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Everything posted by gugagom

  1. After some testing with my colleagues, Hamachi is not the best way to put this server, as they were experiencing 10 second lags randomly across the gameplay. Still the idea of putting the server to LAN or any other VPN service that is better than hamachi makes me want to go deeper in this experiment. It is actually very simple if you know what to do: First of all, making the SQL server localhost and making the server connect to it from another IP is really slow and I think that's why the connection was lagging with the other hosts. Very insecure method, if you don't know what you are doing, please avoid unless your connection is protected via external ways. Later tader, and thank you all!
  2. Thanks for the help guys, by the time I'm seeing these answers I resolved my issue by digging a little in openserver config. Tomorrow, for purposes of information I will update this topic on how I did it. Thank you all for your help Anacondaqq and Tanlor. I'm really very gratefull. Enoyable... Evening? I'm from Brazil and here is late afternoon.
  3. Sorry I didn't state it, I should be more clear. I'm using OpenServer, I used Anacondaqq's offline server as it's really faster and easier. I'm trying to change the config to use it in hamachi, that's why I don't want to change the database in there. Could you help me pointing which setting I change to make the server connect in the hamachi IP? Oh, and thanks for the help anyway.
  4. I'm trying to put an offline server, which was setup with localhost in conf, to lan, but I don't want to put the database in my server outside of localhost. How can I configure the server on those requirements?
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