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Posts posted by MatheusRDS

  1. obrigado, dessa forma está restringindo por completo o item nos outros maps, mais isso já vai servir.
    Mais seria possivel, criar um item que caso o player estivesse em um mapa GvG, ele teria um efeito extra?
    +5 STR, em mapas pvp e normais
    caso o player estiver em um mapa GvG esse bônus passa a ser +10 STR.


    thank you, this way you are completely restricting the item on the other maps, but this will do.
    More would it be possible to create an item that if the player were on a GvG map, it would have an extra effect?
    +5 STR, on pvp and normal maps
    if the player is on a GvG map this bonus becomes +10 STR.

  2. Estou com esse erro no script, que estou instalando:

    [Error]:  Loading NPC file: npc/battleground/bg_main.txt
    script error on npc/battleground/bg_main.txt line 82
        parse_simpleexpr: unexpected character
        77 :                bg_console "As Batalhas Campais esta iniciando em modo d
    e tempo.";
        78 :                // Checa se as Batalhas comeþaram e foi dado @reloadscri
        79 :                if(
        80 :                        ((gettime(DT_HOUR) > 17 || (gettime(DT_HOUR) ==
    17 && gettime(DT_MINUTE) >= 5)) && (gettime(DT_HOUR) < 18 || (gettime(DT_HOUR) =
    = 18 && gettime(DT_MINUTE) <= 5))) ||
        81 :                        ((gettime(DT_HOUR) > 18 || (gettime(DT_HOUR) ==
    18 && gettime(DT_MINUTE) >= 5)) && (gettime(DT_HOUR) < 20 || (gettime(DT_HOUR) =
    = 20 && gettime(DT_MINUTE) <= 5))) ||
    *   82 :                ')' {
        83 :                        set $@BG_OPEN,1;


    e a parte do script está ocorrendo o erro é essa:

    		bg_console "As Batalhas Campais esta iniciando em modo de tempo.";
    		// Checa se as Batalhas começaram e foi dado @reloadscript...
    			((gettime(DT_HOUR) > 17 || (gettime(DT_HOUR) == 17 && gettime(DT_MINUTE) >= 5)) && (gettime(DT_HOUR) < 18 || (gettime(DT_HOUR) == 18 && gettime(DT_MINUTE) <= 5))) ||
    			((gettime(DT_HOUR) > 18 || (gettime(DT_HOUR) == 18 && gettime(DT_MINUTE) >= 5)) && (gettime(DT_HOUR) < 20 || (gettime(DT_HOUR) == 20 && gettime(DT_MINUTE) <= 5))) ||
    		) {
    			set $@BG_OPEN,1;
    			announce "[Batalhas Campais]: Os Registros das Batalhas Campais estão abertos!", bc_all, "0xFFCE00";
    			if( !bg_checkarena($BG_ARENA) )
    				donpcevent "BattleGround#queue_main::OnReload";


    Alguém poderia me ajudar, ficarei muito grato!

  3. Sim, o problema é que eu estava usando configurações do renewal no arquivo "refine_db.yml", e isso estava gerando o problema, pois meu servidor é pre-renewal.

    Então se você usa a "item_db" ou o "refine_db.yml", do renewal em seu servidor configurado pra rodar em pre-renewal, provavelmente você vai ter esse problema!

  4. fiz a alteração para max_def: 300, e mesmo assim a defesa ao ultrapassar 100, ela está bugando.

    Observações: uso meu emulador em pre-renewal!


    I made the change to max_def: 300, and even so the defense when exceeding 100, it is bugging.

    Notes: I use my emulator in pre-renewal!

  5. Olá, estou com um problema em meu servidor é o seguinte, quando os jogadores atinge uma certa quantidade de def, ela acaba ficando negativa.

    Exemplo o jogador está com 99+226 de defesa, se ele recebe mais alguns pontos de defesa ela passa a ficar -128+226.

    Alguem poderia me ajudar?

  6. Could someone help me with this error?

    Error line

    if( getmapflag(.@Map$,mf_gvg) || getmapflag(.@Map$,mf_gvg_castle) )
    		query_sql "INSERT INTO `pvp_flux_csd` (`char_id`, `type`, `kill`) VALUES (" + .@CID + ", 1, 1) ON DUPLICATE `KEY` kill=`kill`+1";


    : DB error - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'kill=`kill`+1' at line 1
    [Debug]: at script.cpp:16590 - INSERT INTO `pvp_flux_csd` (`char_id`, `type`, `kill`) VALUES (150015, 0, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY kill=`kill`+1
  7. Thanks for replying, I ran a test and it is showing error on line 63


        62 :                message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Não há mais recompensas restantes este mês.";
    *   63 :                'c'ontinue;


  8. I would like to remove the VIP function from this npc, leave it to reward only normal account

    Can someone help me?


    //===== EinherjarRO Scripts ================================== 
    //= Requested 
    //===== By: ================================================== 
    //= Stolao
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 2.1C
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================
    //= rAthena SVN
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= A reward system for players who play more frequently
    //===== Todo =================================================
    //= Make Logging out then it continue count
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 2.00 Origional Make
    //= 2.01 Fixed Logic Bug
    //= 2.02 Fixed Year Multiplier
    //= 2.03 Added an IP check
    //= 2.04 Split Rewards up
    //= 2.05 Move ip check to Daily reward collection
    //= 2.06 Added ability to see next day via commands/relogging
    //= 2.07 Added Delay
    //= 2.08 Moved Delay to none VIP only
    //= 2.09 Removed some useless lines
    //= 2.0A Removed Menus due to bugs
    //= 2.0B Fixed VIP Cutin
    //= 2.0C Added it showing previos day cutin
    //= 2.0D Added a for loop
    //= 2.0E Fixed Ramined logged in time calculation (visual bug)
    //= 2.0F Added a F_InsertPlural to "more minute"
    //= 2.10 Added a Mac Check
    //= 2.11 Changed the IP check to [Sader1992] version
    //= 2.12 Enable Bound Type
    //= 2.13 Added 'collectreward', 'dailyreward', 'collectdaily' Commands
    //= 2.14 Added 'nextreward' Command
    //= 2.15 Added Daily Buffs
    //= 2.16 Added Exp Rewards
    //= 2.17 Removed Reards for Autotraders
    //= 2.18 Move Buffs to Daily so VIP wont trigger twice
    //= 2.19 Optimized Slightly
    //= 2.1A Fixed a bug with VIP getting bonus rewards in normal rewards
    //= 2.1B Fixed some documentaion
    //= 2.1C Fixed extra '['
    //===== Contact Info: ========================================
    //= [Stolao] 
    //= Email: [email protected]
    prontera,5,5,5	script	LOGIN	111,{
    		@logintime = gettime(DT_YEAR) * 60 * 24 * 365 + gettime(DT_DAYOFYEAR) * 60 * 24 + gettime(DT_HOUR) * 60 + gettime(DT_MINUTE);
    	.@i = gettime(DT_YEAR) * 12 * 31 + gettime(DT_MONTH) * 31 + gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH);
    	if(.Reset && .@i > #LastDailyReward + 1)
    		#DRewardCon = 0;
    	if(.Reset && .@i > #LastVIPReward + 1)
    		#VIPRewardCon = 0;
    	.@VIPSize = getarraysize(.VIPRewards$);
    	.@Size = getarraysize(.Rewards$);
    	if(#DRewardCon >= .@Size && #VIPRewardCon >= .@VIPSize){
    		#LastDailyReward = .@i;
    		#LastVIPReward = .@i;
    	sleep2 1000;
    	for(.@k = 0; .@k < 2; .@k++){
    			if(!vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE) && .VIPRewards$[#VIPRewardCon + 1] != ""){
    				//message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: Torne-se um VIP para mais recompensas.";
    			} else if(#VIPRewardCon >= .@VIPSize){
    				message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Não há mais recompensas VIP restantes este mês.";
    			} else if(.@i <= #LastVIPReward){
    				message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Recompensas VIP já coletadas hoje.";
    		} else {
    			if(#DRewardCon >= .@Size){
    				message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Não há mais recompensas restantes este mês.";
    			} else if(.@i <= #LastDailyReward){
    				message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Recompensas já coletadas hoje.";
    			explode(.@XT$,.VIPRewards$[#VIPRewardCon + 1],",");
    		else {
    				query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `login` WHERE last_ip = '"+getcharip()+"'", .@AccountId);
    				.@Size = getarraysize(.@AccountId);
    				for(.@i=0; .@i < .@Size; .@i++){
    					query_sql("SELECT `value` FROM `acc_reg_num` WHERE `account_id` = '"+.@AccountId[.@i]+"' AND `key` = '#LastDailyReward'",.@LastIp2);
    					if(.@i <= .@LastIp2){
    						message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Recompensas são limitadas a 1 por IP.";
    				query_sql("SELECT last_unique_id FROM `login` WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@last_unique_id$);
    				query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `login` WHERE last_unique_id = '"+.@last_unique_id$+"'", .@AccountId2);
    				.@Size = getarraysize(.@AccountId2);
    				for(.@i=0; .@i < .@Size; .@i++){
    					query_sql("SELECT `value` FROM `acc_reg_num` WHERE `account_id` = '"+.@AccountId2[.@i]+"' AND `key` = '#LastDailyReward'",.@MacCheck2);
    					if(.@i <= .@MacCheck2){
    						message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Recompensas são limitadas a 1 por computador.";
    				.@time = gettime(DT_YEAR) * 60 * 24 * 365 + gettime(DT_DAYOFYEAR) * 60 * 24 + gettime(DT_HOUR) * 60 + gettime(DT_MINUTE);
    				if(.@time < @logintime + .Rest){
    					.@delay = @logintime + .Rest - .@time;
    					message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: para coletar recompensas, você deve permanecer logado por "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@delay,"more minute")+".";
    			deletearray .@XT$[0],getarraysize(.@XT$);
    			.@NextDay = #DRewardCon + 1;
    		if(checkvending() & 2 && .Mode & 256){
    			message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Vendedores não podem receber recompensas.";
    		.@Size = getarraysize(.@XT$);
    		deletearray .@TT[0],getarraysize(.@TT);
    		deletearray .@itms[0],getarraysize(.@itms);
    		deletearray .@qnts[0],getarraysize(.@qnts);
    		for(.@x = y = 0; .@x < .@Size; .@x++)
    			.@TT[.@x] = atoi(.@XT$[.@x]);
    		if(.Mode & 1 && (.@TT[4] > 0 || .@vip[4] > 0)){
    			.@Size = getarraysize(.@TT);
    			for(.@x = 4; .@x <= .@Size - 1 ; .@x += 2){
    				.@itms[.@y] = .@TT[.@x];
    				.@qnts[.@y] = .@TT[.@x + 1];
    				for(.@x = 0; .@x < .@y; .@x++){
    					if(.Mode & 128)
    						getitembound  .@itms[.@x], .@qnts[.@x], .Bound_Mode;
    					else	getitem  .@itms[.@x], .@qnts[.@x];
    			} else {
    				message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Você não pode carregar os prêmios, use o storage e relogue.";
    		if(.Mode & 2 && (.@TT[1])){
    			#Loyalty += .@TT[1];
    			message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Recebido "+ .@TT[1] +" "+.Points$;
    		if(.Mode & 4 && (.@TT[0])){
    			zeny += .@TT[0];
    			message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Recebido "+ .@TT[0] +"z";
    		if(.Mode & 8 && (.@TT[3] || .@TT[4]))
    			getexp .@TT[3], .@TT[4];
    			if(.Mode & 32){
    				cutin .VIPCutins$[#VIPRewardCon],4;
    				soundeffect "complete.wav", 0;
    			#LastVIPReward = .@i;
    			sleep2 1000;
    			if(.Mode & 64){
    				cutin .VIPCutins$[#VIPRewardCon],4;
    				soundeffect "complete.wav", 0;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Você coletou sua recompensa VIP, por "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",#VIPRewardCon,"dia")+" este mês.";
    		} else {
    			if(.Mode & 16){
    				.@Size = getarraysize(.BuffInfo);
    				for(.@x = 0; .@x < .@Size; .@x += 4){
    					if(.@NextDay == .BuffInfo[.@x + 1])
    						sc_start .BuffInfo[.@x], .BuffInfo[.@x + 2] * 60000, .BuffInfo[.@x + 3];
    			if(.Mode & 32){
    				cutin .Cutins$[#DRewardCon],4;
    				soundeffect "complete.wav", 0;
    			#LastDailyReward = .@i;
    			sleep2 1000;
    			if(.Mode & 64) {
    				cutin .Cutins$[#DRewardCon],4;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Você coletou sua recompensa diária, por "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",#DRewardCon,"dia")+" este mês.";
    		if(.Mode & 32 || .Mode & 64){
    			sleep2 15000;
    			cutin "",255;
    	.@time = gettime(DT_YEAR) * 60 * 24 * 365 + gettime(DT_DAYOFYEAR) * 60 * 24 + gettime(DT_HOUR) * 60 + gettime(DT_MINUTE);
    	if(.@time >= @logintime + .Rest){
    		message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: sua próxima recompensa está disponível.";
    	} else {
    		.@i = gettime(DT_YEAR) * 12 * 31 + gettime(DT_MONTH) * 31 + gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH);
    		if(.@i <= #LastDailyReward)
    			message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Sua próxima recompensa estará disponível amanhã.";
    		else {
    			.@days = (.@time >= @logintime + .Rest) / 60 / 24;
    			.@hours = ((.@time >= @logintime + .Rest) / 60) % 24;
    			.@mins = (.@time >= @logintime + .Rest) % 60;
    			message strcharinfo(0),"[Login especial]: Você tem "+ ((.@days) ? .@days +" Dias " : "") + ((.@hours) ? .@hours +" Horas " : "") + ((.@mins) ? .@mins +" Minutos " : "") +" até sua próxima recompensa.";
    		if(.Mode & 32 || .Mode & 64){
    			if(.@NextDay >= getarraysize(.Rewards$))
    				.@g = 0;
    			else	.@g = #DRewardCon + 1;
    			cutin .Cutins$[.@g],4;
    			soundeffect "complete.wav", 0;
    	if(gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH) == 1){
    		query_sql("DELETE FROM `acc_reg_num` WHERE `key` = '#DRewardCon' OR `key` = '#VIPRewardCon' OR `key` = '#LastVIPReward' OR `key` = '#LastDailyReward'");
    		#DRewardCon = #VIPRewardCon = #LastVIPReward = #LastDailyReward = 0;
    	// Basic Settings
    	//   1: Item | 2: Points | 4: Zeny | 8: Exp
    	//   16: Gain Buffs
    	//   32: Show Cutins | 64: Show Next Day Cutin
    	//   128: Item Rewards Bound
    	//   256: No Rewards for Autotraders 
    	//     (a bit value, e.g. 3 = Items & Points from Multi)
    	.Mode = 1|2|4|16|32|64|128|256;
    	// Item Binding Mode
    	//	 Bound_Account : Account Bound item
    	//	 Bound_Guild   : Guild Bound item
    	//	 Bound_Party   : Party Bound item
    	//	 Bound_Char    : Character Bound item
    	.Bound_Mode = Bound_Account;
    	// To disable the command '@loginreward' comment the next lines
    	// * Needs extra commands for typos
    	// Reset days back to 0 on a skipped day.
    	// Toggle 
    	// [0] = Off
    	// [1] = On
    	.Reset = 0;
    	// .Rest
    	// Delay after login to collect rewards
    	// In Minutes
    	.Rest = 0;
    	// Point Name
    	.Points$ = "Loyalty Points";
    	// Ip check to prevent multi accounts
    	// Toggle 
    	// [0] = Off
    	// [1] = On
    	.IPCheck = 0;
    	// Consecutive Days Buff
    	// Each buff contains 4 variables
    	// <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 1
    	// <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 2
    	//   ...;
    	//  Example: 188,7,45,3
    	//    -On the 7th day logged in Player gains +3 Str for 45 mins
    	//  Type is 188, which references which SC_ to use, SC_INCSTR in this example
    	//     -For a full list of SC_ visit the db/const.txt
    	//  Days is days buff is applied, in this example 7, so every 7th day, 14,21,28....
    	//  Duration is buff duration is Minuits, in this example 45 mins
    	//  Rate is buff val1, in this example player gains 3 Str
    	setarray .BuffInfo
    				,260,2,360,1	// Life Insurance for 360 on 2nd Day
    				,198,3,120,10	// +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 3rd Day
    				,260,4,360,1	// Life Insurance for 360 on 4th Day
    				,196,5,120,25	// +25 Flee for 120 Mins on 5th Day
    				,198,6,120,10	// +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 6th Day
    				,257,7,240,50	// +50% Exp for 240 Mins on 7th Day
    				,260,8,360,1	// Life Insurance for 360 on 8th Day
    				,198,9,120,10	// +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 9th Day
    				,196,10,120,25	// +25 Flee for 120 Mins on 10th Day
    				,9,12,120,10	// +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 12th Day
    				,9,14,240,50	// +50% Exp for 240 Mins on 14th Day
    				,9,15,120,50	// +25 Flee for 120 Mins on 15th Day
    				,198,16,360,10	// Life Insurance for 360 on 16th Day
    				,9,18,120,10	// +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 18th Day
    				,9,20,120,25	// +25 Flee for 120 Mins on 20th Day
    				,9,21,240,50	// +50% Exp for 240 Mins on 21st Day
    				,9,22,360,1	// Life Insurance for 360 on 22nd Day
    				,9,24,120,10	// +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 24th Day
    				,9,25,120,25	// +25 Flee for 120 Mins on 25th Day
    				,9,26,360,1	// Life Insurance for 360 on 26th Day
    				,9,27,120,10	// +10% Hp for 120 Mins on 27th Day
    				,9,28,240,50	// +50% Exp for 240 Mins on 28th Day
    				,9,30,120,25;	// +25 Flee for 120 Mins on 30th Day
    	// Daily Prize items:
    	//   "<Zeny>,<Points>,<BaseExp>,<JobExp>,<itemID-1>,<amount-1>,<itemID-2>,<amount-2>...etc", // Day 1
    	//   "<Zeny>,<Points>,<BaseExp>,<JobExp>,<itemID-1>,<amount-1>,<itemID-2>,<amount-2>...etc"  // Day 2
    	//   ...;
    	// Total length of any days string must be 255 or shorter
    	setarray .Rewards$[1],
    		"0,0,0,0,12016,100",				// Day 1
    		"0,0,0,0,28995,1",		// Day 2
    		"0,0,0,0,7539,2",		// Day 3
    		"0,0,0,0,14601,200",				// Day 4
    		"0,0,0,0,12299,100",				// Day 5
    		"0,0,0,0,12684,200",		// Day 6
    		"0,0,0,0,28996,1",		// Day 7
    		"0,0,0,0,14614,300",			// Day 8
    		"0,0,0,0,28995,1",			// Day 9
    		"0,0,0,0,12786,10",		// Day 10
    		"0,0,0,0,12424,150",				// Day 11
    		"0,0,0,0,12427,200",				// Day 12
    		"0,0,0,0,7539,2",			// Day 13
    		"0,0,0,0,28997,1",			// Day 14
    		"0,0,0,0,28995,1",				// Day 15
    		"0,0,0,0,12418,300",				// Day 16
    		"0,0,0,0,12419,300",				// Day 17
    		"0,0,0,0,12404,150",		// Day 18
    		"0,0,0,0,7539,2",			// Day 19
    		"0,0,0,0,12786,10",			// Day 20
    		"0,0,0,0,28998,1",		// Day 21
    		"0,0,0,0,14591,3",			// Day 22
    		"0,0,0,0,12221,50",		// Day 23
    		"0,0,0,0,7539,2",				// Day 24
    		"0,0,0,0,28995,1",			// Day 25
    		"0,0,0,0,14614,300",		// Day 26
    		"0,0,0,0,12786,15",				// Day 27
    		"0,0,0,0,28999,1";				// Day 28
    	// VIP Prize items:
    	//   "<Zeny>,<Points>,<BaseExp>,<JobExp>,<itemID-1>,<amount-1>,<itemID-2>,<amount-2>...etc", // Day 1
    	//   "<Zeny>,<Points>,<BaseExp>,<JobExp>,<itemID-1>,<amount-1>,<itemID-2>,<amount-2>...etc"  // Day 2
    	//   ...;
    	// Total length of any days string must be 255 or shorter
    	// Note VIPs Collect both VIP and Normal Player rewards
    	setarray .VIPRewards$[1],
    		"1000",				// Day 1: 1000 Zeny
    		"0,0,0,0,501,5",		// Day 2: 5 Red Potion
    		"0,0,0,0,506,5",		// Day 3: 5 Green Potion
    		"2000",				// Day 4: 2000 Zeny
    		"2000",				// Day 5: 2000 Zeny
    		"0,0,0,0,502,5",		// Day 6: 5 Orange Potion
    		"0,0,0,0,12208,1",		// Day 7: 1 Battle Manual
    		"2500",				// Day 8: 2500 Zeny
    		"2500",				// Day 8: 2500 Zeny
    		"2500",				// Day 9: 2500 Zeny
    		"0,0,0,0,503,5",		// Day 10: 5 White Potion
    		"2500",				// Day 11: 2500 Zeny
    		"2500",				// Day 12: 2500 Zeny
    		"2500",				// Day 13: 2500 Zeny
    		"0,0,0,0,503,5,506,3",		// Day 14: 5 White Potion + 3 Green Potion
    		"2500",				// Day 15: 2500 Zeny
    		"2500",				// Day 16: 2500 Zeny
    		"2500",				// Day 17: 2500 Zeny
    		"0,0,0,0,503,5,506,3",		// Day 18: 5 White Potion + 3 Green Potion
    		"2500",				// Day 19: 2500 Zeny
    		"2500",				// Day 20: 2500 Zeny
    		"0,0,0,0,604,3",		// Day 21: 1 Dead Branch
    		"2500",				// Day 22: 2500 Zeny
    		"0,0,0,0,503,5,506,3",		// Day 23: 5 White Potion + 3 Green Potion
    		"2500",				// Day 24: 2500 Zeny
    		"2500",				// Day 25: 2500 Zeny
    		"0,0,0,0,503,5,506,3",		// Day 26: 5 White Potion + 3 Green Potion
    		"2500",				// Day 27: 2500 Zeny
    		"2500";				// Day 28: 2500 Zeny
    	// Cutin Array
    	//	Shows a cutin before collecting for each date
    	//	Start at 0 if showing next day
    	setarray .Cutins$,
    	// Cutin Array
    	//	Shows a cutin on collecting for each date
    	setarray .VIPCutins$,



  9. Hello

    How do I send the message "created account" and "Account waiting for email confirmation" to another personalized page?

    Currently when the account is created the person is redirected to the homepage! I would like to switch to another custom page!

    Thank you all for the attention!

  10. 5 hours ago, Haikenz said:

    Conf / Battle / Player.conf



    Hello Haikenz, my settings are this way

    	if (pc_isvip(sd)) // Male maya card.
    	sd->special_state.intravision = battle_config.vip_gemstone;	


    // Gemstone requirement.
    // Can the VIP Group ignore Gemstone requirement for skills?
    // 0 = Disable
    // 1 = Behave like Mistress Card
    // 2 = Remove all gemstone requirements (default)
    vip_gemstone: 2

    even so I did not succeed in this change.☹️  I wanted very much that besides the non-consumption of gems, vip players, could have the effect of the male Maya card.

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