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Everything posted by Loky

  1. Hello, I wonder, is it possible to create in-game custom windows? I think it's not possible at all, but is there a way to replace one existing? (for exemple Booking one)
  2. data/lua files/skillinfoz/skillinfolist.lua In this client file check for [sKID.AL_TELEPORT] = { "AL_TELEPORT"; SkillName = "Teleportation", MaxLv = 2, SpAmount = { 10, 9 }, bSeperateLv = false, AttackRange = { 1, 1 }, _NeedSkillList = { { SKID.AL_RUWACH,1 } } }, and change bSeperateLv to true Teleport Lv.1 basically works like a Fly Wing (maybe not in renewal ) (i assume that you have all the lua files updated..)
  3. can someone make a package for these images, i dont have facebook
  4. for( set .@i, 1; .@i <= 1; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( instance_attachmap(.@i + "@cash", .@instance) == "" ) break; } seriously... the guy who made this script is really awesome
  5. Yes manually with Inkscape, Hope you enjoy it
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