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ADM Skull

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About ADM Skull

  • Birthday 05/23/1999

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  • Github: L30Z1nnNzZ
  • Discord: Tyrfir
  • Interests
    Ragnarok and more.

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  1. //Update 2023 rAthena Server You goin to ``data/luaFIle514/lua file/service_korea/ExternalSettings_kr.lub`` and set you IP adress -- Change the "AssistAddr" to your IP AssistAddr = ""
  2. Hello i again, some of you have the custom item wings of injured morroc ? or the masc of duneyrr?
  3. Hello guys, how are you? So, I have a problem with build my auto patch for update my DATA folder, the tutorial what have in YouTube don't help me, I always have problem because, my database is the XAMPP, and no have tutorial what make patch in XAMPP, someone of you can help me ? all of you its very good
  4. sorry, i dont speak english correctly, i'm from Brazil, more because i go equip this item and show me mensege speak i can't equip this item because i don't meet the requiriment thanks for attention and patience.
  5. because i go equiped this item, fallow wich i dont request the meet ?
  6. thank's guy help me wich = ID,Name,Name,Type,Price,Sell,Weight,ATK,DEF,Range,Slot,Job,Upper,Gender,Loc,wLV,eLV,Refineable,View,{ Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script } i dont know the script of wing and i dont know the type. obrigado, eu vou verificar thank' man, help me witch ID,Name,Name,Type,Price,Sell,Weight,ATK,DEF,Range,Slot,Job,Upper,Gender,Loc,wLV,eLV,Refineable,View,{ Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script } you is on god.
  7. ok, i dont know with add a reputation on you
  8. então galera, 2ªv vez já, preciso de ajuda com o seguinte, adicionei um item no meu ragnarok, ate ai tudo bem, mas quando eu abro o game que do @item 1800 que é o ID do item ele vem pro inventario como aparece na imagem de nome ERRO 1, em seguida quando eu tento equipalo aparece os erros de nome ERRO 2 E 3, se alguém poder me ajudar ficarei muito grato. So, guys, I need help with the following, adding an item to my ragnarok, so that's fine, but when I open the game I do @item 1800 which is the Item ID it comes to inventory as it appears in the image of name ERROR 1, then when I try computers it appears the errors of name ERROR 2 AND 3, if you can help me I will be very grateful.
  9. bom galera, sou novato aqui mas eu queria uma ajuda, não estou conseguindo mudar o level base para 260, do emulador rAthena aparece a mensagem que n pode ser mudado que a minimo é 0 e o maximo é 175, e eu quero colocar 260 pra full pvp sem classes 3rd, tbm n consigo desabilitar as classes 3rd, alguem pode me ajudar ? TO ONLINE 24H Well, I'm new here but I wanted a help, I'm not able to change the base level to 260, the emulator rAthena appears the message that n can be changed that the minimum is 0 and the maximum is 175, and I want to put 260 to full pvp without classes 3rd, tbm can not disable classes 3rd, can anyone help me? I'M IS ONLINE 24H client.conf job_exp.txt
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