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Everything posted by Luigi

  1. I made it using global variables that keep a flag, I think I will use this way if no better option appears
  2. Hi, sorry for the late response. Actually dynamic_mobs are enabled already. I was searching about dynamic_mobs in rathena and found some issues about dynamic mobs and MVPs. The monsters I want to check are MVPs so maybe that's the problem... Any new toughts about it?
  3. Hello guys, I'm making an NPC that checks if a monster is alive in an map and then teleports the player to that map. That part is ok, the problem is, when I start the server or do a @reloadscript the monster is not spawned until I teleport to the map for the first time. Do you know how can I correct this? This is the basic check of the NPC if(mobcount("1@tnm1", "all") > 0) { warp "1@tnm1",25,115; } and this is the monster spawn 1@tnm1,24,74 monster MonsterName 2255,1,3600000,600000,0
  4. Yay, I did it. I took all the subnet information and it worked, don't know why ahha Thanks anyway!!
  5. Check this, I was able to compile after that:
  6. Hello everybody. I just put my server online on a external VPS server. It is running nice and players are able to join. The problem is that I CAN'T join my own server. I think is there something with my inter net configuration, because I use the apartment local network. It's like that, the land lord set a internet connection for every apartment in the building and I use it to connect to my own router. internet connection >> building routers >> my router >> pc When I try to connect I am able to login and after I select the server the communications are stopped and I can't connect to char server and login, char and map server are all setted with the server wan ip. My sclientinfo.xml is setted with server wan ip and I tried every sort of subnet_masks and it changes nothing. My last try was making a ssh tunnel to the server, changing my sclientinfo.xml to and I could make it into the char server, but failed to join map server. Can anyone help me fixing this? Thanks!
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