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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. No offense, but saying 100% renewal emulator is funny when you guys posted this



    imho, you should focus on updating hercules, it's lack many update compared rAthena.

    That's different repo altogether, and the main focus isn't on it(and wouldn't be for upcoming months, except if jedzkie will work on it)

    Also, if you just say, we should focus on abc,xyz, You should also think that, there's some reason why ragemu was created...

  2. As you may know, these new clients do not have any login screen at all, and you need one luncher to execute your client and be able to login successfully

    Did you even tried 2013 and 2014 clients??

    Diff client wih restore login window and you will get login screen and can run without any launcher (login screen patch even works for 2014-10), use NEMO for patching.

    As of launcher, the profile part is good.

    • Upvote 1


    There's many hosting and it really depends on your budget and specs you need(and the location of the ds you want)

    some of them:





    .... there's many more









    and there's many out there :D

    Budget goes around 99$ - 150$




    That's too low but it can manage if you really know what you're doing. I suggest to make your budget higher than that :) maybe $500 or something.


    300$ is enough for a starter (for a Unmanaged DDoS Protected DS)

    else 150$ is enough for a unmanaged DS(no protection by datacenter)

    P.S: Above quote is for starters, as you grow, you would need additional DS, for accumulating customers.

  4. So here's the problem,
    A+B=C and B>C, then absolutely B>A or B<A


    Case 1:
    Since A+B=C. A, B cannot exceed C if they both are positive.


    so 2 cases left are, (both negative) or (one negative and one positive).


    Case 2:
    For both negative ( A and B ):

    C will always be lesser than A and B

    examples: -1-2=-3 (A=-1,B=-2,C=-3) or -2-1=-3 (A=-2,B=-1,C=-3), so B can be greater or less than A(In both examples B>C)

    Case 3 (for one positive and one negative number):
    take examples, -1+2=1(A=-1,B=2,C=1) or 3-2=1(A=3,B=-2,C=1), in first case B>A (And B>C) and in second case B<A(B is not greater than C),
    so Answer is:
    1) B is greater or less than A(If both numbers are negative)

    2) B is greater than A (if A is negative and B is positive)

    3) No relation (If both are positive numbers, or A is negative and B is positive)

    P.S: A cannot be equal to B in any case(since B>C).


    So according to the Question conditions of number being negative or positive, above three results can be obtained.)

  5. Only adds an "extra layer" using encryption, preventing the user from open the file using one "GRF Reader". Worthwhile? Yes, but more advanced users can extract the files easily using another methods.

    like which methods, all users are curious to know method to extract files from securegrf encrypted grfs.

  6. Sorry for bumping this ancient thread... But how did you solved this? Can you share it?  /thx

    I taken the patch provided in this topic, done some modifications so that it read the color from sql and just process that color.

  7. Don't host your server at Malaya Hosting




    Poor Support (reply after a week or they delete your ticket)


    Always host down and they don't update the client when it become online 


    When host goes down they can't recover it


    Waste of time for waiting on your ticket to be answered


    They block mysql autobackup program 


    Malaya Hosting Rating 1/10

    Till the time I was there in staff, there was no delay in replying tickets, and everything else was fine, but as they hired new staff and i leaved, it became the worst

    I  2nd that!!!

    what you mean by that?
  8. Don't host your server at Malaya Hosting




    Poor Support (reply after a week or they delete your ticket)


    Always host down and they don't update the client when it become online 


    When host goes down they can't recover it


    Waste of time for waiting on your ticket to be answered


    They block mysql autobackup program 


    Malaya Hosting Rating 1/10

    Till the time I was there in staff, there was no delay in replying tickets, and everything else was fine, but as they hired new staff and i leaved, it became the worst
  9. Site: http://flangtech.blogspot.in/2013/07/open-source-free-to-try-virtual-private.html

    Opens a tab many a times, of youtube.


    VPS Details:

    Windows Server 2003 SP2


    256MB Ram

    30GB Hard Disk.




    A virtual private server (VPS) is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service.[1]
    The VPS runs its own copy of its operating system, and customers have superuser-level access to that operating system instance, so can install almost any software that runs on that OS. For many purposes they are functionally equivalent to a dedicated physical server, and being software defined are able to be much more easily created and configured. They are priced much lower than an equivalent physical server, but as they share the underlying physical hardware with other VPSs, the performance is less, and may depend on the workload of these others.
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    -    script    KillCashPoint    -1,{
    if (killedrid==getcharid(0)) end;    //No Points, killed himself
    if (lastkilled==killedrid){
        set lkcount,lkcount+1;
        if (lkcount>=5){
            set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-3;
            dispbottom "You have Lose 3 points of Honour. Your Total Points are "+#CASHPOINTS;
            atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);
            set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS+1;
            dispbottom "You have gained 1 Point of Honour. Your Total Points are "+#CASHPOINTS;
        set lastkilled,killedrid;
        set lkcount,1;
        dispbottom "You have gained 1 Point of Honour. Your Total Points are "+#CASHPOINTS;

    Haven't Tested.

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