools drwxr-xr-x 2 aero aero 4096 Apr 4 23:11 upgrades ./athena-start start finishes loading, these are last lines shown: [Info]: Finished reading conf/import/login_conf.txt. [Info]: Finished reading conf/import/login_conf.txt. [Info]: Finished reading conf/login_athena.conf. [Info]: Done reading '23' messages in 'conf/msg_conf/login_msg.conf'. [Status]: Read information about 2 subnetworks. [Info]: Ipban connection made. [Status]: The login-server is ready (Server is listening on the port 6900). [Info]: Attempt to connect to login-server... [Status]: Connecting to 172.93.xx.xxx:6900 [Info]: Connection request of the char-server 'AERO' @ 172.93.xx.xxx:6121 (account: 'alpha', ip: '172.93.xx.xxx') [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: alpha, id: 1, ip: 172.93.xx.xxx) [Status]: Connection of the char-server 'AERO' accepted. [Status]: Connected to login-server (connection #5). [Status]: Awaiting maps from map-server. [Status]: Request for connection of aero (ip: 24.5.x.xx) [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: aero, id: 2000001, ip: 24.5.x.xx) [Status]: Connection of the account 'aero' accepted. [Info]: Closed connection from '24.5.x.xx'. [Info]: request connect - account_id:2000001/login_id1:494741834/login_id2:1938623985] ps -aux | grep "server" aero 1900 53.1 0.0 26224 16056 pts/0 S 22:28 1:15 ./login-server aero 1902 0.5 0.1 27820 17760 pts/0 S 22:28 0:00 ./char-server aero 1926 0.0 0.0 6076 884 pts/1 S+ 22:30 0:00 grep server When executing just the map server, there is an immediate flood of messages suggesting limit of maps has been reached (seems too soon to reach such limit): ~/rAthena$ ./map-server [Status]: Memory manager initialised: log/map-server.leaks rAthena Development Team presents ___ __ __ _____/ | / /_/ /_ ___ ____ ____ _ / ___/ /| |/ __/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ __ `/ / / / ___ / /_/ / / / __/ / / / /_/ / /_/ /_/ |_\__/_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/\__,_/ http://rathena.org/board/ [Info]: Git Hash: 'a8185e629404562a36667a92571abd88733d639f' [Error]: File not found: conf/import/inter_conf.txt [Info]: Server uses 'select' as event dispatcher [Info]: Server supports up to '1024' concurrent connections. [Info]: Char Server IP Address : '172.93.xx.xxx' -> '172.93.xx.xxx'. [Info]: Map Server IP Address : '172.93.xx.xxx' -> '172.93.xx.xxx'. [Info]: Char Server IP Address : '172.93.xx.xxx' -> '172.93.xx.xxx'. [Info]: Map Server IP Address : '172.93.xx.xxx' -> '172.93.xx.xxx'. [Error]: Could not add map 'hu_fild07', the limit of maps has been reached. [Error]: Could not add map 'hu_fild05', the limit of maps has been reached. [Error]: Could not add map 'hu_fild04', the limit of maps has been reached. ... fast forward about 300+ of these messages ... .. . [Status]: Using SQL dbs: yes [Error]: File not found: conf/import/inter_conf.txt [Info]: Logging item transactions to table 'picklog'. [Info]: Logging commands to table 'atcommandlog'. [Info]: Logging 'logmes' messages to table 'npclog'. [Info]: Logging Cash transactions to table 'cashlog'. [Info]: Logging Feeding items to table 'feedinglog'. [Info]: Connecting to the Map DB Server.... [Status]: Connect success! (Map Server Connection) [Info]: : Connecting to the Log Database LOG At localhost... [Status]: [SQL]: Successfully 'connected' to Database 'LOG'. [Status]: Loading maps (using db/pre-re/map_cache.dat as map cache)... [Status]: Loading maps (using db/import/map_cache.dat as map cache)... [Notice]: Removing map [ lhz_d_n2 ] from maplist [Notice]: Removing map [ 1@ffp ] from maplist [Notice]: Removing map [ 1@infi ] from maplist [Notice]: Removing map [ 1@mir ] from maplist [Notice]: Removing map [ 2@mir ] from maplist ... fast forward about 75+ similar messages .. . [Warning]: Map jupe_ele already loaded! [Notice]: Removing map [ jupe_ele ] from maplist [Warning]: Map jupe_ele_r already loaded! [Notice]: Removing map [ jupe_ele_r ] from maplist [Warning]: Map jupe_gate already loaded! [Notice]: Removing map [ jupe_gate ] from maplist [Warning]: Map y_airport already loaded! [Notice]: Removing map [ y_airport ] from maplist [Warning]: Map lhz_airport already loaded! [Notice]: Removing map [ lhz_airport ] from maplist [Warning]: Map airplane_01 already loaded! [Notice]: Removing map [ airplane_01 ] from maplist [Warning]: Map jupe_cave already loaded! [Notice]: Removing map [ jupe_cave ] from maplist [Warning]: Map quiz_02 already loaded! [Notice]: Removing map [ quiz_02 ] from maplist [Notice]: Maps removed: '580'. [Info]: Successfully loaded '919' maps. [Info]: Done reading '0' messages in 'conf/msg_conf/import/map_msg_eng_conf.txt'. [Info]: Done reading '1200' messages in 'conf/msg_conf/map_msg.conf'. [Status]: Done reading '70' command aliases in 'conf/atcommand_athena.conf'. [Status]: Done reading '4' entries in 'db/pre-re/instance_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/instance_db.txt'. [Status]: Using packet version: 20151104. [Status]: Packet Obfuscation: Enabled. Keys: 0x4C17382A, 0x7ED174C9, 0x29961E4F [Status]: Done reading '197' entries in 'db/const.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/const.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '6170' entries in 'item_db'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'item_db2'. [Status]: Done reading '1' entries in 'db/item_avail.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '7' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_stack.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '125' entries in 'db/item_nouse.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_group_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '1022' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_bluebox.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '923' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_violetbox.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '393' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_cardalbum.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '20' entries in 'db/item_findingore.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '617' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_giftbox.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '595' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_misc.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '156' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_combo_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_randomopt_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '19' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_noequip.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '1637' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_trade.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '13' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_delay.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '1521' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_buyingstore.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '42' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_flag.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_randomopt_group.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_avail.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_stack.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_nouse.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_group_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_bluebox.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_violetbox.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_cardalbum.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_findingore.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_giftbox.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_misc.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_combo_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_randomopt_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_noequip.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_trade.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_delay.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_buyingstore.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_flag.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/item_randomopt_group.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '42' entries in 'db_roulette'. [Status]: Done reading '3' channels in 'conf/channels.conf'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'item_cash_db'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'item_cash_db2'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'sales'. [Status]: Done reading '1160' entries in 'db/pre-re/skill_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '857' entries in 'db/pre-re/skill_require_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '817' entries in 'db/pre-re/skill_cast_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '53' entries in 'db/pre-re/skill_castnodex_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '145' entries in 'db/pre-re/skill_unit_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '110' entries in 'db/pre-re/skill_nocast_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '263' entries in 'db/pre-re/produce_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '136' entries in 'db/create_arrow_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '155' entries in 'db/abra_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '17' entries in 'db/spellbook_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '23' entries in 'db/magicmushroom_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '163' entries in 'db/skill_copyable_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '16' entries in 'db/skill_improvise_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '74' entries in 'db/skill_changematerial_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '2' entries in 'db/skill_nonearnpc_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/skill_damage_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/skill_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/skill_require_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/skill_cast_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/skill_castnodex_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/skill_unit_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/skill_nocast_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/produce_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/create_arrow_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/abra_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/spellbook_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/magicmushroom_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/skill_copyable_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/skill_improvise_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/skill_changematerial_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/skill_nonearnpc_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/skill_damage_db.txt'. [SQL]: DB error - Table 'RATHENA.mob_db' doesn't exist [Debug]: at mob.cpp:4312 - SELECT * FROM `mob_db` [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'mob_db2'. [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1001 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1002 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1004 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1005 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1007 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1008 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1009 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1010 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1011 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1012 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1013 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1014 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1015 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1016 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1018 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1019 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1020 [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 1023 ... fast forward about 100+ similar messages .. . [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'mob_skill_db'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'mob_skill_db2'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_avail.txt'. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1122 for race2 1. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1123 for race2 1. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1124 for race2 1. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1125 for race2 1. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1126 for race2 1. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1258 for race2 1. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1299 for race2 1. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1133 for race2 2. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1134 for race2 2. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1135 for race2 2. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1282 for race2 2. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1296 for race2 2. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1023 for race2 3. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1152 for race2 3. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1153 for race2 3. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1189 for race2 3. [Warning]: mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id 1213 for race2 3. ... fast forward about 30+ similar messages .. . [Status]: Done reading '9' entries in 'db/pre-re/mob_race2_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_item_ratio.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '40' entries in 'db/mob_chat_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/pre-re/mob_random_db.txt'. [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 6 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 7 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 8 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 9 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 10 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 11 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 12 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 13 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 14 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 15 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 16 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 17 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 18 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 19 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 20 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 21 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' ... Fast forward about 100+ of similar messages related to db/*/*.txt files that could not be processed .. . [Status]: Done reading '9' entries in 'db/pre-re/mob_race2_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_item_ratio.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '40' entries in 'db/mob_chat_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/pre-re/mob_random_db.txt'. [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 6 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 7 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 8 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 9 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 10 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 11 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 12 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 13 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 14 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 15 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 16 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 17 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 18 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 19 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 20 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 21 of "db/pre-re/mob_branch.txt". [Error]: mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group 'MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree' [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_classchange.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/pre-re/mob_drop.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/mob_avail.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/mob_race2_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/mob_item_ratio.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/mob_chat_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/mob_random_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/mob_branch.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/mob_poring.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/mob_boss.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/mob_pouch.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/mob_mission.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/mob_classchange.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/mob_drop.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '175' entries in 'db/pre-re/statpoint.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '145' entries in 'db/pre-re/job_db1.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '150' entries in 'db/job_db2.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '13' entries in 'db/pre-re/job_exp.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '59' entries in 'db/pre-re/job_basehpsp_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/pre-re/job_param_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/pre-re/job_noenter_map.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/statpoint.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/job_db1.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/job_db2.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/job_exp.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/job_basehpsp_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/job_param_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/job_noenter_map.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '5357' entries in 'db/pre-re/skill_tree.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/skill_tree.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '1' entries in 'conf/motd.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '8' groups in 'conf/groups.conf'. [Status]: Done reading '4' entries in 'db/pre-re/attr_fix.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '243' entries in 'db/status_disabled.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '3' entries in 'db/size_fix.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '6' entries in 'db/pre-re/refine_db.yml'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/attr_fix.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/status_disabled.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/size_fix.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/refine_db.yml'. [Status]: Done reading '44' entries in 'db/castle_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/castle_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '15' entries in 'db/pre-re/guild_skill_tree.yml' [Error]: Mob PORING does not exist and cannot be used as a pet. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'YAML::InvalidNode' what(): invalid node; this may result from using a map iterator as a sequence iterator, or vice-versa Aborted
  4. Much respect and appreciation for the guide and easy to follow video configurations. This helped tremendously for beginner such as myself. Only one small suggestion, it would be useful to note where to obtain the 2015-11-04aRagexe.exe client which is one of the more stable client versions.
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