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Posts posted by Mice

  1. 22 minutes ago, n0tttt said:

    You can't with that mapflag, but if you know how to recompile then you can do this.

    pc.cpp, change:

    	if( !battle_config.pk_mode && mapdata->flag[MF_PVP] && !mapdata->flag[MF_PVP_NOCALCRANK] ) {
    		sd->pvp_point -= 5;
    		if( src && src->type == BL_PC ) {
    			struct map_session_data *ssd = (struct map_session_data *)src;
    		if( sd->pvp_point < 0 ) {
    			add_timer(tick+1000, pc_respawn_timer,sd->bl.id,0);
    			return 1|8;


    	if( !battle_config.pk_mode && mapdata->flag[MF_PVP] && !mapdata->flag[MF_PVP_NOCALCRANK] ) {
    		sd->pvp_point -= 5;
    		if( src && src->type == BL_PC ) {
    			struct map_session_data *ssd = (struct map_session_data *)src;

    With this change you can just use pvp mapflag instead of pvp_nocalcrank and players won't be respawned. The counter will also remain.

    Thanks man for your effort (Y) now its working,

  2. Thank you for your answer but i need is ,when pvp the map is pvp on, in the official behavior when you die 2x in pvp map like resu kill you will be warp out in your save point right?, in my case i want to disable this feature in certain map, so anyone can do resu kill in pvp mode map thanks

  3. Hello rathena community i just want to ask if possible to make script and pvpmode without warpout, example in normal pvp when you die 2x you will be warpout in your savepoint, in my request/ask is how can possible to make pvp without warpout, like when you resu kill in pvp mode you can't warpout in your savepoints, thank you very much more power !!

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