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  1. Tanlor's post in ADD Rops was marked as the answer   
    //By Brian //http://rathena.org/board/user/237-brian/ prontera,156,178,4 script ChangeMe 910,{ if (getgmlevel() < 10) end; set .@AID, getcharid(3); // save their RID mes "Hello GM"; mes "Enter the char's name:"; input .@name$; query_sql "SELECT `account_id`,`name` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '"+escape_sql(.@name$)+"'", .@account_id,.@name$; if (!.@account_id) { mes "^FF0000 This player doesn't exist!"; close; } mes "How many cash point would you like give to^0000FF " + .@name$ + "^000000?"; input .@amt; if (.@amt < 1) { mes "^FF0000 Amount must be positive."; close; } mes " "; mes "Give "+.@amt+" cash points to "+.@name$+"?"; if(select("Yes:No")==2) close; if (attachrid(.@account_id)) { set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + .@amt; dispbottom "Gained "+.@amt+" cash points. Total "+#CASHPOINTS+" points"; } else { query_sql "SELECT COUNT(`account_id`) FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE `str`='#CASHPOINTS' AND `account_id`='"+.@account_id+"'", .@update; if (.@update) query_sql "UPDATE `global_reg_value` SET `value` = (CAST(`value` AS UNSIGNED)+'"+.@amt+"') WHERE `str`='#CASHPOINTS' AND `account_id`='"+.@account_id+"'"; else query_sql "INSERT INTO `global_reg_value` (`str`,`value`,`type`,`account_id`) VALUES ('#CASHPOINTS',"+.@amt+",2,"+.@account_id+")"; } attachrid(.@AID); mes "Gave "+.@amt+" cash points to "+.@name$+"."; announce "GM "+strcharinfo(0)+" gave to "+.@name$+" "+.@amt+" Cash Points",bc_all; close; } Try it.
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