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Everything posted by ymcc

  1. OH, I see. Unfortunately, this problem still need to fix/update the source. That mean the script is not universal. However, thx for your answer.
  2. In the past, I use *setunitdata <GID>,UMOB_ATKMIN,<new value> in the script to change some mob's ATK. But in the latest update, *setunitdata can not change the mob's ATKMIN,ATKMAX,MATKMIN,MATKMAX. How can I change mob's ATKorMATK in script now? Please help me,thx.
  3. Hi, i try to add a ep17.1 mob... but now have a problem: jobname.lua: [jobtbl.JT_MD_A013_CAPUT] = "caput", npcidentity.lua: JT_MD_A013_CAPUT = 20348, mob_db: 20348,MD_A013_CAPUT,A013-abc,A013-abc,110,31000,1,260,250,1,945,1305,79,40,115,85,81,92,121,47,10,12,1,7,47,0x3885,200,768,360,432,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 The mob's kro official id is 20348. Data sprite is ready But they look like a poring. i modify the mob.cpp #define MIN_MOB_DB 1000 #define MAX_MOB_DB 3999 #define MIN_MOB_DB2 20020 #define MAX_MOB_DB2 31999 But, they look like a poring too... Can anyone help me please?
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