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Everything posted by RkD-

  1. I can't fix this yet helppls
  2. Would you know The problem?
  3. Nothing. The command Just isnt doing anything. It os not hidding The npc inside The room, it's not turning The event off.
  4. Hello I'm using this Bombring NPC currently, but the command @disablebombring isn't working and i'm can't get it to work. Can someone help? - script Bombring -1,{ OnInit: set .eventstarted, 0; set $bombring_reward,12256; bindatcmd "enablebombring","Bombring::OnGMStart"; bindatcmd "disablebombring","Bombring::OnGMStop"; hideonnpc "The Baaam#qz"; hideonnpc "The Baaam#prt"; end; OnGMStart: if (getgroupid() < 99){ dispbottom "You are not eligible for this command.", RED; end; } set .eventstarted, 0; OnEventStart: initnpctimer; hideoffnpc "The Baaam#prt"; set .x, 5; OnTimer0000: if (.eventstarted == 1) end; announce "The Baaam: The bombring event has started!",bc_all; announce "The Baaam: Come to prontera and talk to me to join!",bc_all; announce "The Baaam: "+.x+" minutes remaining before it starts!",bc_all; set .x, .x - 1; end; OnTimer60000: OnTimer120000: OnTimer180000: OnTimer240000: if (.eventstarted == 1) end; announce "The Baaam: "+.x+" minutes remaining before the bombring event starts!",bc_all; set .x, .x - 1; end; OnTimer290000: if (.eventstarted == 1) end; announce "The Baaam: 10 seconds before the bombring event starts!",bc_all; end; OnTimer300000: if (.eventstarted == 1) end; set .totalplayers, getmapusers ("quiz_02"); announce "The Baaam: "+.totalplayers+" players joined!",bc_all; announce "The Baaam: The bombring even has started! Ciao!",bc_all; hideonnpc "The Baaam#prt"; stopnpctimer; callsub OnEventStart1; end; OnEventStart1: set .totalplayers, getmapusers ("quiz_02"); mapannounce "quiz_02","The Baaam: Okay listen up, this is how it works.",bc_all; sleep 2000; mapannounce "quiz_02","The Baaam: Bombrings will run rampant in this area.",bc_all; sleep 2000; mapannounce "quiz_02","The Baaam: and all of them will go booooooom!",bc_all; sleep 2000; mapannounce "quiz_02","The Baaam: all you have to do is avoid them and stay alive :P",bc_all; sleep 2000; mapannounce "quiz_02","The Baaam: This will run for 30 seconds for 5 total rounds.",bc_all; sleep 2000; mapannounce "quiz_02","The Baaam: Sooooooooooo, ready or not here they come!!!", bc_all; for (set .round,1;.round <= 5;set .round, .round + 1) { set .totalplayers, getmapusers ("quiz_02"); callsub OnBombringSummon; sleep 10000; } if (.round > 5 && getmapusers("quiz_02") > 0){ hideoffnpc "The Baaam#qz"; mapannounce "quiz_02","The Baaam: Wooooow! That's rare! People won! :D",bc_all; } end; OnBombringSummon: mapannounce "quiz_02","The Baaam: Round "+.round+"!!",bc_all; set .eventstarted, 1; initnpctimer; while (.eventstarted == 1) { if ( (3 * .totalplayers) <= 60) areamonster "quiz_02",48,334,71,357,"Run for you life!",1904,3 * .totalplayers; else areamonster "quiz_02",48,334,71,357,"Run for you life!",1904,60; if(.round == 1) { sleep 4000; } else if (.round == 2) { sleep 3000; } else if (.round == 3) { sleep 2000; } else if (.round == 4) { sleep 1500; } else if (.round == 5) { sleep 1000; } } if (.eventstarted == 1) mapannounce "quiz_02","The Baaam: Round "+.round+" has finished!!",bc_all; if (.round < 5) mapannounce "quiz_02","The Baaam: Next round in 10 seconds.",bc_all; return; OnTimer31000: if (.eventstarted == 0) end; else set .eventstarted, 0; killmonsterall "quiz_02"; cleanmap "quiz_02"; stopnpctimer; end; OnPCDieEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) == "quiz_02") { mapannounce "quiz_02","The Baaam: "+strcharinfo(0)+" has been blown up!!",bc_all; dispbottom "You have received 100 CASHPOINTS for participating in this event."; set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 100; warp "savepoint",0,0; if (getmapusers("quiz_02") <= 1) { stopnpctimer; set .eventstarted, 0; set .round, 6; killmonsterall "quiz_02"; cleanmap "quiz_02"; hideoffnpc "The Baaam#qz"; mapannounce "quiz_02","The Baaam: Alright! We have a winner!!",bc_all; } } end; OnGMStop: set .eventstarted, 0; set .round, 6; killmonsterall "quiz_02"; cleanmap "quiz_02"; hideoffnpc "The Baaam#qz"; end; } quiz_02,59,345,5 script The Baaam#qz 856,{ mes "[The Baaam]"; mes "Ha! You were really good back there!"; mes "Here's a token for entertaining me."; next; mes "^00FF00You received 250 CASHPOINTS!"; mes "You have received ^00FF00"+getitemname($bombring_reward)+"^000000!"; set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 250; getitem $bombring_reward,1; next; mes "[The Baaam]"; mes "Now get out of here before I make you explode!"; next; atcommand "@go 0"; end; } prontera,153,182,5 script The Baaam#prt 879,{ mes "[The Baaam]"; mes "Hi! Wanna join the Bombring event?"; switch(select("Yes!:What is it about?:Nah, not interested.")) { case 1: mes "[The Baaam]"; mes "Alright! Get ready!"; next; warp "quiz_02",59,345; break; case 2: mes "[The Baaam]"; mes "Well all you have to do is stay alive."; mes "That is by dodging exploding ^00FF00Bombrings^000000!"; next; mes "[The Baaam]"; mes "If you win, you will get:"; mes "1x ^00FF00250 CASHPOINTS^000000!"; mes "1x ^00FF00"+getitemname($bombring_reward)+"^000000!"; close; break; case 3: mes "[The Baaam]"; mes "Alright, see you around!"; close; break; } end; OnInit: hideonnpc "The Baaam#prt"; }
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